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M Cum eo quaFtum eo uti adinae uulua mitia ad Capuam profectuasum, quintoque anno pos ad Tarentum quaestor deinde caedilia, qua μ-- μοι factus sum prator.' Thero is no doub hatove that
istine time of the tribune . Cincius Alimentum B.C. 204ὶ, and notond reade a pereon to laxe anathinis iis Mina in Noading aomae, but applied ala in gista in gonerat Iimiting in the latior e e
Hannibal, is ut thir ara os age henimentem Italy, and in his orty-so in ear Whon hocles that counto an returnod is Carthage.-Familiaria noster. When Cato, Who had fille thoimoso quaestor unde Solpio Africanua in the war against Cartham Waamtumin home, he ound Enniua in Sardinia, becam amuainted with his hio poWora, and brought him in hi trai to Romo, hereho eve aster live . term os intimae Wit Cato an other om nent me of the d . Unus komo nobis, &o. Theae are the samoua linea es Ennius ia
ri Maximus ille ea, tosin nobis eunetando restitui rem.' Lira ala remana xxx. 26 Si nihil eartis eat, quam unum hominem nobis cunetando rem restituisse, te ut Ennius ait V Compare Column ad Enn. Fragm. p. 8. nctando An ali ion to the auream Cuneta or give to Fabius o account of his cautioua and Wis dela in carrying on tho M against Hannibal. Restituit rem Restored the state.' Rem sor rempublieam. The militar talenta os Fabius mere not perhaps, of the hi est order butae underetoo beyon alliis contemporarie in natur of tho auuggle the genius o Hannibal, and tho dia- positionis himown countrymen. Cicero say trutro him Rep. i., I Bevum Funisum secundum enosasit,' a more appropriate eulogytha thia os Ennius aincomaroelius and Scipio reatore the rem norio ita innitar eminence Whereas Fabius maderit capsilem reatoration ita, Diet. Biogr. p. 93. HNon enim rumore8,-o. Foris place no disparagin reporis bosor the aset os hiae nim,' i. e. he menti steadilrpursuinihi plans so the sala of his country, and diaregarde est the secret rumor an disparag- in reporta hic more circulate concerning him, and whic a 'thel hia dilatom movementa to coWardice. observe stat the proses mi expression mouldie non enim rumore anteponebat saluti.
Ergo postque magisque, &c The idearis ibim Ergo et post obitumviri gloria claruit, et magis etiam hae etate claret, quam quum viveret.
Tarentum vero, &e Tarentum macta n by treachery, a bothiam and Plutarch insom us. Elther, theresore, Cato is made to reser heroeso om other account os ita capture, in elae, though hupisce a reoovore stom in Carib iniana in the wayuuat me tioned there Was mom, neveriheleas for the exerciae os vigilantia' an consilium.' Salinatori There is an error here o thepar of Cicero. The Liviu Who commanded the citadet os arentum, M. Livina Macatua Lis. xxvii. 26 Plui. Uit. Fab. 23, no C. Liviua Salinator. The fame error occura in tho De Orat. li., 67, 273.-- opera Aster the toW ha been ta n by the a
thaginiana, he had ne sor refuge into the cit ei, whichie maintained notWilbatandingrati the attempta os Hannibal to dialoda: him.
Thia waa in B.C. 228. ut the tribuneahi os Flaminius an his agraria lammere laurae a later, accordine is Polybiuariti. 21 so that Cicero appeam to hau made an error her vim. Indein, his Maismen Mara improbabilitron the ver sacelsit mr Wo knowthat in B.C. 227 C. Flaminium a praetor; and the aristocratio pany, .hic he had irreconcitabi offende is his agraria lam, oestauret neve have suffero him tote electe praetor the very yearane his tribun h. Smuli' Diet. Biso. Vol ii. P. 166. HAgrum Picentem et Gallieum viritim viridenti. Proposin is divido in Picene and Gallio territory among ali in plebeianaxmani man. Obaeos the soroe of the present participi diuidenti, Whiem comes equivalent here in divisuro, o dividi jubenti. The territory referretto Ia partimin Picenum an partiramong the Galli Senonemon thoooaat os Umbria The ΜSS. My bet en Picentem an Picenum Both Hema and Piemus are in uae; ut on the prouent occasion thct mercia tot presened, aince, in addition to S. authori , it hanthe expreaa eat ony of the grammaria Charisiua in ita favor
Doerales. Isocrates oelebrate Attio rhetorician, om
mna obiactabatur. Et aera quidem in ala enim sunt ausa curaeneerua misera videatur.V-Contemplar animo. The ver eonum orpro ri applies, as Festus remaris, is an augur maring obaeo tinna in the heavens. hen it has acin the present inatanee,
An in qua juventute gerunitur, &e. Iacit no stomahoas thalam performe by Dung me and by physical atrengin ' observo horo the empi mentis an, here a pre diu interrogation inust be supplied by the mita, and wheretur id in require the insertion
THE DE AEENECTUTE. 43andis serjachao single individuvia Tho Matina resereno in C. Luscinius Fabriciua, thoareat opponent of Pyrrhus the econd in M'. Mani DCurius Dentatua, Who distinguiahe himaeis a mellis in primitive simplici of hia habita a by his martihmo rationa against in Samnites, Sabinea, and in Pyrrhua; the hird, in Tib nua Coruncantua a contempora is Curiua an Fabriciua, anda distinguiahed Roma pontimand juriat Cicero, Who osten aounda
hin pruinea, amari of him in ne of thos extraordinar pereonam a greatnea Waa Win to a specia Providence. N. D. ii., 66. - - . . . . defendebant. Observe here the emplayment of eum