The de senectute, de amicitia, paradoxa, and somnium scipionis of Cicero ...

발행: 1848년

분량: 370페이지


분류: 미분류


paris unguia est extrema para ipsis unguis ad visum realeatur.' --


Ex infinita a istate dio. ut os the immense metet of thohumanaace Whic nature heravi has unite togother, the cane Mabeen a contracted, and brouot milhi narro. limita.

omnium dimnarum, &o. perfeci uniforinit os opinion mallsubjecta of a divine and human nature, unite Wit mutuat ealeeman affection.' Compam in commen mentis chapter Vii. Bestiarum hoc quidem extremum est Thia laat, indeed, apportat to the brutea. ' The reserenos a to the indulgenceis sensual gravifications a implied in voluptates. Compare the paraphrase of

Wetzel: Quod extremum, ererem loco nominavi, voluptaa, hoc imquam beluarum est, beluis dignum eat, non homine.''-Qui autem in sirtute, &c. The Academio an Peripatetica me meant. Com


ciprocatinivinoea os a stiend,' t. e. Without a stiendis Mose reciprocatin vindnea an fidelit ono a confidenti repone. Μany os the commentator regare these Worda, rom Qua non amicito tecum inclusive a an additiones quotation stom Ennius. Compare eier, ad lac , an C. G. Iacob, ad Lucian. TOX. ProtegOm. P. xxi. Wε have presened howeVer, ouoming the authoritros Oressi, an assigning them to Cicero.-Conquisseat. The subjunctive iath truo readinchere, notabe indicative becauae the relative clauae containa meret the enunciationis a supposed case.-Quid dulcius, quam hMere, c. Beautissilireviarge uponi Seneca De Tranq.

are in genera adapto eachrior specificisnus. 'ohe idea os thewhole clauae is thia: very the objectis human deatre i confined Withi certain specifio an determinate limita beyond which


THE DE AEMICITIA. 21 a simila obnervation, an remaris that opes in employed by thopumat writ rario denoto that pomer Whichisonaiata in Irienda, olbenta, relationa, an popular sa Crombie Gymnaa. i. p. 130. Res plurimis continet. Embraces muriciis aphere many enda,'' i. e. ia adapted by ita naturo sor an infinite number os disserent enda. taque non aqua, he. his clauae in incorreeur inted in ali thoedition prior to that os Semeri. There inovi nota adussistopaster molesta eri, but meret a comma, ince me ham here, novanindependent though aut one intimates conneeted Wit What procedes, an sormium acu mere, a more delasse exposition os thesme. Itaque t resore muni notis regarie hersis a particis marring a conclusion, butis equivalent meminis it que, an in this ea ot,' or, a Suffert endem it, , cinis aerii ielit,' Mund in os .' Ut aiunt Theae, da reser in aqua anu tot meminio to the entire proposition and indicate thsaiah in .hlehiheae two elementa re regarde in popular parianoe, namely, ast is in more indive abis thinga sor phyaloia existence Coinpare tho men-known formula, aqua et igni interdicere, M a sentenceos banishment. -Qui pauet nominantur. vi a se of Whom am

nam spem prataeει,-o. It illuminea the path in ston osmo hope a regatas the future,' s. e , it dispela the gloom matovercanta tho mino, an enoourages the ope of happier timea. have retaine here the common reading, and tho expresalon comes a poetical one, lihe many thera that miratio minie out in this expositioni Laelius. Ernesti ho ever, Whom,etzel and othera solioW, reada ba- spe depending on prae in composition. Oressi retiana in common reading, hic ia likemiae ive and

defende is GraeViua Exemplar aliquod counte Rrt.' Egentea abundant. Becauae the morer armat de by the iober, homasenatona os frienda being in common. Compare De Ost , i , I 6. --ιvi uisunt. The idearis that both must continue to exist solon ameither of thom ahal remes alive. enevolentu conjunctionem. Tho union reaulting rom mutua good steling. ' Minua


motion os hodie existed in the a tem os nature, an in the -- chiner of in universo, Me producedi a principis os friendisiporisdiscora.' Literasy, etontracted mendah. Matisred discora.'The verae o Empedocleario hic Laelius here alludes have been preservexis Sextus Empiricus. Adv. mys. ix. Io. Compare, alao, Diogenea Laertiun viii. 76. siquod os latum ramis amis. an instanee of servios lenesmon the partis a frien has μει sente iiset to the viem.' Observo that exstiti has hero the larea os apparuit. Qui elamores, o What plaudita mors latebraiaed throug ut

