A system of materia medica and pharmacy [electronic resource] : including translations of the Edinburgh, London, and Dublin pharmacopoeias, in two volumes

발행: 1813년

분량: 529페이지

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분류: 미분류


citet nolit, and this is rendered tess evident Dom being counia tetracted the action of the stimulanis habituali γ applied. On these principies, tho action of tonics is explained. It isonly by theiae stimulaut operation that they can obviate debili ; and as their effect is gradual, their action is not followed by that exhaustion aud dimitiisbed susceptibility Mitta lavari ly sollows hom excitement suddenly raised. Is thela administration, however, be carried to excess, or be contianaed tuo long, it may at lenni, diministi the po vers of the systemaud is cmployed in a state of health, or si h vigo ,

thoir offecis may be injurious. ζ'l onios acis primarib on the stomach, the action they excite in that orgIn being conveyed generalty by nervovS COmmunication to the rest of the system. TLis is evident Domtheir effecis osten tining plaece in a stiori timo ; and thereare eXperiments whicli prove, that when Some tonics, as Peruvian bain, have been tinen for a considerable tength os time, no portion of them can be discovered by any chemicestost in the bl ood. There are sonae of them, howeVer, CSpecialty the metallic tonios, Whicli are received into the circulation.


These two qualities ahe generalty blended in the most powe fui tonios bolonging to the vegetabie kingdom; and there is a transition froni these to the more pure bitters and aromatics. Tlie stimulat ing action of the lalter is ruther too loces and and transient to give rise to much permanent toniceffeci: yet thoy can scarcely be placed under any other clusS, and Ι have ther ore associa ted them xvith the substanceAwith whicli they are thus connected. The purest Bittersare powerfui Tontcs, as is proved by their ossica in curingintermittent laver. A1omatius may also bla considered aston;c in their action on ille stomach, is not on the generat . SyStem, and are osten employed to obviate debility in that Qrgan, and to promote ille digestive p0 vers.







T0Nrcs FROM THE MINERAL LINGDOM. THESE axe in generes more locat in their action than tho veget te tonios ; they either operate more directly on the stomach without their actiou heing so quickly extended tothe whole system, or they act by being received into theblood. Henco thoy produce less immediate generat excite-ment, and it is only froin their continued administration,

stances associale umer this division, are Somewhat remoteaud imperfeci; and, to Some of them, the appellation os to-nic may be considered as applied by rather too Dee an extension of the terni. Eut such imperfections in the classisl-cation os substances, from theiae action on the living System, are in the present state os medicat science unavoidable to a Certain extent. The substances, with regard to whicli this

objection may be urged in the present caste, could Scarcolybe referred with proprieo to any other class: amnities may he traced in their operation, susscient to connect them bytheir medicines effecis; and, even considered individually, the claim os cach may be established to a certain degree of

Titis metat is distinguishod by iis pure White c0lour, iis hio demee os lustro, and iis groat ductilily and malle ility.

It is not very susceptibie of Oxidation ; it does not suiler thalchange Dona exposure, even in a State Os suston, to the at-


solution, when evaporatud, ass0rda the nitrate Os silvor in acrystalline sortia. It appears that nitrate os silver was sonaetimes cmployed

by the older physicians, but the harshness and violenco oriis operation led to iis disuse. More lately, it has been introduced as a remedy in epilepsy,-a diseasu whicli, whennot depending on organic durangement, is frequently connected with morbid susceptibility, and whicli tonics Sometimes remove. The advantage derived froin the administration ofuitrate os silver has becia est lished on the testimony of DrSinas, Dr Cappe, Dr Bostocli, and others. The dose is aqua ter of a grain of the ci StalliZed nitrate, which may begium three or Dur times day. Distilled water must beemployed to dissolve it, as Spring water, Doni the saline matter it contains, decomposes it; and the solution may bemade into pilis with crumbs of bread. It somelimes acis asa cathartic, and is it occasion much purging rith gripiunor is it excite nausea, the dose must be diminished. In ouecase of Angina Pectoris, the symptotus Wore removed by a similar administration os nitrate os silvcr. Fused nitrate os silver, lunar caustic as it is nameri is used as an eschaiotic. HYDRARGYRUM. HYDRARGYRUS. ARGENTUM UIUUM. MERCURIUS. Mercury or Quicksilvcr. IT has not been usuuJ, in a Prangements of the articles or


discliarge is merely a seconda effeci, not constant Dor uni abrui, and whicli is not essentiat to iis ossicacy in any disease. Οn the contrary, iis tonio potvor is iis primary operation ;it is the most generat stimi Mat belonging to the Materia Me dica, pervading every part of the system ; acting, as Dr Cullen has rem ked, as a stimulus to every sensibie and movingsibre of the body, and producing the most permanent effectS. - Heuce ilicis the most generat evacuant we poSs S ; aud frontiis stimulant operation, exerted directb or indirectly, is derived iis utility in many disea SeS.

