장음표시 사용
virtuo and good aenae.-riis communia. The ordinar commerosos list. --i ad aviarinam proxime accedunt. M Who approachmea
est in persection.' B sapientia is here meant the persect an a soluto isdom had in vis i in Stoic ecl. has. Papum Emilium. Q. Emitiua Mucia meant, Who Wa oonavi
Carbo Catua Cato, an his oWn brother Caium Gracchus , at that time, indeed by no meana active in the cauae , nomine the amomost ealo ly Engage themin, adopte in me urea os Tiberi Gracchus,' i. e. came, lihe his disturbor of tho publio repossan prostituis Irisndahi in evi purp--.-α Carbo Catua Papirius Carbo ma a contemporar an frion os Tiberina Gracchua. und When tribuno of the commona B.C. 131, he deplared tho dearuo that individua besor in mula, and Mirred them umby meanuos violent harangue againat the eide Africanua.-C. Cato Catua Porcius Cato, grandaonis Cato the Cenaor, an in his out a soblower of Tiberiua Gracchus ΗΘ a consul in B. C. 114, With Acilius Balbus. Caius frater Caria Gracchus Wa aervincimineam a Numantia, hilo Tiberi prosecutae hin agrarian me urea a Rome. The deat of his rothoronnemediim, and sor som time horioin no par in public assaim Subsequently ho evor, hele me a molli active promoter of the agrariamia n.
Regnum occupare eo tua eat, διο Thia Was the charge a moat
sala one, ho-Ver, Whio Waa mught against iam by the ariat oratio par , and unde color of Whichine a viaini Scipio Naai- ea and his aenatorial soliowera The Gargo a eam is have been Rundo on an aure repori, aprea by hia nemies that he had ara reti received a diadem and purpImrobe rom a m aenger, had armedarum Asia Wit the mill of Κing Attalus, and by Whichinat monarchinadiequeathedita hingdom and properi in the R man eople Cicero an other ancient,riter aro almay bi elis aristocratio rejudicea in spe ing of the Gracchi --Regnam is quidem, o Referrincto hiam ounde innueno at tho time mitti the eople. . Scipionem. . Comelius Scipio Mica Serapio, Who eaded, a bove mentioned the senatoria pari that alo Tiberius Gracchua Theseoplo emis exasperate a him sor hiaconductis thia occasio that the insulte iam a osten Mi ap- are in the at et o Rome. The aenam, i resore thought it advisablerio aendinimis an embaavrio Asia, although, a pontifex maximus, he could not properi qui Italy. In this hind of bania,
ment he Wandered, sor ome time stom placeo place a metu
Goly an dispirite exile, tillis longin gries putis endrio his lissi an obscure toW belonging to the territor os Pergamus. Plut., Uit T. Gracch. 21. - - Carbonem, &o. Carbo ia the ni imstance of merent be mund in the disgracesia recores of thia am
in aes aratron aueguain agninat in enomachment of the patruoiana.-Videre jam videor. V Mothinis Palmad aee.''-Pheres enim diseent, deo. e meana that there illi a greator number of tu hulent tribunea in trea in the Dotate AE Gracchus, thamo apisitedaenator in reais them. In republiea pereantibus V Whorare actio a criminal pari in thema of the republie.' A muis bester readin than in rempublieam. Co Memorat. Serm. I, 2, 3, and oonauit Beter ad loe. The
tera have of latetem togo, bis fame ibi , Perhaps, manat uomefuturo time actualint e place. V Quod resera in bat immediatolyprecedes, moly amicum, τε bellum pG Q inferentem, aequi. Itappears, smin aeverat oblique insinuatio Moattere inmughout this persormance, that althqugli Cicero' principia desim in dra incit to elue in true me ure an ossi a Da very important moria connection, et he had an indirect vie , likeWiae, to theia ticula principies of the times, and the circumstancea in Whic public assaim Mood Wheni composed me mork. The present passam evidenti glancea a the partisanam Iulius Caesar. Melmoth, adlae.
Cum autem eontrahat amicitiam, &o. men homever inany indicationis virtuo hine orth, unio hic a congeniat min&may appi an attas itaeis, it cementa a friendisip as I have above re-marhed.' The subjectis e trahat is properly the whole clause, si qua significatio virituis eluceait. ' Compar Cic. De Ora t. ii. , 51 Plus profrit, si proponitur apes Militatis futurae quam praeteriti bene si eommemoratio '-Ut supra dixi Compare chap. i. λ37.
sul Schula, Leg. Cic. s. v. 5. Ori enim tam utilita parta, &Q.
ri ea quemquam 4 sithout loving any one orieing himself love by an ono.' observe here the sommo ut illi in negative, and compare umpi, ias. The more literat version illis,
Quae de Camisitiam, doc Whic determine the measum os mendari by an equa amount of hin ossice an assection,' i e , hic determine the me ure of our assectio an hin ossicea is exacti proportioning them to the value an qualit me receive os Each.-me quidem est nimis erigue &c. Thia, indeed, lario su jec friendahip in too amati an narro a spirit, is mere calculation, in orde that the account os debita an credits may be ad tobalance,' i. e. that the debit an credit idea of the account, balanoe. - Ne quid excidait, c. Compare in remarco Balgae: Commestina dea risieres qui ne font amata an de Mensu quand
er' note o the present passage. Megae erit cupere et optare, &e.
This again is an uncii vie of the maximi Biaa. e does notmea that oneri in is that hia stiendisa prove his enomy, andibus amori iam an opportunumsor bre inpos 'ut that aman m tbe uini guar in the casei ordinam acquaintancea, leat auo a stat of thinga may oecur.
Ut ne quando ineriperemus. That me ah Id neve begin. ' O serve stat quando a sor aliquando. otius quam inlineuiarum deo. Rather tha that, inouid thin o any period of enmities,V . .,
and might aeem to justis tho auspicio that Cicero thought the