De vita et moribus Julii Agricolae et De Germania: Agricola and Germania;

발행: 1900년

분량: 392페이지


분류: 미분류


Ann. IV. 34, T. Livius, eloquentiae ac sis praeelarus in primis. Ann. III. 30 C. Sallustius eri in Romanori ni forenti8Simus auctor. VCp. Introd. Astr. P. XXi f., XXXVi. Vig. rastin III 57 . Germani intecti m renonibus corpus testunt, apparenti a mere echo DCaeSar. B. G. VI 21, 5 pellibus aut parvis renonum testu mentis utunt1 r ani fragm. 55, nomenque Damivium habet sc Istor ut ad Germanorum terras adstrinstit On the oureos o Sallusi' de situ Pontico, mong Whom PoSidoniuS RS ne, P. Milllentiosi, D. A. III. p. 75 ff. t a b observed that nei thorthe term Isterior renones estur in the Germania.

Epitoni Liv. Perlocha, k. 04 , at the eginning prima I ars libri situm Germaniae moresque continet, odoWed by the narrative of

Cp. Mi illentiosi, D. A. II. p. 125 ii. Cp. Introd. gr. P. XXXVi, nil note eli. 3, 1 f. 33, 15.



siderably greater obligation to the author discussod abovoythan the ovistone Wil Warrant iis in assuming there stili renaain a las O topies, and the are among the ostva vibi uni interestiti in the entire rentiso, vhieli areno so uehis alluded to in an of ur extant Oureos. Im0an the subj0et o Germani mythology, religiolis originS,aud ritual This information mus have besen basest ponthe rosearohe of Omo Seholar ho evotest poeta attention to topies of this inii, an cit is, the refore, not illiout signifieano that avitus, partieulari in these has ters, repea tedi refers, contrar to his sunt retioenee, O Somepreviolis authority. an his istuntityi diseovered Posidonius. - Alithough the supposition cloes no admito positivo proos, numerous indieations olearly oin toth Stolo Postvonius of Apamea as ne of the direet rindireet foureos of the Germania. This consummate soliolar, thecias and nox t Aristolle, perhaps the mos eneyelopaedi investigator in antiqui ,

I have d0signesti omitte the celebrate i Da of the orti by Agrippa, forcii it e true that Strabo, Mela Pliny, Ptolemaeus, anilother made an extensive uSe icit, Tacitus cannot also have fosso edit, a the irreconcitable div0rgetices in the nantes of tribes is suffcienti ProVe. Ma S ere Ver generali nece8Sibi at a comparativelyearly date, ascis clear iroin the way one Such is poken o in Prop. IV. V.), 3, 35 s. et disco qua parte svat vincendi SoraTe . . . Ostoret e tabula pictos ediscere mundos. It is probabi that Tacitus ainly

Marinus o Tyre, a contemporar geographer o distinction. p. Mulleuhofi l. e. III p. 9 ff. IV. 5 f. Cp. h. 2 6, adsistuant, adfirmant 3, 17, memorant, quidam opinantur eorum opinionibus accedo 9, 30, parum comperi. Accordin t a ui ethostis citation muci in Vogue among the anelenis, the latral S like ενιοι, φασέ anu the lik0, in reeli domo necessarilyimpi more than ne riter, tho plural number heing oite due to theauthorities cite in ille oure directi consul ted.


Iustu thse, stranti rom tho Samo Ounta in Varro, also, in iis monumental orti, entillest Antiquitates rerum humunarum et divinarum in orty-one books, Senoea, tho Oot Manilius, and a lato solae foui th oontury, Ammianus Marcel

The doctrine of the influendo i climate pota character is directlyattributostri Posidonius by Galen Though e carino De consideredit originator the genera familiarit mitti ille idea in later riter is probabi dii to im It is implied in Mola III. 3, 33, t caeli asperioris ita instenti of the Sarmatians and sp in Germ. 29, 1 f.,


Athsen. V. p. 53, Mullentioss, D. A. II. p. 153 i. intentupori provin that Caesar a the fit strio distinguisti th Celis romth Germans, is finalty riven to the arbitrar hypothesis that Athenaeus interpolate the nam into his dii seu citation froni Posidonius, an that Strabo, Valerius MaXimus, Velleius, and Diodorus ali antoni change the term Γαλαται, Κελτοι, O Galli, i ven in their SOurees, O Germani. But CaeSa was ah eady aequaintest illi tholaiter designation eior he neountsere German tribes, an as heregard the Cimbri and Teutones a Germanie nothin is more plausibi than that thoi great historian, Posidonius, ad done sotoo. p. CS Philol. LVIII. p. 29. Caesar ne biit e trans- Rhenishmeopte intimately, and ii se learly differsentiate thes ironi the selli Gauis it cloes no follo that he had dotormine the racialdistinetion O th German eoples a re hole, a Tacitus id on the strengthii ille sextensive information aliis disposai. a Plut Mar. 26. 3 See aboVe P. Xli.


Rome and reseco as familia to Caesar. This processinust, illo refor0, antedato the de Bello Gallico, ut i so, iliore i no ne Savo Posidonius, O hom it genera intro

tiret a seconii fand for tho hypothosis that aditus himsoli

B. G. VI. 17, 1 ff. 21, 2, here e ny that Mereury, Apollo, Mars, Jupiter, and Minerva ere the cloities orshipped by the auis, butini the uia Vulcan, and ille Moon by the Germans. Se notech. 9, 28. palis ad that aditus Atyises his molliost interpretatio Romana ch. 43 27 does no necessitate the RASumption iis Roman Ouree, forcit origin is unqu0stionabi Greela, a is vident rom the idontificationi Donor and tho Alci illi Hercules and the Diose tri notesch. 9 27 ; 43 25 s.), these od o demigod havin no fixod placein in Roman Pantheon. Proba ly horti alter Posidonius, Sonae Roman antiquari an substituto Iupiter o Hercules, and this genuine interpretatio Romana a Universali accepted a is lea froni the Fr. eudi Ionis dies by the id os serui. Donnerstast Donar sday), Engi Thurs lay. Satur lay Saturni dies also poliat to a Roman origin Tho Latin authorit may et havo been Varro, in his libri rerum divinarum, publi Ahod in 7 . o. anu dedicate to Caesar Posidonius as demonstrabi One of the foui ues of this great Work, and Tacitus may also have 00n indobtexto it, ut in mention- in Hercules, to the exclusion O Iupiter, he clearly follows the interpretatio Graeca.


consulte Varro, Aufidius Bassus, and MarinuS mas, S vel asither in no no longe aseertain able.


tion inipartsed in tho Germania is dii petiy onditioned by

ment of uel hieli an said o b inferenti improbableor incredibie Tho signifieane of this observation ill

tha this troatis is fauilless On the eontrary, it containsmara item o information hieli modern setiolarshil musta ejeu or, at east, modis ; ut in ver instanee lio error

5, 20 31, 2, 40, 14 46, 24 i.


Brita in Who quae non lum comperta eloquentia percoluere