장음표시 사용
MOSCHUS. MusE. Moschus moschiseriis. Cl. Mammulsa. Ord. Pecora. AS, a. THE animal xvhicli assordg musti is a native of the elevat-ed regions of the East of Asia. The musti appe S to be a peculiar secretion, whicli is deposited in a finali fac silualediae. the umbilicus of the malo. It is brought froni China, or frona India, in iis natural receptacle, a sinali membranous bag, coVered externalty with coarse hair. The musti thinis in gratias, stightly unctuous, of a blach colour, having a Very Strong durabie siness, and a bitter iuste. It yields partos lis active mattex to water, by infusion ; by distillation the water is impregnated with iis flavour ; aikohol dissolves it,
the impurities excepted. . Musk is an antispasmodic supposed to be os considerable p0wer ; it is administered occasionalty in the greater number of spasmodio digeases, espectasty in hysteria, epilepsy, and singultus, and also in diseases of debility. In typhus severit is empi ed to relievo subsultus tendinum, and Other Symp- tonas Os a spasmodic naturo. Iu cholera, it is given with theview of checking vomiting. In retrocedent gout it is em ployed as a stimulant. . Combmed with ammonia, it has been celebrated sor iis potver 6s at resting the progress of gangrene. With regard to iis ossicacy in sonio of these assectioris, itSVixtues have been perhaps exaggerated, and frona this, aS well
the irritation os dentition. Osic. Prep.-Mist. Mosch. L d. Tinct. Mosch. Dub. CASTOREUM. Castor. Castor Fiber. Mammalia. Glis . THE beaver, an amphibious quadruped, is a native of the Νοrth os Europe, Asia and America. Castor is a peculiarproduci collected in membranous celis near the extremity of the rectum, in this animal. The sollicles inclosing it axe cutos and dried by exposit e to the smolae of lael. The cas
unctiious, of a reddish brown colour, intermixed with fibres, and covexed .with a lovgh membrane ; it has a Strong unple sant sineli, and a bitter acrid taste, The American castoris more stirivelled, and inferior in laste and sinest. The active matter os castor is dissolved by aikohol, proof spirit, and partialty by Watex; the tincture with aikohol is the least
Castor is used as an antispasmodic, in hysteria principalirigometimes in amenori licea, in a dose froni 10 to 20 Daing,
or hom one to two drachius of the tincture. Froin the ex
iii cluso vessela, astbrd in empyreumatio Oil, derived Domne v combinations os the oluments of the animal matter alia
iached to the phosphate of limo, whicli is the base of hone. This Oil is at syst of a thicla consistence, blacla colour, an dextremely foetid sineti, but by repented distillation hecomesthmuer, and Dearly colourless and tranSparent, though ii r multis stili foetid. In this state it has been used as an anti- sp modic, in a dose of 10 or 15 drops. It retains iis placein the Dublin Pharmacopoeia, under the name of Oleum Co nu Cervini Rectificatum, heing obtained in the process of the distillation of hartshorn or bones, for the preparation os carbonate os ammonia; but it is entirely discataed Dom
THE bituminous substance, amber, though it has a placeia tho list of the Materia Medica of the different Pharmacopoeias, is perfectly ineri, and is introduced only as afford ing, by distillation, an empyreumatic oti, whicli has been applied to sonae medicines uses. This od is ut sirst thicla ai dos a dark brown colour ; but by r ealed distillations Withwater it hecomes limpid, still retaining howover a very faetidodour. Ιt has been celebrated for iis antispasmodio powel', and has been employed in hysteria and amenorrhoea in a dos of hom 10 to 15 drops. It is now discarded frona practice,
or is uSed only occasionalty as an externat stimulating application in paralysis and chronic rheumatism.
Along th this Oil, a peculiar concrete acid is producedin the distillation, whicli is at sirst impure, but is puris ed by sublimation, or by solution and crystalliZation. It has a placein the Edinburgh and Dublin Pharmacopoeias, but is destituteos any medicinat potver, and is never applied to any use.
