장음표시 사용
tity os oxygen has been si posed in be contatue i. This lias not been tablished, howevor, aud it is probable that thoiare metallic sulphureis ivithout oxygen. Ille blacti Sulpiniret, formerly namud Ethiops Minerat, is larepared by tritu-xating eques paris os mercury and sulphur together, SO as toform a blacla pol er. It is a very inactivo preparation, and has been used ouly as an anthelmintic, in a dOSe to an adult of one scrupte or half a drachm. The Ped sulphuret, or Cinnabar, is the mercu united wifh ahout one-fixili ofiis iveight of sulphur by sublimation. It is applied principally by fumigation, with the view of stopping the progressos venereat ulcera, heing converted into vapoui by being laidon a hol iron, and this vapo being directed in the pari.
TH1s mὸtat is the one whicli has hcen arogarded as most salutary to the animal system ; and the remat L is perhapsjust, that it is the only metes having any sensibie activit v, whicli has no polsonous quali ty. It eXisis as a constituent principie of the bluod, and has heiace been supposed to servo sonae important purpose in the animal oeconomy. Wh ngi ven medicinalty the effecis obtained hom it tiro those of atonio ; it encreases the vigour of ille circulation, causos theblood, it has been affirmed, to assume a more florid huc, promotes digestion, excites the secretions, or vestratias themwhen they have been morbidly oncreased, and by iis astringenoy checks profuse evacuations, and counieracis the ten-
per where thero is any tendeno tu inflammato action, ora plethorio state os the vessela ; and ita administratiou oughtto he suspended whon it rendera the pulsa quick in Such
that the good effecis of the proparations os tron have been osten missed by their heing seven in too smali doses. The opposite observation is probabj more just, that they aretost froni tuo large doses being empi ed, and in practice thisis perhaps the more common error. Large doses of the lassaCtiVe preparations, as the rust of iron, seem mer ly to load the stomach ivithout any equivalent ad latam; the more active Saline preparations, On the Other hand, almost alwaystriure iis tone, so as Soon to cause disorder of iis functious,
impatred digestion, patia, and irritation ; it is illis indoedwhich givos esse to the principes dissiculo in the administra
tion, and probabj prevenis iliciae conu ance into the ci Culation, On whicli their efficacy may depend. These inconveniencies are best Obvialed by giving the active preparations of iron in sinali doses, regularly taen, continued sorsome time, and rendered militer is dilution. Helice, probabb, the greator benefit derived froni the chalyboate mi-uerat waters than Dom iron in any other sortii. Eesides dilution, the addition os an aromatio is osten usesul, and in alicases the precaution ought to bo attended io, of dimini hing the dose, or intermitting the reme ly when it produces irritation, nausea, or imputred digestion. Numero iis preparations os this metat axe medicinalty em
Due scrupte to a drachin or two ; theiae activity is probabis dependent on the oxidation they suffer in the stomach, troin the action os the gastric fluids. They are administeredmixed ivith a litile fugar and an aromatiC. The Carbonate, or Rust os Iron, Carbonas Ferri, Rubim Ferri, is the metal oxidated by the action os atmospherio uir tuid water, and combined with carbonic acid ; it is more active than the pure metal, and less irritating than tiae Saline preparations. It is given iit a dose svom 5 to 20 gratiis.
