장음표시 사용
.hon Plautua an Naevi ia uaed iobesors him; and Quintilian
Ta- βε bue tam devium. So Pliant, a Veraatile.' Graeviuamgmata tenerum here in place of devium, and explain the eri eruas. - quid est, quod tam Deile possit vii ae frangis' ut thoo'mmon readia must stand devium ein equivalent, a meati
erum et gravem. Aram, inflexibis, an influentia man. omaeo that here, a lactinere, the idea os eight os charaeis Iisnat thesbaal of the term gravis, Whio is oppoae in leuis in the ν-
inat a person might be re-elected to the tribuneahima osten a thctpeos thought adviaable. I Wa a p.rte is Catua Gracchun, but strenuouia opposed by the ounge Africanus, and was desta ed.-Nihil de me Suppi dico. Dueem populi Romani, &o. That he wa the Ieader of the R man eopte no in mere sollamor of thei mili.' Scipio, o thinoccasion, though unus e populo that is, though a privatus, placeo himself, by the fores of hi eloquence, at in head of theseople animinie out to them in trus path, Irom hic the were bout tomander. came, therelare, a δημαγωγd in the hiraest aninobleat sense of the term an notisne of thoae populares Whoactoni object icto statis the stelinga of the multitude, and Nindlysollo thei mill and plerauro Compare Mystere, ad loe. Q. Maximo me alluato icto Q. Fabius axima Emilianus, eiderion o AEmitiua Paulus acedonicus, and who had been adopted into the Fabian amitras his Motheriad been into ibat of the Scipios. Compare chap. rix. . 69. - Consulibus Α.V.C. 60s B. C. 145. -α ieini Crassi Thia Crassus a a tribune os the commons B. C. 145, and proposed clam in prevent in colleges of prieata stommling up vacancies, and in transfer the election to theseople Themeasure mas deseated hoWever, by the speec os in the praetor, C. Laelius Sapiens. Brut. 21. -Ad populi beneficium transferebatur. as pro sed in e transferressito the favor of theseople,' i. ., the objectis in proposed law was to mahe thia a matteris popula favor at the comitia. tque is primus instituit, &o. me Mala therarat that brough in the custom os addrcaaing the eople
Quodsi in seena, id est, in oncto m, is o a publio Mago, that is in a public Maembly,' a. e. and D II by thia nam an a aemia os theseople. The termiseenaria here employed figurativelysor an publio place of action, an more particulari so the Mae- binos theseopte in theriorum, here the surgeatum iso the placo ost ei pitu. Compare orat. Sat. ii. I, 7I Quin ubi oe a vuleo
et acena in eoeta remorant' Where the Sehes Cruq explaina e abra publico conspectu an ala Cic. Ep. ad Brut. I, Ae mihi tum Brute, ineio rerum erat e natura, tun nunc popia et acena, ut dicitur, erviendum est V e amare quidem aut amari, &o. Not
but is apirio formisi h notionis himaeis of the lalter Laelius
and heno the apparently abrupi commenoement of tho scenae. bsmoat natura mode os au Uing the ellipata is is aisne tu Somo lana correcti regata a me here M an hiatorinia infinitive. The linoia atomimia abis trimeter, an is Mannexa si lamau
geraten. Vanitas. matterr ' ore literassy, emptineas, i. e. insimoeri . - Assentatione. Adulation V- Meora. Weis. ' The
amici e sentiant, eae diligant, et ata ea oriatanterque astu. ' uem.
m definition inven in the treatis De Finitrua ii , 24 Quid est
L. Paulum L. Emitiua Paulus Macedonicua, ne viready mentioned.-M. Catonem. . Porcius Cato the oenaor. C. Gab
os . Tullius Cicero, addisaso tomaroua Brutus.' The Brutus here referre in is in celebrate Marcus Iunia Brutua Rho comviro againat Iulius Caeaar. Undo this titte of Paradoae are comprehendeffata favoriis par doxea of the Stoica explaino in familia language, defende is popular argumenta, an ill ualed occasionalty is Tample derive stom contemporar history, is hic meana the are madethe vehiclea sor overi attacha po Crassus, Hortensius, an Lucullus, and lar vehement declamatio againat Clodius. hia uat noti vieme as a serious Work or ne hic the minor lamedi any the lio tha that os a mere eu,'esprit vera illa ipsa, qua via in gymm iis et in otio Stoici probavi, Iudens sonis incommunes locos,' praes) so the proposition ars mere philosophicia quibNea, and the argumenta is hic the areisuppone are palpably unaatisfactor an illogical, resolving themaelves into ab os it morda, o into inductio reatin um one o tW particulare ea in theorema nunciate sor demonstration ara I. That .hie, a morali inis MisaMνὶ in Ione mod ἀγαθινὶ s. Virtus aisne is requiriterio Mure happin a. a. ood and evit Meda ad- mitis no de se, i. e. vi erimen aro quiny Minous, ali virinoua aettona quasi meritorio . . Evor soci is a madman. . Thomis man alon is time, and ther ore, ver man re miseria aviave. i. The mamma Honori rieh. Tho resaee, Wbie is addre e to M. Brutua, .munt have been .ritis early in B.C. 46 sor Cato is a venis in suo term that . ea no do atili alive or at in Eventa, that imisuuenemo his sate had notae reacte Italy and there in via adistino inussion to the De Claris OrMoriam a viready publia d. But, amouin the o ring nompresente in calle parvum op-- lam,' theo aut os studio maeeuis during tho horter nimis