장음표시 사용
standa, is good, Recording to the repori os the inhabitanis, even sor large vesseis. GDαIIo eontaina sive Iiundred houseat ita population consisto os Turri and Greeri, hut prineipalty os Turri. The greater part os the town is contained Miihin ille Malla os ille etiadet. Ita eo nuneree is eonsned sol ely to ille exportation os iobaceo and eos ton, Wilhout any corn. We had not time to mave any caresvi inquiraca sue m dals; but we observed other antiquities os more or Ieas note. A very large aquedurastili remains upon tuo tiora os arches, and in perfect order: it no in conducta vater stom Mount Pangaeua to the cisadH. TWo preeipices os illis mouniain, whichD Anolite eonsidera as a branch delached liora Rhodope, approach so neae the sea, as to Rem narro is desiles on ita heacli, the passagea os Whicli vere onca elosedand defended by walis. These browa os the mountain are no inlled Castagnastand opposito to a potnt, direei ly under the sari hest os these Castagnas, lies the IsIsos Thaava; samous sol ita quatries of a splendid uhite mactis, Μ hicli in ali respoeta
Nostram genteutiam, ah his diversam, exposuimus P . LVI . non
territory, but soma allusion to it may he found in histo . Perhapa this etiadel may have been the asylum ol thom fugitiva Pieriam, γ whieli is alluded to is rivis vides
Pieria cnova Pieria non ultra Philippos phipolin quaerenda est, non iuxta Nesivm
patuit. Vide haec Protegomena Pag. LII. flumen. noti Phagres autem inter Cavfilam et Ain-
ita embo uchuro; but could gain no intelligente os this most powersul eity os allThe aco, the sis colos os the Teii, samoua sor iis Epicurian philosopher, De
tables; also a great quantity os limber, in platilis, ready sor bullding, brought by
De hoc loco Vera v. Commentalionein II. pag. 5I sqq.
De hac palude v. Nos in commentatione II. '' Troianopolitanam dioeee tu illustraxit Pag. M. Coruineuiuiio II. Pag. 34 sqq.
Eadem sere de istis Ioeis iam Livius re
fert 38, 40. V. eius verha tu Coiuineui. II. Psg. 57. En loeum ipsum Maxiinianopoleos, cinae Misini ceti. medio aevo dicebatur. Eam civitatem uberius illustravi in Commenis ratione II. pag. 22 -32. Mycena autem
Aulis Tureica Graecis ut alibi ivnguntur
deseription os this pare os Thraee, it is only to bo laund in Herodotus; avd uponthia account, the beat map os the eountry ia iliat vhieli Mas publisbed by De Listo,
telate Dur adventure more particularbis
Our eoad Rom Tia Is-Icheis ossered a continuat aseent over a mountain, in aueasteris direction, sor an hour, unlit hue arrived at a village ealled Kollia Gederes; sit uate exaclly mid Way belWeen Thessalonica and Constantinopis. Tliis Mild andolovated region is upon the heighla os ille celebrated promontory Sarrium, Once in habited by the Cicones, who assisted Priam against tho Greeks; and Mhoεs capital Ismarus was theresoro destroyed by Uluses, in his return from Troy. Serrium is mentioned by Herodotus. There Was upon this promontory, in ancient times, R
this movntainous districi Me frequently met vii h aged GreM peasanis playing uponthe tam urgi, or long TurkAh drum, in honoue os the Ramadun, and thus collecting
De ultimis v. Noa supra P. XXX. noti An ibi quaerenda sunt Cypsela Τ 'Colument. Ii. p. 58.
LXXIV PROLEO OBIENA. In the street os this plaee we saw the fragmenta os a beauli sui marbis eornice. Thenis wo proeeeded sive ho ura sarther, to a place called ne ii, or Deviai; passing overthe most bieah and solita plaina imaginable. Atque ita quidem Clarkius, prudens istarum regionum perlustrator. Antecessorum vero itineraria num in ipsa via secum habuerit, eorumque censuram ibi egerit, dubium mihi semper visum est. Maxime tamen laudandus est, quod Egnatiae iraetum diligenter persequitur; deinde verus Maximianopoleos situs eidem debetur. Ilune jam popularis eius excipiat, Ilenricus Holi and , qui istas regiones annis I 8 2 ei IHI3
adiit. Ex hoc scriptore, rarius lecto, ea repetam, quae Egnatiae centrum 8pectant, Thessalonicam.
