장음표시 사용
in emperora regula Eo via vere pened - Sumta virili toga.
Cum saepe multa. a Beter correcurremaris, me inua be care-
sal notrio suppi memini here, but narrare illam de C. Loesio. omita in melio sedentem. Whil autin in his emicircular aeat athome. Byraevia elium hi ικυκλιον is meantis aemicircula Mat it a bach sor reclining an uae is Purposes of conversation, sincerit could accommodate everat. I Wa emplayed particularly by the old. Compare Plutarch Uu. Vte , p. 63I,4ὶ νέους ἐν παλαιοτροις, κω γέροντας ἐν ἐργωτηρίοις ad χροκυκλίοις συγκαθεζομέ-ν c. elmoth erroneoual rendera in tem aemicircularasariment.' Midere is eum sermonem. Fel um that subjectos conversation. Oh allusion is to the enmit bet se Sulpiciua an Pompeius.-Utebare multum. om ero ver intimate With. Anicia, the ovain os Atticus, a marrie in Marcus Servius, thabrotheris Sulpicius. Com. Nep. Fit Att. V., Q. HCapitali odio a Q. Pompeio dissideret Separate in deadlyiatred rom Quintus Pompeius.' The aliuato icto Q. Pompeius Rusua, Who Wa con- aut along Wit Sulla, B.C. 88. Publius Sulpicius mas tribune os the
memorabis one of the - - Idonea mihi alii persona via est. The haracter of Laelius appeare in m a sui table ne,' et e , Laeliua appeare in m a uitabis haracter. ivvivia Supplyfuisse. eminisset obaeo the emplument of the subjunctim,
νον in dimover mur omni tria in that os the true friend.
common textisupplies vera, but inimis mantin in the beat ΜSS., an is ala ad implied in sunt. Compam in Gree ἔστι rasis. -Sed existimare debea Laelius mustio suppoaed is have rem hodto Fannius an Mucius that he regarde tho Math of Afrisanna Man irreparabis Ioas in the state, an idea Whie Fannius Metario di munienanoe by maintaining that Laelius himael icth very manis suppου his place, and that too in the opinion es all. prevant. Alludiunt hi sumammos Sapiens, a Miser o the Prudent, Which, it neema, he had speciallyae ive sortia sorbearanoe, nisi ne in denistinc mine attemptra procure a r division the late demeanes, and Whie sumamo hi a sequent career both in public an private had sis confirmed. Thia ame distinotion. --do. In Iato Dara.' me inuato icto Cato tho Censor, hodied in his eight fifth year, B.C. IV, and oonsequently, tWent Mars bestre in present conversatio is suppone is havet en place Henee eram that modo, like nuper, mox, and proxime, marti maderio reser is a considerable intervat o timo. Comparemusing. De Off. ii. 2I, 76 HL. Atilium L. Atiliua, a Romanummi, ho received tua tuis of Sapiens rom hic o leda of tho Roman Iam, and was the firat individualis Whom in psopia malo dahat appellation. Heri num Mao have lived in tho middis os the stath centur of the ony. Atilius Wrois emunentarie on thelaw of the welve Tabios. Cis. D Lee. n. 23 minece. μει. r. Rom. I26. Prudens in jure eisili. Miseri ou civit eodo,' i. e. in Roman
In atricinem, homoer, the accusative Wit in invitive vere do-
TRE DE AMICITIA. 20sto a Wound inflicted. Obaei e that the aubjunctive is here employodo account of the accusative missi in infinitive. Zum , AEM H
Mihi tantum tribui. Thatis much a Warde unis me,' i. ., stat solio an opinion menteriained os my character.-Facis amice. 'et a stisndi par in thia,'' i. e. in hiis opinion Whichoo suγγη the mori enteriain os in character ia an obligin proos osyοur menduhip. Non reete judieas de Catone. Referring to What Fannius had sald of him in m. Mortem Ilii tulit. Conavit m S nectute, chap. xxiii. λ13. Laelius here prataea in Cato the verything hic the lalter commenda in Fabius aximus. De Sen. ,e p. iv. 5. -Paulum. Emilius Paulus ΜMedonicus, the conqueror of Ρerseus, Whodoat his tWoIounge sona mithin a se dayaο each other. Compare the De Senee , chap. xla.. 68. HGallum. Alludin to C. Sulpiciua Gallus, of Whom mention is made in the
More literassy, aha it fared gloriouad With him.' - Quod ille minima putabat. M an idea Michae is no means enteriai d.' Immortalitatem. tota exemptio sto death.' For a litera transi tim, Buppi corporis.-Continuo Misaeens. Ininaediatet stom hiayoum.' Continuo a a Very forcibi expression it properisimpli ea both the commencemen and the continuance of a thing it co nectamne period ostimo With another, and denotea inmuninterrupted an continue approach os a bodydromine polatis time in another. Barker, ad loe. -Superasit. Ment sarieyond.V-Qui consudatum petiit nunquam c. Scipio, at in age of thirty-ai 'hen a candi. date so the aedileahip was unanimoual electe conavi so the year 147 B. C., though in lamsul age so the conaulin. Was sori three. Henc the langu mos the text. M primum ante tempus.' Thia, during the thir Punic War, an he was immediates sent into AD rica to command the Roma laresa. ia command of the amy
itine the secondine M auo tempore' Asue tempus. Besore the leges period,' s. e. the age of sori' three.-Sibi auo tempore. M A the prope period, a sar a regama himself,V s. e. aster the regula intervia prescribe is laW. Reipia lis paene ero. M one almost too late so the republic, i. e. inconaequence of the disgrace hic the succemsul desince of mantia, noW in the eight year os ita lege had rouot um t Roman arma. De moritiis faetutinis his mos assabie man-nera.' Pietate in matrem. e presente his mother Papiria, afterher divorco stomata sather, Wit in inheritance hic he had received rom Emilia, his adoptive grandmother, and the widomo Africanus the Uder.-Liberalitate in sorores. Aster the deathis P piria, hen the inheritance Whic he had beato e o her amobae in his, he presente i in his Wo latera.-Bonitiae in suos. Os his iantaeas tomata hi male relatives. one instance of this, he beatomo onaia Elde brother, Q. Fabiua arimua, his o n
Compare Weinet, sive fortunam spectas, sive gloriam.' Moriendi autem a sum, o Aster Some violent debate relative to the distributionis the public landa, in Whic Scipio opposed the popularpar , he went quietly home, accompanted by the aenate, and a great number os Latina an Roman alliea. In the evening he went into his bedroom With in intentio of Writin a speec iste deliveredine sollamin moming. ut in the morainche was ound dea in his bed. n investigation into the cause of hia Math Wan prevented by the multitude, and the event remiane a aecret. Publio opinion minis&out many Who mere auspected of having in dered his, and in hoarieat a picion et upo Papirius Carbo. Appian Bessi
cap. i. Is A. o. Populo Romano No the Io er ordera, but thowealthier an more distinguia d portio of the commona, or in other morda, in boni esses.' in ea tam auo dignitatis gradu, &o.
