The de senectute, de amicitia, paradoxa, and somnium scipionis of Cicero ...

발행: 1848년

분량: 370페이지


분류: 미분류


Sustinere. To reatrain.'' Impetum benevolentia. e meanathe impulse of mahing into ui arma os amem mendo fore We have, in ome degre a least, ut his mora qualification to the eat. Quo utamur, &o. Observe that quo is here the conjunction notthe relative pronoun, a tot makecit.-In parva pecunia. Iuth case of a ama sum os money. -Permctuntur quam sint leves. An imitatis of the Gree constructio sor perspicitur quam lanea sint quidam. Cognoscuntur. Mare mundisui. -Imperia. om-mand of armiea. V otestates. Civit authori .' Opes. Politica innuence.V-Proposita sint. Mare place besor the view.V


Simplicem et communem et onsentientem. That an individual horia finis, an open, and of iste tum os min Wit ouraelves. 'Simpliseincia here oppone to multiplex in the a modin sentence. With regare to communem compare De Seneci. Ohap. Vii., is. a respecta eo entienιem, ompare the language of Sallust Cat. XX.): Nam idem velle atque nolle, ea demum Irma amicitia est.' Multi lex ingenium et tortuosum. mit an crooked tum of mind. turaque eonsentit. An docta not agre in disposition.' Ut ne re minitio, c. Hat he netineri delirate With bringing chargos against a friene,' t. e. be either cap te of tisin ancill-natured satisfactio in reprehending the milite os his friend. Quod initio dixi. Compare chap. V., 18. ac duo tenere. o hol to these, principies of action. -Ingenui. mant spirit. --am fronte oceuuare aententiam. Thana atris totidemne saevi sen- timenta unde a amoeshirom. Literalty by means of the brow. -Aliquid ab amico esse molatum. mat ome ulmos amit has Me violate is a stiend.V-Tristitia autem et in omni re severit , &c. Gloom ho ever, and aeveritron very occasio haV eaoh, indoed, an atris gravit thrown around it,' i. e. Me ach properenouo sor a personis grave character. Observe here What gram- mariana term the superstuous uae os ille adde to quidem, an com


oua. In politica he M opposed in his rother, and Wa chigharistocrat, hic Wil account sor his intimae Wit the oungerAsrioanua. - Q. Maximum, fratrem. Scipio' elde brother Madopte is Q. Fabius, im , an came Q. Fabiuamaximus


is omit it Othera rea eam. In fabiaia: etzel instancea indipus, Cyrus, Parin Romulus, M. n famulatu. In a mental conditum. V Umetua enim ingenii et virtutis Thiaria the conatruction

hic is o non miata ni modern Latiniata, Wh au titute sorine genitivo in premauio ex mit tho ablative.

In amicitia; eonjunctionisque neeessitudine. In the et e relationos mendahi and intimate union,' i. e. Whon Mosely relate eithermariendani or an other intimat union Semeri resera e ---umis to consanguini ; ut Gemhard mit more proprie , to ths is contubereti hospiιii, ollegii assinitatis, anguinis;' that is, notmervi oonsanguini , ut an other cloae an intimate union. Quorum plerique. and yet, most of these. -Aut etiam et obrant. Or even indulge in ope remonstrance againat aestiend).' - Sitictere se putant, &c. I the thin that the have omethinginthei siclo, hic tho an sa has been done in a ealous and mendi visit, and with some degre of toti on thei pari,' s. e. istheroa polatrio nome trait o frien hi in hic the have manifeste thoi geat, thei attachment, and their Wiuingnes io encoum ter labor. Odiosum an genus hominum. Νει an interjectionalelmae, as Bisser in maintains, but in apposition, ather, With, rique, as Senseri correcti remarys.


constructio eos eos Misere necessarios. Compare Mineri, ad loe.-

Iure vetustatis. Throuo the right os old acquaintanee '' editio quodam modo Goeren supplies here curandi. The me Ilipsis, hoWever, is mereb regligendi non sunt in themense os diligendi stivi. Aluer am ιαε, c. The idea intende to e conveyed is his, that meremur early attachmenta theciuat oundation os amity, itwouldae impossibi sor the union Verrio be permanent, sincemur inclinationa an purauita tali a disserent tum a W advanco into

nesti objectario distantia, and thinis that me ah Id ea here dissensio. tria true the substantive distantia occura nombere elae in Cicero still, homever, iuria suffciently defended by the emplamento distare and distanc Orat. X. 34 Quid enim tam distana quam a severitara omita '' a Wollisa by the analogros diaerepantis and


rativo, Wit regatari Whio consul Kraba, Ans,larb. a. s. Impedias magnas filitiae amisineum. Μa provo prejudicia is important interest of our menda,'' i. e. may μου extremel Pr judicia to thei interesta. - Troum Neoptolemvia capere poeulaati.

