장음표시 사용
illustrioua men in the early historros ibo republic II Waaiora B C TI, in the midat os inmatruinis attonding in Liuiuia Iama. In B.C. 34sae semed a militar tritano in the arm os in consul L. Furiua Camillus, in his eam im againat the Gaula, and obtained
L. Caecillio Metino conuult obap. ix. 30. tui Calatino Amius Atilius Calatinus, a distinguiabe Roma genera in the nrat Punio war, bo wao tWice consul B. C. 258 and 264 an oneo dictator B. C. 24s . e ma appotnte dictator so the purpose of earrying on the war in Sicily in the place of Claudius Glyciasn pinothingis importano Maocoompli e durin his dictator ip, hic is remareablmondrior Ming therars instanc in Romanii
In omni oratione. In mery diacouramon this Bubjeci,' se . Mosten a Ddis urae o the subjectis es age. Equivalent totum
aeo the orce of the plures in fundamentis, as indicating a mund tion lai by long an repeate labor in the cause of Viriue. Comatituta sit. The subjunctive, becauae the accusative mith tho infinitive precedes. Zumpto 645, a. -Miseram sae senectutem deo. That that id age mas a minerable ne hic auove to defenditae si morda,'' i. e. that he a a miserable vi man, indoed, Whoae provioua lis atood in need os an apology, and Who mulo notelaim the desereno an respect of othere is a ess-πent ouo. Observe in emplomentis the auriunctive, the conatruotion Mi
equivalent to talem aeneetutem, ut verbis et oras e ad sui defensionem
the old man.' Assurgi. To have them is besore a. V Theresereno reppeam tote particulari to the ea re ahoWito age is in spectator at public exhibitions &o.-Deduci, reduci. Tole corteo fram ou homea, tot conductediae to the fame,' s. e. , t be accompanie is a crow of friend an client imgoin stomour homen to the forum and in returning smintho fame. Thi Waa common marcos honor rendere is clientario their patrons, andis politica partisanario inest lavoriis candidatea Here ho ver,it is a eompliment paidio age and Wisdom. Consul Diet. Ant. a. v. Deduetores. -Consuli. The resereno i in lagal ad ico particularly. Comparo Cte. De Orat. i. 45. - Optime morata. M BEM regulated. Laeedaemonem eam sive this mith relli an many editore Μωvi an othera hoWever, preser Lacedaemone.-Tantum tribu, tur. Ia a much respectishomn.' Ludia The resereno is tost great statival of thoianathenaea. Consul Dici Ant. s. v. Theatrum. The Theatro os Bacchus, o the outheaatem id os in eminenc on hic atoo the bulldinga os tho Acropolis. In magno conserati Thiri thousan persona coaedrae eate on ho ne a orthia theatre.-Certo in loe eonsederant. The lower aeris
in tho theatre, ac inc iter adapted sor hearing an Meing, ero naidem the mos honor te, and theresore appropriate in thotio magistratea, the prieais, and the aenate. In a par of theae natalso soreim amba adora. The age Athenian theresore, o inqpreaent oceanis sat a by a large portis of the audieno besors
142 seqq.- Me recta essent. The subjunctive, o Meount of tho accusative it the infinitivo hic precedea Multa in nostro eo Ierio praelam. here re many excellent regulations inmur eo lege os augura. ' Suppi auorum, and consul Dicit Ant. a. v. CODIegium, an Augur. De quo agimus M' Whic relate to tho nuru jectyos Whic, mare novareating. Senserasiae principatum. Theprecedisce in deliverinthia opinion. Honore anteeedentibua thoae Who me more elevated in potnt of civit preserment,' a. e. Who
Anxii. Continuali disquieted,' s. e. uneas an I arda thopresent, and apprehensiVe a rea ota the future. Compam the ex. planation os Gemhard Instantibus malis trepidant; intelli futura vehemente metuunt V-Dium a. timuit in have dealinga with. t. e. hard in plastae, unfriendly orvm in moria conatitutiona,' s. e. theae are the oonstitutiona imperfectiona of the manin hom tbe reside, o Meceasar desecta, inae rabie stomotis
Quid igitur timeam die. Compam Ttiae Disp. i. 11 Quomodo igitur aut eur inrtem reuum tibi videri dicis, qua aut beatos nos e it,a- is manentibua aut non misero aena einentes V Quamquam.
luet.-Mena, et ratio, et oririlium. Mood uenae, an rellection, and jungment. '-Nullae omnino iustate essent. Compare the e Hanationis Faccitati: omina enim eo sciati sunt in ivitates nauis e prudentia a somm.' Quod uti ea erimen enectutisy
Cum in optimo sui meo M. Porcius Cato Licinianuaria meant, the sonis the oensor by hia fimi Wis Licinia, and of Whom . have Hready mken. ster ervinci th amy, he appeam tot rei vote himself to the practice os the lam in hie he attaine to oonsiderable eminenoe. ΗΘ die When praetor deaignatus, about B.C. 152, a se Isara fore his ather.-Exspeetatis ad amplissimam dignitatem. Who mere expecte to attain to the highest presediment, ' i. e. Who ha by thei merita give riae to the expectationthat the would attain on da to the loeat honor of the state. The individuata allude to ere tho tW youngerisona o L. mibiua Paulus, an hal brother of the ounge Africanua. ne sitiem, twelve ear os ago, die oni sive da fore his ather'striumph over eraeua, hin os acedonia, and the ther, o teen years os age, three day oni aster the triumph. The Iosa Was allthe severar, sinoe Emili mad n otherisona lexto care his namedown to materit1.-Quod idem. - Whic amo thing. -Eo meliore oonditione. S mue in botteris V
Quid est in hominis ita diu. Compare Tuae Div. i. M. Da enim supremum tempus. For, HIO ah higheat period,'' i. e. thehioeat number of yeara.-Tartessiorum. The arte lana oecupied the district ealle Tartanaua in Spain, at the mout of the Baetis orouadHquiver. Ita capital accordi Motur teri, muat have been
Daden, - Carie; ut the potat is involved in great uncertainu.
Cicero vive uis in sinowin tranatatis of them in his uaculanDisputationarii. 4s :
Mors mea ne area lacrymia linquam amicis Minorem, ut celebrent funera eum gemisti.