The de senectute, de amicitia, paradoxa, and somnium scipionis of Cicero ...

발행: 1848년

분량: 370페이지


분류: 미분류


ronian. Me veriorem consularum. His strat consulinimia meant.


in the Roman Mnate, reliq-, qui in Africa Mitaremi umbras mi itare, Scipionem vigere.''-Ut avi reliquias persequare M That ou


Senea. In Sparta the senate a calle theremuria, or Aasembryo Eldera, and ita member γεροντες Tho Sparta γερσεσω included tho tWolinga, Who ero ita presidenta, and consisted of thiri mem-berari and the king themaelves a sar a thei Votes ero con- Dernet, ranked meret aa ordinar senators. his in nervo tothrow light o the expression amplissimum magistriaum, Which, as employed in the texi, comprehenda the ings also. Externa. hinga relatincto soreig landa. ' quivalent to hiatoriam extem


Cedo. Tel us Way. 'ohe singula so the plura eddite, justa me nometimes fin age sor agite, acinite pro Leg. Manil. 14: Age vero eonsiderate. he line in in textris taken stomthe old post Naevius, an is a comi iambio tetrameter acatalectio, or octonarius, conataring of mur meaaurea, or eight Rei. The scan-nincia a solio :

Si enim pereontaetitur, &o. For Boetherput the question, finxit in the ludus es aevius,' s. e. sor auo is the question putb somo os the character in the oomed of aevius, entille dua V or the School. Naevius Wa one of the early Roma poeta, havin been bomisome here bet en 274 and 26 B. C. He Waseontemporary therelare, Wit Cato though much the older of tho tWo. Naevius composed tragedies, comedies, and alno an epic poemon tho Firet Punic War, during the latis partis Whic contos hoha persorme militar service.-Proveniebant oratores misi, &o. There camo sori a cropis demagogues of lo 'irth, socis, mero striplinga.' Observe that nostri here equivalent to ignobiles. εhave place a comma aster stulti Withmadui and Nauch, hichrendera in lino a more emphatio ne an produces a vecte os paralleliam et se stulti an adolescentuli Lambinus, inate difproseriebant oratores, gives provehebantur ad rea rom a single ΜS., but thorain Wit this change violatea the motre. The verae is ammio trochai tetrameter catalectio, in hic noe icto bo pro. nouncedis a monosyllabis, as in Plautus m. iii. I, 30:


rei re is here equivalent in arimo et memoria eo rehendere. Seliuis, Lea Cic. a. v. -Lysimachum salutare inerum. Mama

honoribus funguntur et magistratus erunt V an consul Brut. 8I,


M The indipua a Colonus' Οἰδίπου - Κολ-- . The subjectis in planis the deat os indipus, in the nove of the Eumenides, at


Ex agro Sabino. Cato Waa bom a Tuaculum, a municipia in nos Latium; ut he ho mas et a very oung man, the deat of his ather ut his in maneasionis a mali hereditar eatate in the


fruetum semet ipso inde eoae capturos.'

Seri arbores dio Thia line is commoni rea an arrange raso Wa: erit arborea qua alteri saevio prostent, andri me adopt thiam in correct som of the verae, it ean in os courae, be acanne asan iambis trimeter even accordin to the comis acale, Without vi latin the metre, and wmmuat comerio in una oldabio convivatonina Cicero quotes here Irom Statius Wit ut regarding an metri- ovi arrangementis tho orda, and consequontly that thia quotation


niro. The mo ure in iambio trimeter. In in fim lino depol iapionounce a a diasyllabis, an forma a spondee an in the third diu beoomea a monosyllabie so incino lauer half os a spondeo:


leaeentia majore nam vereri, eaeque his deligere optimo et probaMisa -a, qtiorum consilio atque auetoritate meatur. -Sed videtis, ut &o.