T , is thicla, of a dupla brown colour, having a smeli thatis foetid, and a warm bitter iuste. It has an analogy to the prece ling empyreumatio Oils in iis properties ; and like them
has been used as an antispasmodic alid expectorant in asthmaaud cluonio cattarii, and externalty as a stimulating application in rheumatism and paralysis. Though it retulas iis placein the Pharmacopoeias, it is scarcely ever uSed. CARBONAs ΑΜMON1AE PYRo-OLEOSUS. Empyremnatio Caris bonate of Ammonia. Sal Cornu Cervi. THE hones of animais, when exposed to a sincient degree of heat, afford a large quantity of Carbonate of ammonia, formed by ne v combinations of the elements of the animal matter contained in the bone. There is a similar productionos empyreumatic oti, and with this oti the ammoniaces carbonate is always impregnated, whence it derives a peculiarfoetid odour. It has also been si posed to derive smin it certain medicinal powers, and has been used in preserence tothe pure Carbonate os ammonia as an antisp modic. H.-ing been fit si procured froni the hones of the deer, it has re-tatued the nante of Sal Cornu Cervi, and it still retalias iis place in the Dublin Pharmacopoeia; being procured dissolv-ud in the wator whicli distiis ouci, and this heing rectificii by repeated distillations. When thus rectificit, it differs tulit ite in0m pure carb0nute of nniin ania; and even combined
villi the empyxeumatio Oil, it has probably no additional
dutioli Dom incisions made in the roots of the plant; thei uice, Uter it exudes, being iuspissated by expositi e to the
ti,ird of resin, iis taste and sinest residing in the resinous pari. It yields ali iis virtuos iu aikohol. I 'rituraled ivithwater, it fornis a milhy-lilae mixture, the resin bcing dii fused by the medium of the gum. Distilled with u uter, it umordsa Smali quantity of essentiat uil, extremely foetid. Assalaetida is used as an antispasmodio in different nervolis diseases, especialty in ameno licea, h7Steria, dyspnoes , dySpepsia attended with flatuleiice, and tympanitis, and is xe garded as superior in ecticacy to any of the foetid gums. Iis
live of Syria, and also of the Cape of G00d Hope. The Galbanum is obta ined in the forna of a milhy juico, is exudation froni inci dons in the stem of the plant; when harden-od it is in the sorm of a mass sontewhat variegated in iis texture, tenacinus, of a yello visti hrown colour, haring asineti somowhat foetid, and a bitter acrid taste. Alliolies dissolves iis resin, in whicli iis potvers have beeu supposed to reside ; proonspirit dissolves it entireb, the impurities excepted. Trituraled with water, it is diffused, and s ms a milhy-like fluid; by distillation it affords absutone twentieth of iis weight of essenties Oil. Galbanum has the viriues of the foetid gums, and is used sor the Same pua poses, and sonaetimes combined with themin hysteria and amenorrhaea; being inferior in strenob, howeVer, to assa foetida, it is tess emplo d. Its dose is 10 grains. Externiab, it is moro frequently used as a disci
tient to indolent tumors, and as a Stimulant to promote Suppuration.
iaightly foetid, and a pungent nauseous tane ; it is solivio in proos spirit; by distillation it affotas a Sinali quantity of
Senties Oil. Iis virtuos and uses are the fame as thoinof the assastetida,
tive mattex, with perhaps a' sinali portion of tanniit, as iis infusion changes colour on the addition os sulphate of iron. By distillation, M ater is impremuted rarith iis savour, butnot with iis iuste, and scareely any essenties Oil is obtained. Valerian is an antispasmodic, not viastequently emplayed in modem practice, especialty in hysteria, chorea, and epi
Floris Stigmata. Indigensus. THIs plaut is cultivated in the South of Eugland to est in the Saffron of the shops. The stigmata whicli crown thop stit of the flower, are separated frona the ollier pariS, are Submitte i to pressure ivith a moderate heat, und thus forma soli mass of intermixed fibres, namcd Calae Sasfron ; whendi ted separalely, they form Flower Saffron. The former is ivliat is usualty Lept. It is in t0uo cines sonaewhat molSt, os a deep reddish yellow colour ; iis flavour is aromatic and diffusive, iis taste warin and bitteristi. Tlie octive mattenis equassy dissolved by eskohol, M ater, proos spirit, and Vi- negar, and appears, theresere, to assorii an example of the principie peculiarly named Extract; the residuum, Whicli is uot more than 6 paris out of 16, is meri ligneous fibre. Bydistillation with water, a sinali quantity of essenties od is obtained. Safrron was sermerly regataed as a very active medicine, possessed of hii stimulant and antispasmodio power, and requiring, it was imagineis, to bo givo with much cauti . Experience has proved it to be nearly ineri, and it is no
ridae. Oleum Volatile. Ol. Coeputa '. Coistput Oil.
supposed to bo obtained Dom the Melaleuca Leucadendron; hui, froni later investigation, it appears to be procured Domanother Species, to whicli the naine of Melaleuca C uputilias been Hven. It is a native os uorneo and Ambona. The oti is obtesnod by distillati in froni the leaves and fruitit has a greeu or yello visti colour, a strong fragrant od a sontes at similis to that of camplior, and an extremeb Ρm
gent iaste. It is hioly volatile and inflammablo. This oti has been used as a highly diffusibie stimulant undantispasmodic, in tympanitis, flatulent cholic, hysteria, palsy,
chronio rheumatism, and various other diseases of debilit Iis dose is G or 4 drops. It is also applied externalty to r lieve rheumatic and goesy palas, and Sometimes gives sud-den temporary restes; it also osten succeeds in resiering thepain of toothach, when applied to the affected tooth. Severat S Stanees are employed as antispasmodics, and whicli I have thoro re placed in the table, Whicli more strictly belong, however, to some of the other classes. Under these, there re, their history is suen, including the n 1ice of those few applications of them a s remedies, connected with their antispasmodic poWer.
BY Tosics are undorstood those substances, the prima boperation of Whicli is to give Strength to the system. It hasbeen conceived, that muScular vigour depends on a certain degree of tension, Or tone, as it is named, of the muscula fibre ; and those substanees whicli renew that vimur whenimpatred, have beetu considered as restoring this duo degreeos tension, and have thus received the appellation of Tonios. They are not, hora ever, to be considered as acting by producing any mechanical change in the state of the solids, astitis opinion implies. They act upon the living principie, und, so fur as their action is understood, are stimulants of considerable potver, permanent in their operation. The distinction has licen atready potnted out bet veen stimulanis, whicli is foundod not so much on a distexence in their power, as in the quickness with Which their fuit essectis producta, ut id in the transient nature of that cfieci. Is a medicine suddeub raises a lito state of cxcitement, this is asqui chly soll0wed by proportionat languor or debility, and the