De via militari Romanorum Egnatia, qua Illyricum, Macedonia et Thracia iungebantur dissertatio geographica scripsit Theophilus Luc. Fridericus Tafel

발행: 1842년

분량: 239페이지


분류: 미분류


very extensive, Arming severat long hut narrow atreets. Aa is common in this country,

hranthes os trees thrown aerosa the intermediato spaee. The dealera, as I havs aruready sialedi, ars prineipalty Greelia aud Jews, Mith a largo proportion os the lalternat ion. The ahopa aro Meil filled willi manufaelured gooda and coloniat produce; butin the display os jewelle , shax, is and the rielier artietes os oriental dress appearto be inferior, to those os Ioannina. In looking thro h the Bazara me observed agreat abundante os cavlaro ex posed to sale in the disserent aliops: the aturgeon, frum

Horum plurima in TIiessalonicensibus Anglo inulto uberius EXPosui.


vhIeh iliis Is obtaIned, is eanglit in the Blaeli Sea; and illo ea viare is hrought thenea in large quantity, sor the supply os tho Greelis, in disserent parta of Turkey, whomahe mueli use os illis article during the long sast prescribed by their religion

The Santa Sophia 'vas erected by the command os Iustinian; the modet os the edisies, though on a mueli larger aeale, heing the celebrated church os that nam e at Constantinopia, and Arthemius, the architect os both. There is something venerabis and imposing in illo approaeli to thia bullding. It standa in ilia midat os an area ahaded by cypros ios and other ancient trees; a large marbie launia in is opposite to the great do ors os the chureli; and detaehed portions os the original edisee, no in parily in arvinovs atate, are seen at intervata througii thου trees. Wε enlered tho interior os

the largo and losty dome whieli forma the most conspicuous Rature in the hvilding. Tho interior, in iis present state, exhibita but se in os iliose decorationa Whieli gava splendoue to the edisi eo in iis original eharaeter os a Greeh ehurch. A sori os atono rostrum, hoWever, is stlioWn hero reputed by the Christians os the eity to be iliat Dom .hiel, St. Paul preached to tho Thessalonians. I am note aware on vliat this tradition is Dunded. Pag. 317. The mosque, onee the Greeli ebureli os St. Demetrius, is os large siete, and remarhable sor ille number and beauty os the ancient columns whicti stip

Each, Bs weli as the roos, supported by a tier os columna passing round the chureli. The total number Ia said to be three hundred and fixiy. Somo os theso columns arsos marbis, Rome os vert - αntique, othera os sienito and a very beautilat porphyry. Wε visiled the stone sepulchre os St. Demetrius in a celi aloining the chureli, Wherea lamp is vept burning, ehiesly, as it seems, to enable tho Turk, vlio 8hens ille Plaee, to require a iam colas hom illo visitor of the tomb. St. Demetrius Waa ille patron saint os the eity, samed De his martyrdom, and sor variova miraeles Which


LXXVIII PROLEO OMEN Aoaro recorde d In tIis ByEant Ine history. A subterranean church ia connected With themosque, erected, it is sa id, on the fido os the de isti synagogue, M hero St. Paulpreaehed to the peoplo os Thessaloniea. Thero a re seis remaina in lilia piaes belonging to a more remo te antiquity. Α

triumphal gate, eree ted asier illo ballie os Philippi, in honoue os Augustus, has Ionita former splendove by heing made a pari or tbe modern Walla os the eity. A workos greater magnis cenee is a triumphat arcti os Roman bricli, cased mitti mathle, is hiehtraverses one os illo principat si reeis. This is sa id to have heeu erected in hono ueos Constantino itis Great. Originali v there Has a s mali aret, on eath side; but theseare now blocked up; and in other respecta the work is much desaeed by timo. Somasne has-relies groupes still, ho ever, rema in On the piers of the arch; one repre- sonting a triumphal procession; a Io ver eompariment describing the eventa os ab atlle; - the sculpture not Without a grod deal os spirit. In the middie os ih εeity, a singular ruined structu re is se eo, larining in iis present stato the en traneo lothe area os a Gree k hou se , - a Corinthian colonade, os whicli Aue columna no . re main, supporling an enlablature, ou Whicli are eorresponding pilagi res, si x seet in heiglit. On eael, fide ol illis upper eolonnade are taur figures in stili tengili, now solae desaeed by time, that it is not easy io ma ke out ali their charaetera. It seema probabio, ho ever, that three os tho se On one fide represent Victo , Baechus, and Ganymede; .hilo on the othee ars the figures os Leda and Ariadne, a mala figure, and that os a se aials in prosito. Thia edifice is suppo sed to havo been the enitanea os the anelent circus os Thessalonica; and is so, the alea os illa drea diali masaeredireeted by Theodosius. It is flat ed, though I know not on What authori ty, is haveheen bulli in the lime os Nero. It does not appear that the columna aver ex Geded

P. 3I8. o The walis os Salonica are Iosty and well butit. Tho ea sile sorma alare di tinet area, separated hom the city by a transverse mali, tho grealer part os .hicli onctos ure is either vacant, or oeeupied by irregular bui id iuga. At ita higheat pol ni glanda tho sortresa, gurmo unled by seven to wera, lihe that os the eapital of

