The de senectute, de amicitia, paradoxa, and somnium scipionis of Cicero ...

발행: 1848년

분량: 370페이지


분류: 미분류


nnd os learning,V i. e , anni med studieario puraue stom hic it manderive aliment sordiaeis-Ο - Tranquil, i. e. De stomati public carea an emNoymenis. Mori ris Almos hilli avis' A figurative expremion to denote the mos rigi and untiring application.-C. Gallum. Thctreserenoe is to C. Sulpicius Gallus, of Whom Cicero amina, in se erat passagea in term of the himeat pratae. e had a more pedi sectano Iedge os Gree than an manis his time: he wa a di tinguiahe orator; a remactable also sor hia knowledge of M-tronom and his inimi calculatin eclipaea; and was altogether apersonis an elegant an resine mine. In B C. 168 eoed astribune os the solatera in the arm of hia mend L. AEmitiua Paulus, wit Whos permissio h on da Maemble the troops, an annotinceda them that o a cer ain tot an at a certain hour, an eclipse of the Oo was Min to tali place He exhorte themno to e Marmed an notrio regar itis a Rarsul prodigy and When, at the predicte moment, the eclipse occurred, the oldieraalmos moriniped the Wisdom os Gallus. atris tui L. Emilius Paulus. Quoties illum lux, &c. momone has in lirat of daynu rised his, aster havingiem at night to trace ut nome mat, ematica figure.' LiteraIU to trace ut o delineale nomething. The ver deseribere is here employed in iis mathematteal Benae, namely, to trace ut figures, or diagrams, in the and ordust, Wit in radius, or M. The furisorm os expression Ouidine δε- acribere radio aliquid, i. e. formas in visere. The reserenoe, ofcourae, lario both mathematicia an astronomicia aludiea.


the presenti sage in lalter surtherin, in ne stilaeaea sarmentia.

s propa, the yοking togetheris the topa os ineae, the binding up of the vinea, and thei propagationi layers.' The vinea mong the Romana ere traine euher alon propa orarees latior man


Equivalem to nam et longior faetua tim. et2e is Wron in explaining it by an ellipsis of aetate. M'. Curius. antua Curius Dentatus, almad referre to. e triumphe ove the Samnites, Sabines, an Pyrrhus in B.C. 275. When the war Waa rought to aelose, he retired to his lam in the country of the Sabinea, Where hospent the mainde ostia lise, an devoted himaeis to agriculture, though stili ready to serve his countr When needed sor in B.C. 272 he was investe Wit the censorahip.-Non longe a me. Cato,it,ill e remembered, inherite aramal estate in the Sabine territory. - havmoVen a me, Wit miget, relli, advig, an othera os the beat editora Gernhard, Biner ch, &c., preser a mea, ut a me is docidedi the more elegant reading. The solio in authorities mill setile the oint Terent. Phorm. V., 'I, anus, fratra egressa meo;' Id. Eunueh. iii , 6, 64 Eamus ad me C Id. mav t t. iii. I, 90 A me nescio quia exiit ς' Cic. Or pro Mil. hi Ir Deserti Clodius ad se in Albanum;V Id. De Fato v. Macrob., Sat. li. 12 Quum esset apud se ad Lasernum Seipio.''Temporum disciplinam. rie simple habita os the times. aeo that diaeiplina has here a force Ome hat analogoua in eo auetudo. Fomellini, indeed minea it directi equivalent to thiar 'pro eo uetudine, qua quia ex disciplina imbutua est.'' d Deum a denti. Acoordinito tho common version Pine tory the Samnito ambasaadora mundiim mastin turni .


occupasae interemia.


s. Xenophontis libri Aocordin to Cicero Tuae Diap. it., 26, thct Cyromedia of Xenophon a the favorii reading of Scipio Astiea


brate Sparta commander in the Peloponnesian M. The dato os in narrativo ove in in text Waa B. C. 407, When lanandormas nentiu to auceeed Cratesippida in the command of the neet, th Spartana, ascit ould appear, havin been induce in appotnthim, partimbecaus his abilit marhed him a fit to copo it AD oibiades, an parti stat thermio hau in advantage of his pe- eulia talenta os supple diplomacrat tholourtis Cymaetho oungar.-Vir summa virtutis. The refersnoo herociario abili is merit, noto mora virtus, in hic Iaat the character of Lysander, particularly deficient. Compare Com. Nep., Uu a. i. 1 M LP uander Laee monitia magnam reliqui suifamam, magis felicitas quam

virtute partam.

Sardis. Accusative plures, o Sardes Sardia, the ancient ea ita of Lydia, at the lao os the northera alope of Μοunt Tmolus, ando the Rive Pactolus, mas in residenos, at thia time, of Cyrus, RS atrap.-Sociis. The eloponnesiana, an other alatea hichhad consederate againat tho Athenians. Communem. . Affabis. ' Compare the Gree κοινος. The ordinary textias eomem, a much inferior reading though retained by Erneati Xenophon, in his re- Iation os in amir has αλλα re Φίλοφρονεῖσθα Cicero, homere throughout his Whole version of the story rendera Xenophon's Grein very reely, accordrn to his usual custom, adding ome thinga, omitting thera, and retrenching thers Quendam conseptum agrum Xenophon alia thia τιν ἐν Σάρdeσι παράδεισον, the pactat Sardia.