The de senectute, de amicitia, paradoxa, and somnium scipionis of Cicero ...

발행: 1848년

분량: 370페이지


분류: 미분류


Have octe hard. V o orare in soro of the premattion incomposition.

non tam isti laeerti sunt mortui, quam tu ipse mortuus es, nugato .


THE DE SENECTUTE. 55 mansuriat, an particulam celebratae sor his mor on the wolvo Meis, entilled ripartita, o Ius Elianum M a eo ut B.C. Im, With Quinctius Flamininua. Ennius complimenta him in the weu-known line quote is Cicero de Oras. i. 46 remaeordatus homo Catua AEliu Serius.' - Ti. Cortineanitia Tiberiua Coruncanius, the celabrate juriat, viready mentione in e v. i., 15 - P. Crassus Publiua Liciniua ramus, nother eminent juriat, an distinguiabed, alno, sor hia knowledge of tho pontificia Iam He a consul it C. Cassiua Longinus, B. C. III, anet enly-one ear besor in deat os Cato. Honco the term minis, Iate,' in the texi, whio ino a that he uat notae conso dedWit P. Licinius Crasaua, Who Was consul Wit the elder Africanus,

Metuo M. Consult Zumpi,4 633. Merum. Consul note on boni lateribus,' chap. V.,4 14.-Omnino canorum illud, M. In generat, that musical diati inea os ulteranom peculiaret in or tor is cleari percopiissile, ' &c. Observe in employment of thoneuter adjective so the noun, namely, anorum illud sor eanιus ille; and wit regatario the expression uaeu compare Orat. 18 Est in dicendo etiam quidam cantus bacurior V-c. nnos. mire en γε s.' Cato a noW in his eloty-sturin year.-Sed tamen est,&c. But, even is this musical distincinea be lost,hstill thoenunciationis one advanoe in eam is gracessit, vim an aub-duod V observo the limiting effectis sed tamen aster a generat aa- sertio expresse by mnino, an compare the explanationis Fac-oiolati Sed utcunque canorum illud am1ttatur, tamen,'' o Themis, heres e, an admisato in se tamen that the eanorum illud maybe lostis age. paa. fritaeis' Conua. Neat,'' i. e. melian cisari arranged Correcti expreaae in the me Version

Quam si ipse exsequi nequeas, o. Is hoWeVer,ao ma notis mel ablorio accomplis thia, stilloommam verit in Our po ter to par instructionis a Scipio an a Laelius, i. e, e nis ho--Π


ine prope diacharge of every duty. The Gree Verato has α ιν ela 4παν καθῆκον. - . et P. Scipiones. netua an Publius Sciseis. V Theae two individuata ere bruthera, and diatinguiahed them-aelves by a series of brilliant victorie in Spat ove tho Carthaginiana The both et in batile, B. C. 211. Cneius a theriather of Scimo Nasica Optimus, and Publiua of the eide Asricanus.-L. AEmidius e P. Africanus. The L. milius Paulua hers meant in the ono that tost his life at Cannae. Hi son, L. Smilius Paulus

Μacedonicus, in conqueror o Macedonia, Wa theriather of milianus, o Scipio Africanu the younger L. Emilius Was, therelare, the natura grandiuther of the ounge Africanus, and the lder Africanus his grandlathe by tho oura os adoption. ence inse resalon in the texi aut tui duo.-Comitiati. BD auite.' It a clavorii es Roman custom so the younger Romana in thadays of the spublic in attendipo an sorin the retinue os distinguished men, and thus practicali acquire the rudimenta fitates-manahi and war. e ulli bonarum artium, M. a nome micti


from that talandri Asrica.- navi in Hispania Cato obtaincto the conaulisi in B. G. 196 When iniri'nine eam old, and obtaincta Hitheri in sortia provinco. In his Spania eam ignine exhibito militar geniua os a very h. ordor. - Tribunus militaria Cicero is aureoaed by many is have made a alio mistis hero. ainoe, mordiu in Livn xxxvi. IT , Cato M on thia occaaion α