Quam eivitatem cum anno I 839 illustrarem, eius libro carebam. Quare hujus Angli narratio simul pro supplemento meorum Thessalonicensium quodam habebitur. Libri litulus ostr Traveis in the Ionian Istes, Albania, Thessaly, Macedonia ete.
Ρ. 308 sq. On ille morning os the 29ih We procoeded to the coast, and emis hae ed in a smali hath sor Salonica, accompanted by severat Albanose soldiora and peasanis. Tho distance os Salonica Dom this potnt does not exceed t enly miles, hut ealms or contrary Wind kepi us nearly eight hoves on the passage. Ovr courba lay aeross the gulph, at a stiori distanee stom iis upper extremily, Where ille great plains os Macedonia terminale in extensius marshes and lagoons, through whieli ilio two large rivers, tho Vardari and the Vistrileta, flo to the aea. Os illese riveta, tha Vardari is ilis most considerabie, rising sroin the mountatus in the centra os theeontinent, and bringing doun a large and constant hody or water. This Mas tho
Axius os antiquit', to Whieli Homer applies the name os the wide sowing 'φὶ, andon whieli stood Pella, the capital os the Macedonian king , at the distanea os about Rurteen miles Dom ita mouth. The Vistrilla seems to have been eii her tho Lydiasor Erigon, hut now, as in tormer times, the rivers eommunicata by dis Ierent branchea Whilo fio ing through these marshy plains, and not impossibiy have undergoue manychanges in their eourae. The head os illo gulph is rendered very shallois by ma alluvial depositions whieli ars doubiless si ill going on in this siluation, and whleheventuatly may much impede the navigatIon or tho Pori. At present the ahoata Domgood fishingis grounda and numerous boata are constantly engaged in thia occupationsor the supply of Salonica and ollier toWns on tho coast.
Iliad. lib. II, 849. - The Axius had iis
usual, by cypresses, and giving a general air os splendour to the place. In approaching the city, ve passed among llio numero us vesaeis Whieli assorded proos os itagro ving commerce, and ni aix in the evening eame up to one os the principat quays, the aventies os whieli Hero stili .ero Mded Wiih porters, boalmen and saltura, and eovered Hiih gooda os variova description. Ρ. 3I3. The frat two oe three days os oue reside nee at Saloniea isere thiessy eupied in furveying the interior os this city , weli lino vn to antiquity under thana me os Thessalonica, and at tho present time one os the most considerable lowna in European Tur V. '' The most ancient appellation of the placa was Therma, derived, in cominon villi that os the gulph, Dom hol apringa whicli stili exist in severat platea Dpon tho eoast. Tho Macedonian Cassander, Who enlarged and embellislied the eityso much as to merit ilis litte os iis launder, gave it the namo os Thessalonica ineompliment to his vise, the daughter of Philippo os Macedon. Cicero residod here some timo during his banishment hom nome; and many os his letters to Allieua, Whowas illen at his estate in Epirus, ars dased Dom Thessaloniea. At the period wlientiis Aposita Paul visited the plaee, it appearη to liave been large, populsus, and wealthy ; and the Byzantino historians speah mueli os ita splendour and importante. Tho niassaers of I5,000 os ita inhabitanis, stom tho audden Dry os Theodosius, is veli known to his ory, as wsil as the severo expiation required os that monarch hytho intrepid Ambrose. In ths deelino os tho Greeli empire the tity was tali en byWilliam Ring of Sieily, and at a stili later period made over by one os the Palae logi to the Venetians. lὶ The Ialter, however, ecloyed illeIe possession but a sexv years, Thessalonica salting into ilis power os ille Tutha in I43I fimmo I 30J, to Whuso empire it has ever since been subjeci. Pag. 3I4 et ξI5. ,,In iis present state, Saloniea is exeoeded in population Only byconciani in opto, and possibἰy by Adrianopis, among the eities os European Turhey, and in the cxlent os iis commerea is probabir second to the eapital alone. Ita general
ol Tho salonica an tacite a I pGrar a. φὶ De his omnibus . vide Thessalonicensium pro lego men n.