Accordin to the legond it ad been prophesie is Helenus that Neoptolemus, themiae calle Pyrrhus, the non o Achilles, and Philoctetes it tho arrow of Hereulaa, Wem ne saar so thotaking of my. Soph. Phil. II5. Lycomedes ring of Scyros, the maloma grandiuthor of the oung Warrior, Wiahe in preventhim stomaoin to the Trojan war Lange an Emeati findis dissi.

cult here, aince What is state in the present passam revectingNeoptolemus, is, a these critio maintain auid elaewhere of Aehil- Iea. The objection, homeum, is a laebis ne in much a the pre Ence of both atherandion ma necessar sontho capture of the civ. Compare misel, ad loe. -Ber suum. His joume to Troy asterino deat of Achilles. Magna res. Important occasiona. - mdiseedendum sit ab amicis that a separation romisne another Irienda becomes necessary. V Desiderium. Tho absenoe of theother.'-1nfirmus mollisque. Wsa and unmanly.

inuisi quaedam ealamitas. hine os calamity acit mere.' Observo that quasi is here added, Momae cadamita properi denotes storm that Iaya lamine alatha cadamihos corn.-In dimittendis. In renouncing.V d aruleares amicitias. To ordinar friend- ips, ' i. e. to that lo er apecie of friendshipa whiel occur in thoordinary intercourae of the moria. tria in these Mone that suo a Maalamitas 'can occur, Since the obter alliances of the Wis and goo admit no rapture of the kind. enco the peculiar orce of enim at the beginning of the clause, an ala of the expression oratio


cauae I amae pro Ny m n Metellua evouaed the cauae of L. Cotta, Who hae been Mouae is Africanus. Brut. 21, 41. - si ea nostro. urio ague in the augurat collego .' Scipio, Laelius, an Metellua mere an iure augura.-Utrumque egit graviter oco.

os personat inguen , and nominemea os maeniment V e have adopted in the claua auetoritare et ostensum animi no Meisa theexplanationis Suffert mgarda uina epexegeticaLos grauiseri Aa rogarda the circumstanc itavi in hiis in teri alludes, it maybo remacted inax Metellua alao on his pari conducted alia oppos, tion to Scipio mithout any bittera mor mali , and that he waa oneo in gravat his deam to recognis and acknowledge hia greatneas. 478. Exstinctae potius quam oppressae. Extinguiahe rather hanomined,V t. e. that the flammo friendisi inali appea to have been gradunt extinguished rather inan auddent an violenti amothe ed. ι hic hono veteri amicitiae tribuendus, &o. And thia honoria toto rendered to forme friendahip that heie in savit,' e. t. st, and w muat panthia compliment in forme frien hip namely, os receivin auch treatinent mithout mining an retum, aince by this sorbearance the reviter, an no the reviled, in appea the pereonthat mos deaerare tot condemned.-Una autio atque una prori aio. ne precaution, and one mode os providing against.'




Mituted. Compare tho explanationis Faceiolati: farimus Marea quod fariendum erat prius ς' and that of WMEei: Ἀ-κ olim isaaman aehon tange halte rati sinen V Thme remis aerum vere hanreserenoe, originalty in lega operationa, and accordiu is Dona- tua ad Terent. Ade A. ii. 2, 24 , relatea, properiri in On Who

Quamquam a multis, dec. Famiolati conjectures namque sor quamquam Whic Manutiva an Graevius even admit into in text. Allthe SS. ho ever give quamquam, and the whole dissicut 'in dia Marcis me meret connec thia alter term more cloael With What precedes than is done in mos editiona, hic mine a new enteno commonoe Wit quamquam inalea os placin meres aeolon aster eonsentiunt. Aa virtve sorma the basia os true mendabis,one Mould imagine that there movi alao M an undivide opinionis relation to thia quali , but it missio mund um examinatio that friendini alone Moy thia distinction. Uenduario quaedam. Ahin os idto parado.' Uendiratio properi denotea a aettingis ormeommendin os a thin intende so sale, and then, generatimany amoi a divi irridis para . Tenuis victu cultusque. A gal tablo an a plain modo of liis ' V m si inamaea deo. B