Iuxuriant in his deseriplion or ilis se ireson the cori ut hian coloni ade os Salouim. De his v. Nos l. e. Psg. Iv - 176.


iaci I fiest notitia in the open space beetweon the est y and the sortresa, Where thereare many abrupi projections os ibis roth, exhibiting a great inelination os the strata. Tho mines os gold and silver near Philippi. and in other parta os Naeedonia, arementioned by varioua WHiera os antiquity. The population os Salonica, in iis present state, probably exceias aeventy.thousandsouis. I have heard ii estimated as high as ninely thouaand; but in this statementinere appears lo be some exaggeration. It is certain, however, that tho number os inhabitanis has heea muth increased villiin the last se years, oving in part to the extended commerce os ille plaee, parily to tho setilement os numerous emigranis Rhohave fled hither to aliun the power or the vengeanee os Ali Pastha. The populationis eomposed os Aur distinet classes, Turha, Greelis, Jewa and Franka; the last eoni- priring ali thosa inhabitanta Μho ara natives os uia other parta os Europe , Μ hether English, Freneh, Germans, or Italians. The Tutha probably sorm somewha Iesa


ilian tials ille M hole population os the eitD Though thus intermixod with other

communitios os people, ibey preserve ali tileir peculiar national liab iis, and a greaire Dellily os exerci sing iliem ilian liteir countrymen os Ioannina. In Walking tliroughihosa quartera ol Salonica, Whieli are chiessy inhabited b3 llieso people, Wo wera mora than onee exposed lo insuli Dom ille Foung Turhiali boys, Who, With tha aeis customed opprobrious epitheta, amused them selves by throwing stones at us. In aease of iliis Liud, it would have been fruilless to remonstrate, and dangerous to osserviolenee in relurn P. 320. TIte number os Greeli families in Saloniea Is said to bs about twothousaad. The greater part os illis population is engaged in commerce; and many os the Greeli merchanta resident Iiero, have aequirod considerabis property Dom this fource. The trade they earry on, is in some measure subordinate to that os the Frankmerellanta os Salonica; hut they have likewise extensive independent connections with Germany, ConAtantinople, Smyrna, Malla, and variova parta os Greeeo. They donot possess go mittit reputation in literaturo EA their eountrymen os Ioannina, o ingperhaps to the disserenee wllicli their siluation produces in the nature os their comis mercial concerns. I have visited, hoWever, tho housea os sonte os the Salonica meretianis, in Whieli there Where large collections os books, ineluding as weli thenomate literaturo as that os other paris os Europe. Salonica is ono os the Greehmetropolitan aees, to wllicli eiglit suffragan bishopries ara annexed. Tho Greelis havea number os ehurchea in the city, the principat os whieli is ealled the 1lotundo, rendered remarkable by the domes rising srom ita roos, and giving an ait os splendourto iis externat appearaneo.

The Iema sorm a largo portion os the population os the cisy, and the number os houses oecupied by this peopte is estimated at belween three and foue thousand. The communisy is of Spanisli deseent, and settied hera under cottain conditions os prointeelion and privilege, Whieli appeae to have been satililalty exoeuted on ille part ostiis Turks. Tho Iews of highee elasa oblata a Ii vel thood ehiessy as brohers, orretail - dealora in tho Bazars; tha greater number are employed as porters on thequays, and in other similae offices. They exhibit the fame active diligenee here aselse, hore; but the repute os fraudulent habits goes along with that oi indusi iand the Iewa os Salonica ara eharacteriaed in a saying os the couni , as a peoplembom it is the hvsineas os every stranger to avoid. 'γ, Tite Frank population os Salonica is eonfined to the lower quarter os thaeisy, but has Iaiterly been much extendod in number is the inereasing commerce otthe place.


Ultimus viatorum, cuius verba ipsa eum mota annotationibus supplementorum Tileain salonieensiuni instar repetam, e8t Carolus Eduardus Zacliariae, Heidet bernensis. Libri ab eo editi titulus est: De. E. Zacharia's, eorrespondirendon Mitgliedes dea aris

illustravi in Thessalonicensibiis P. 220 sq. Eetiolum Byzantinorum, de quo V. Nos in Thessnlonicensi hiis pag. 214. hi sere

Aeneae rudora utruerenda egse videntur. Castelli reliquiae siliounatu neculurn SPectant , ego non inveni.

Thessalonica Pag. 4 sqq.





ant richi et Hirde aber Weder der eine noth der andere Masa ab sile die Berechnungvana ala siclier heirachi et Merden. ε



De his omnis,na v. Thessalonitam p. 7-28. 'ὶ Thessaloniea, Prolere. PDg. I - CVix. bid. pag. 208 3 iti, Spectatur vero se- 1 3 Eusiathii opuscula pag. 267 - 307. eulum IV post, Chr. V. Nos ibidem.


Thessalonicen sitim evrvit hvs it,idem egi tu Proleg . P. XXX V., quibus nudo Proeo-Piu in histor. are. cap. I. , ubi narrat, ne lissi Ium, Iiis liniano impuratore clurum, habuisse coniugem, cuius Ruus et Pater aurigandi artem Cous lautinopoli et The Ralo vicao professi emul.

f Anthemiis veterum B gnificatur, e meri ridie ei vitulis nostrae. V. Thessalonicum Png. 255 sq. Et consentire Inceu in audio Thessalouicensi uui doctos.