Laelius meana that there M ut aratu, a it,ere, stom Scipio's elevated atation to the ariea.
his. Neque enim Maentior sis, o Laeliua here alluden to tho doctrin aes in Epicureana, hichiadiso lanc fore thia Men introdue cla Rome. e must notriheres B, a some do reser the term nuperto Epicurus himaeis, sine he nourished a ut two centuriea emis Laeliua. tua apud me a quorum. . e adVancea here two a gumenta in savor of the immortalit of tho ovi, ne derive stomtho opinion of the early Romana in other Irom tho authorit ofine Pythagorean a mellis of Socratea.-Tam religiosa jura. Mighta a sacre in thei nature,' i. e. the right os buriat, Q. Comparo Tuae Diap. i. Is HNihil ad eos pertinere. That nothinx of at this pertained to them,' t. e. that the dea were in noWay concerne in theae.-Uel eorum qui in hae terra fueru- lamn to the Italicis Pythagorean achool, homo oni bellavel in the immortalit os in novi, ut in ita migratio into various dies. aemram Graeiam. agna Graecia a an appellationuaed in dea nate in mustem partis Italy, in consequence of thctnumero and nourishing colonies Which Were munded by the molia in that par of the peninsula. ristituata et praeviis avia erudiarunt. The Pythagorean philosoph produce a very beneficia chango in the mores and mannera os agna Graecia.-Uel ejus, qui &o. AD Iumcto Socrates. Compare De Seneet. Hi . 78. -- non tum Me tum illud, &.c. Who didrio assert avone time this, at another that o the present subject), ache was accustome tota in moat cases.' Suppi dieebat aster illud. Nothin disparagin is heromeant in allusion is meret to the o-calle iron of Socrates, whic the Madomica astemard moulded into thei εππη, or sua nato os judment.-Sed idem. Som editor ad dicebat aster idem, and omit it in the Merioua clauae. isque Vala naer conjecturea aqua, in his Diviri . p. 55.
Quasi rasaeiret Acis he had a preMntiment of his approac, in late. ' Philus L. Furius Philucia meant, ho a consul B.C. 136, missi Sextua Atilius Serranua. A contemporar os theyounge Scipio an os Laelius, hilus participate mit them in a Iove sororee litoratur an refinement. ΗΘ a particulari Oelebrate so the puri Mith whichio apine hi mother-tongue. ei introduce is Cicero a one of the amisera in his, hic -
publiea.-Manilius Mantuamanilius, ino juriat. ecia mentione is Pomponius With .mucius, pontifex maximua, and Brutus; and Pomponius ealla them the three munder os the Ius Cisite. Howas consul in B. C. 149, When the thir Punic War commenced, and h an hi colleague L. Marcius Censorinus, made an attaccon Carthago, an burae in Carthaginia nee in ight of the et . Lav. u. xlix. -Disserui de rem M. This imaginar conve nation formed the subjectis in dialogue orareatis De Republiea, re vered by at in 1822.-Cujus di rutationis eatremum. The Llusion lario the Somnium Scipionia. n quiete per visum. Duringa viaion in his aleep.' Id si is est. Is it e true.' Moerere Me eis eventu. move at thia hic has besallen himp s. e. at an Vent attended Mith auch happreonaeque pario himself-na seriora. The Epi
in supra dixi. Compare chap. iii. II. ecum incommodius. M Mincia a harderisue.' Suppi aetum eat. Quia eum Scipione vixerim. The subjunctive in here emploedis account of ridear
hic preosdea. Conjuncta cura. Α unite care. V-Communia. Mere in common. - untauum, studiorum, c. The mos pedisere unanimit inmur inclinationa, ursurauita, our sentimenis.' Modo ommemoravit. Compare oh . it., Fatia prasertim. Especiali acu i untrue,V i. e. unmerited.-Mihi eo magis eateordi. meliota me the more.V-Tria aut quatuor nominantur,