This metat is peculiarly distinguished by iis suidity at all-natu i temperatures, with the exception of the intonse collit has . climes prevatis in very uorthern regionS. ItS COn

temperature a litile above 600ς, and when bolling suffers oxidation frona the action of the atmospherio air. It is ovidated even ut natural temperatures, when subjected to agi talion ; or Stili more easily, when trituraled with any viscidinalter, Whicli is interposed bet vecti iis globules, So as to

Quichsilvor occurs in nature principalty combined with sulphur, and is usualty obtained from this ore submitted tolleat miXed with iron or lime, either of whicli combines ivit the sulphur, and the mercuo is separated by distillation. Ille quicksilver of commerce is sumetimes impure, Or adulteras ed by the intermixture of other metuis, particularly leadanii bismuth. This may be suspected wheia tho metal loses iis lustre speedily, and is covered with a M'cy sim, or Domiis diminishod mobility, in cons queiaco os Whicli iis globules do Π0t preserve cxactly the spherical sorua, nox unite casily


active remedieS.

When rendered active on the system by any os the modes of preparation to whicli it is subjected, it operateS .as a verypo vectes and generat Sthnulant; as, fi)om heing rcceived into the bl00d, it is enabled to aci on every part of the VStem. hen seven in moderate quantity, it communicates generalvigour: it increases the larce of the circulation heu this hasbeen languid ; by the increased vascular actiou whicli it excites, it gives to the blood the disposition to assume the hvssycoat; and by iis stimulant operation on Secreting organs, it

evacuant. It peculiarly Stimulates the saliva mds, and imiter ali iis forms of preparation speedity excites the Sali-Vary discliarge, an effect Scarcely produced by any other substance not locatly applied, and probably o ving, di beoxplamed under iis histo as a sialogogiae, to iis assinity to the saline matter existing in that secretion. It incremesalso the cuticular discliarge, and it appears to promote thesecretion os bile, and probably of the other intestinat suids. Iis stimulant operation on ille absorbent system is not lessevident; hence the emaciation whicli is the consequenco os iis continued action. Froni these divorsissed offecis Whicli

Morcuo produces, it is c able of bcing applied to thoirentinent of numerous states Os diseage.

Li the labrile assections of Warin climates, Fello v sever


valve. It is probably usesul principalty as an evacuant, theserarius os sever bcing peculiarly connected with a dis0xdexedstate of the intestinat canal aud abdominal secreting organS ; d it is accordingly under the form of caloniel, the mercu-xies Whicli acts most po versutly on tho liver and intestines,

the Same time, derived Dom iis generat stimulant action, asit proves most successsul when given to that extent as tO affect the system. Advantage is derived hom it, probablyfrona a similar modo os operation, in dysente , espectat When it is given in combination ivitii optum. In the seversos coid climates it is tess employed. There are Some forins os inflammato action in whichmercvry is usses, particula ly in rheumatism. And in thalchronio inflammation whicli assecis glandular organs, it is the principes remedy both in counteracting it, and in removingillat state os morbid structure whicli is osten itS consequenCC. Hence the peculiar advant e derived froni mercurinis in chronio hepatitis, and indui alion os the livor, in glandularobstruction and schiarrosity, and in indolent tumors. Calo mel is the preparation alch in these cases appears to be moSt Tectual, though the. introduction of mercury by friction is


to a similis mode os treatinent. It is also a vulvable remet in croup. In ali these cases calomel is the preparationusualty employed. The stimulant Operation os mercury on the QSorbent SyStem, renders it useful in the disserent fornis os dropsy. Itis given to the extent of exciting salivation in hydrocephalus ; in ascites it is more usualty employed to p mole the action os diuretios, and tu that species of d psy when it depends on induration of the livor, anil also in limpsy of the ovarium, it proves stili more usesul by iis deobstruent potver.

1is stimulant operation On the uterine system leads to iis employment as an emen Ogue. Disserent obstinate culaneous digeases, lepra, tinea capitis, scabies, and othvrs, are Occa Sionalty removed by the internui administration of mercury as an alterative ; and these, as wellus various fornis of culaneous eruption and ulceration, ostenyiold to the externat application os mercuriat preparations. The most important medicinat operation Os mercii , re- matris to be stafed,-that displayed in removing the diseaso

induced by the syphilitio polson. In this iis power is udar-ly, is not altogether specilio ; no article of the Materia Modica could be substituted sor it; and there may be assirmedos ii, what cannot with equat justice be salii of any romedyomployed in the treaiment of any other morbid affection, that is du1ly administered, it will scarcely evor Dil in effecting a

curo. Ιt is dissiculi to assign any satisfactory theory of iis operation. Iis efficacy has been ascribed to iis gonerat evacuant potver, in consequenco of whicli the syphilitio virus is discliarged Dum tho body. But the speedy disappearance os the locul Sympionis of syphisis under iis usu, unis evoli Domiis locat applicatioti, assor is a prooi iliat it operates On Someollier principio ; no similar ad vant age is derived Dona othorrvacuants ; and iis efficacy is uot proportional to the cvaci a-