the Romana brohe through his ulmata, an cut to pisce or dia- persed his army. Liv. xxxVi. 16.HNee a leti Neither has ithurie in to the Mound,' i. e. so in enseeNe me that I can notatand upright without support. ori desiderat. A mea no mina. The ver sameaea in Whic this diacourae in supposed is havsbeen delivered, Cato prevasse um the senate, notWithatanding the oppositionis Scipio Nasica, to determine pon the destructionos Carthage. on rostra Aster hia cenaorahip the publio lis os Cato a spent chien in forensio contesta, aenatorial debatea, andapeeche to the eoplo. In the very laat ea os his lis he ino a conspicuoua par in the righteoua, but unauccesssul, prosecution os S. Sulpicius Galba, sortia flagrantimach os lait to ard the Lusitani. Cato mad a poWereulis ech on thia occasio againa Galba, an insertexit in the sevent book of his origines, a se lava ormontha bosor hia death. Cic. Brutus, 23. - Clientes. Conault Plutarch, Uit. M. Maj. o. II. Mature fieri senem, &c. come a vi man oon, Dyoumis to e an old man long. Oh true meaning os the provere is that is, Wia toclea a Ionilist, me should acquire and practice in ur out inoae virium Whic aro more generali obaerve invi men, namely, moderation, temperance, c., an vie ed in this Ito etho maxim is an excellent one Cato, hoWeyer choosea inunderatand tho provere in a Ver different sense, a meaning that me uot in be aparing of Ouraeivea in early liis, an intermit all


moment of the auriunctive here the relatives in equivalent in ut ei in consequenoe of the domonstrative implied in tho protoua

clauae, the oonatruelion in the fame a nemo talia adhue eonu

Titus Pontius is mentione ala in the troatis de Finibus i. 33, but

Olympiae. At Olympia. V Olympia, in Elia, a the place sorhesding the colobrate Olympio gamea It a notis citri but tho


apes tuus astrua Marinisaa. Tha anceatra meat o mum, Marinisaa s. e. that meat of mur adoptive grandatre Africanus,

and of yo self ala a me repreaentativo of the lineis tho Scipios. Minima, hingis Numidia ha prove a Ver valvabis allyrio tho

Romana againat Carthage, and beoam connecte mith in Roman eommander Africanus in aeder by the ties of hospitali . o-ginis anno natus Thia Was the extentis asinissa' existenco. Some minoritiea ho ever, mise him is have live sor a stili longor period. Compare uiar ad Liv. Epit. 60 Horem ingressus iter pedibus sit. M That, Whenae has et outrum auoumero mo ' s. e. is he aeta ut &o. The meaning of the whol sentencoris, matit Was indisserent to him hether he Walaed or rode.-Summam esse in eo ieeitatem, doc at there is in him in greates apare saand activitros ramo, and that amording , he diachamea in hiam nperson ait the duties an iunctions os a ving.V Daiecitas eorporisia meant a pare muscula habitis rame, produce is a reodom romamaa humora, and connected With active habita os Me. Itaque. Equivalent here to atque ua. Consul Nauest, ad loe. oteat igitur exercitiais, no minima retaine in an extraordinar degre his


As described by Caecilius obaeris that ista here denotea contempl. Zumpi, 70I. -Deliratio. Dotage.' The derivatio of this ord is a sollama: lirareri in som a d ima surroWV lira, and of courno, in aratra bidine is deviation rom thia a calle deliratio, and thono the metaphoricalisage of the more. In laci, thia a gloword expreMea the wholmo the atoic dogma thy the mad to virtuo in a atrato line, and every deviation rom it equali criminil



mate, sapientia, dignitate antecedentes observamua veremur autem,

quorum imperata, ut ingenui homines, facimus, ut liberi parentum.' Mos piarius et diseiplina. The sagea an discipline os ourri

ine ineinber of o 'sionaehola.' Consul Gemhard a note in de lance of thia reading, against the objectiona os Graevius. originum. The resereno icto Cato' historica worcentuled the origines,V of whic mentio has atready bee made Thesecon and thir book treate os in origi of the Italia towna

industry putting the finishin han to,V i. e. Dam o 'it allmaalbis induatry, preparinisor publication. Cato test ebin himone hundred and fift orationa, hic Were existin in the time os Cicero, though almos entiret neglected. vi a seW fragmenta