A History of the Commandments of the Church

발행: 1915년

분량: 389페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


.a Conca. Arelate , e. Tvl. MANAI, t. XXIII, 1010-1011. Misthia intereatlag rexit inhibemus no oonfessorea hujusmodi qui mittuntur solummodo ad praedicta fit la a queation es Oppidat, per villaa et par hiaa dioecesia discurrentea generalibus parochlanorum eonti ionibus audiendia ae ooeupent, nisi de mandato praelati et Iieentia eurati, generalibus eons aionibus audiendis no duxerint oecupandoa; sed eoa ad proprios remittant inoordotes, et inalbua pro quibus mittuntur poenitentis absolvant '. Cone. Treviren. s1277' , III, n. 6, Mansi, t. XXIV, Iso sit providea a penalty for tho priuata adminiator the aaeramentos pena o Without the permission of the pastor ; Cone. -- Pontem Atidomari i127s , e. V, 3b., 222. 4 Si quia tamen alieno sacerdoti, vel allevi religioso, iusta de causa voluerit eonfiteri, licentiam primo matulat et obtineat a proprio sacerdote; ita tamen, quod semel ad minua in anno proprio aMerdoti pleno et integre sui dictum est, confiteatur 'Bynod. Oοι-Mn. I2803, 3 8. MANAI, t. XXIV, 365. ηο --ι. Roth---. i 12ss , e. vi. Manai, t. XXIV, 1206, Whita imposea iam tho conditiona deeroed by the Guneu es


munication to give communion or administer a other sacrament to the purishioners of Other' eS



M lumina es HosTIENSIS, De mentisnt. ει remiarion., no M. Ona, 1588, fol. 340 6, col. 2. Cf. tho texi of tho Gunen o Padua: Statuim , ut singuli plebant, Rectores, vicarii, et capellarii nostras Diomata de gravioribua seu majoribus auia pomatia oonfiteantur auo Decano: Decani nobis aut etiam Archidiacono, seu ita quoa eis dederimus confessores. De minoribua autem et venialibus confiteantur aliis inoerdotibus, prout sibi viderint a pedire, si suos commode accedera non possint confessores.' --ἀ


tieularly in the time of Sixtus IV, Paul III, Pius IV, Pius V, and Gregory XIII. And sines ins

eaMS, Who consequently had the fame rights as inspastor on ad the potnis included in their privileges. But it took a long time to come to an understand-

tinuod be,een the secular clero defending ths rights of the pastora, and tho monis dolanding their privileges. The Jesuits and Other religious congregations mere added to the mendicanta latoron. The Councit of Τrent simply stipulated thatali confessors should first os ali obtain the permission of the bishOP. In France, particularly, ins strumis Iasted forcenturies. Τhs Lateran decres obliged os Catholio Who Wished to M to confession to a therpriest, to obtain the permission of his pastor; insbishops somelimes added a neW restriction is sus


The PenaIties. he third part of the decres Omnis determined the penalties for disobedience;

they Were : exclusion from taurin during lus andarior doath : alioquin si vivens ab ingressu molesias arceatur, et moriens christiana careat sepultura.

spus of these penalties, and particularly that os


deacon or the ossiciat to grant this privilem by

s. 'Si quis ad minua semel in anno . . . RuRm eonfessionem . . .

potestatem habenti non fecerit sacerdoti, huic, at illo anno de a- aerit, quamvis confessionem faciat in extremis, nihilominus, auditoritate hujus eoncilii, ecclesiastica denegabitur sepultura, nisi foris aliqua legitima causa suadente, locorum archidiaconi autometales dio sanorum aepulturam hujusmodi duxerint indulgendam; ut alii hae poena deterriti ad tam salubris aacramenti remedium ferventiva studeant convolare.' Cono. Αεμα --rs. 12s2ὶ, c. xii. MANAI, t. XXIV, 1087. 67 Conriι. Bituri n. s1286ὶ, e. xiii. MANSI, ib., 631-632.


Christians against their negligende than to punish

cation ' priesis and above ad Pastore, to obtaintho texi of the Lateran decres and publiin it in ins


their annuat confession. Tho ons that haa su

vived longest is the refusal of ecclesiastical buriat. Τhis is stili mentioned in the ritual but With a very notabis attenuation; tho Milo Ahali be punishedonly u they have not gisen any signa os contrition before dying.


Summam. t is Very dissiculi in ascertain hommany times in a year, or in a series of years, the faithmi Were obliged to go in confession during the nrst centuries. The custom os annuat confession seema in haVe been introduced as a parallelto the rite os annuat public Penance, obserVed in Lent. This custom syread and became firmου es-


and finalty extended littis by litus to praetically

tinued opposition on the part of tho bishops and ths parochial clero, especialty in France. ris sanctions laid dom in ins third part of ths