the whol theatre '' npHydaeti sunt. B emearis meant them te interior os an ancient theatre. 2 f. Pacuvii. Pacuvius, ne of tho mos celebrate of the early Roman tragediana, mac ma ut B.C. 220, a Brundinium. e a the non os the sister os Ennius.-Cum ignorante rem, &c. The Haro Pacuvius referredis in the teri a thoii. restes, and the pari that excite a much applauae mamine contea belWeen the two frienda reate an ΡΡlades, Who ad gone in obodience to the advice of Apollo, to the Tauri Chersoneae, here Thoas, ling. Here the were Miged by the natives in ordo in Misacrifice to Diana, ocordin to thscualom of the country, and the riendi altercation thereupo armeheiwem inomina to'hic of theri Orestes. Compareitc., De Fin. V. 22 63. -na vi erat. Asine actuald Waa. -Mahtes plaudebant, dic. M acene prove so excitin that th audiencerose rom heu sata, an applauded a the at d.-rim suam. The idearis, stat it is nature hic forma stiendahipa, and that, is nature bo neglected, o friendisi ea be table. Manut. ad loe.)-Qui ista disputant. M Who mahe thone thinga express auriecta os discussion. V me reserario the philosopher os the dv.


Vim Me quidem est a steri Thia, indeed i offering positivo violencel' i. e. thiacis resain me beyon ali pomer os resis,

me quidem. Referring to the beatoming and receiving of hindnes es, a just mentioned - Sed antiquior, et pulchrior, But, Whether there tot not e, at the fame time, a more deeri seMed, and a nobler, an a different motis originatinii ou very


enis and thei Muring. 428. Ad diligendum. therio in os one another. - C. Fabricii, M'. Curii Comparo De Seneci. chap. i. I8.-Sp. Cassium, Sp. Matium. Both of theae mere charge With plottin againat thontato The sun nam of the forme ma Spurius Maius Viscelli,nua, andio a thrown doWisrom the Tarpeian Roch, Α.V.C. 268. Lis..ii. 44. The latis has viready been mentione in tho De

In hoste. An, sor exampla in Pyrrhus.-Quibuscum usu corijuncti, Mo. sit Whom, haverit iniurio emtote connected by the

in him the least qualificatio sor it,' a. e. the who sin in the aelvo th greateat desecta ouldie in best qualisiectis Engage in

this hin os connection.


is Gerahard Conditio Moria eat, in qua re uxoria agitur, seu res quae ad dueendum pertinet, et contentio rei inoria est, cum duo eandem uxorem poscurit.' Lalefactari. Supri eam. optimis quibusque, Ate Thanx contem sor preserment andriam in the case of mehbeat pereon.


Macedonicus Cicero minea mentionis him in the Brutus, xxi., 2, here, among the thinga, he remarus Osaim: Fuit onais cisis, et fortis, et imprimis Graccho molestus, quod indieat Graechi in eum reaitis; sun etiam in Gracelium Tuberonia.' a uatibusquo anu- eis. other frienda finis Wn age.' C. Blossius Cumanua. Caius Blossiua of Cumae.' The Blossian famil Was a nobi onein Campania.-Q. aderam Gnati et Rupilio 4co. ire Θnt in counci unis the consula Laenas and Rupilius,' i. e. Wh satin councilla an asaeasor alanx ith in conaula. Laelius Was oneos the meanores, or assistant judges, ominia occasion P. Popiliua Laena an P. Rupilius Wem cousula Α.V.C. 622 B.C. 132.-Tanti

quenoe, therem , of thia insane conductin his pari, and alamed atine amminimentis an extraordinar commistion to try him , c. The ordinar judges mere the praetora; ut in delinquencie againat .hie no partieularcia mad provide in the present instance , in cogniEance of the charge a delegate in speciat uises, Theae omine occation here alludis to mere the consula and thou sesso s. d hostea ae eontulit He sed to Aristonicus, ringis Pergamua, Who ma themat war With in Romana. Plut , it T.

Gracch. c. 20. -Poenas reipublico graves, c. When Aristonicus

was conqueredishorti aster this Blossius put amen to his own liso sordearis falliniinto in hand of the Romana. Pitit. l. c. Nam eum conciliatriae, o For, Sinoe an opinion os virtuo in another has been the means of cementinistiendShip.