Desides iis use as a generat tonio in the cases in which Hialybeates are usualty empi ed, it has been used as a remedyin cancerous ulceration, both intcinalty administered in iis usual dose, and externalty applied sprinkled on the fore. Cases have been seven in whicli this practice has proved Successses, while, Dona the expetience or others, it has appear-ed to operate merely ns a palliative, or at sarthest, to be of permanent a luantago Only in Some fornis of illiaconditionedulcerS, Dot trulf of a cancerous nature. An other fori 1 of it, supposed to be more pure, is what is nam d Carbonas Ferri Praecipitatus, prepared by adding a solution os carbonate offoda to a solution os sulphate of iron. I his mas sest usodiuider the forni os gia extemi oraneoris preparation combined
tained sonae celebrity us a remeth in phthysis and hoctic. The formula sor this has been received into the LondonPharmacopoeia. Di the Edinburgh Pharmacopoeia the precipitate of carbonate of iron is ordered io bo wasliud and drie l. In this casti it absorbs oxygen, and in Consequence of this differs titile frona the rust Or iron. Muriato os Iron and Ammonia, of the Edinburgh Pharmacopoeia, wbat is named by the London College Ferrum Ammoniatum, is obtainod, by sublimation, froni a mixtureos muriato os ammonia and red oxide or carbonate of ix
It is an active preparation, but liable to be variabie in composition. It is seven in a dose hom 5 to 10 gratas. Di, solved in diluted aikohol, it D s an ossicines tincture, thedose of whicli is 30 drops. The Muriate of Iron, employed mader the forin os tincture, Tinctura Felii Muriato, is preparod by dissolvingblack oxide of iron in muriatic acid, and diluting the Solution with ol hol: It is a very active preparation ; SOm times too much so to admit of being used in au irrit lestate of the stomach. Iis doso is 10 or I 5 drops diluted vith water, or taken in wine, in ivluch it is more gratefies. Is it occasion nausea or patia, the dose must be dimini Ahed It is the prepat ration usualty emploed where the fuit oper fion of iron is attempted to be oblataed. Eesides iis e ployment iii the discases in whicli chalybeatos axe uallyprescribed, Μr Cline has mentioned a peculiar applicationos it in icti it had proved of singular emcacy, that of Suppression os urine Rona spasm of the u ethra, I 0 drops bcinggiven ex cry ten minutes; after the fixili doso the su ression
in different cases was relie 'ed. 'i
Sulphate of iron is formed an the large Way, by the oxyge- nation of the native sulphuret is exposure to air and hinniti
Super-tartrate of potasti With water, exposing the mixture tothe action of the air, drying the mas' and again subjectingit to the action of water, to reuder the ogidation and combination of the iron more complete. The preparation is a militone, and cun he given to the extent os.10 or I 5 graius as ad O. A similar preparation, in radiicii the iron is more
operation, tuo, it is wcli adapted sor exhibition in scrophula. The Wine of Iron, whicli has a placo in the London and Dublin Pharmacopoeias, prepared by digesting iron-slings in White wine, is auother forni under Whicli the tarii lito is used ; the metui heing dissolved by thc tartario acid of the
I lie London college have Lix en a place tu a prepatration ofu on, L iquor Ferri Λ Latini), of rather a singular uature. Iron is dissolved in nitric acid largely diluted ; and to iliis Solution a solution os sub-carbonate os potasti is added, usiong as effervesceuco is eXcited : the liquor, aster standinglar fix hovrs, is potired oss. It is probably a terna com-hination of oxide of iron, potasti, and carbonic acid ; any nitrio acid remaining undecomposed in the oxidation of theiron, being proba ly withdrawn combined with a portion ofp0tash, as the liquor, on standing, deposites nitre. This preparation has been long knou n by the nauic of Stalii's Maritat Athaline Tincture. It had almost entii ely sallen
The Mineres Chalybeato M alere afford another sortia underwhicli iron may be administered. The iron is generalty dissesved in them by the carbonic acid ; and Dona the state os
assiectioris, particula ly chorea und cpilepsy, in re dose os live grains, gradually encreaSod. Tliere are caesos on record whorea cure was obta ined; but it does not appear to bu very activeor certain in iis operatioti. An olatinent composed os it iis used as a heu ling cerate, and as an application in ophthalmia. There is a substance namcd Impure Oxide of Tinc by the Edinburgii College, Iong known by the appellation os Tutia the nature and origin of u hicli are not very weli ascertained. Ιt has been supposed to be artificiat, and to he prepared hom oxide of Zinc oblataed in the roasting os Zinc ores, whicli is asterivards mixed with clay. It is os a grey orbi uisti colour, and ea tity texture, an. when levigated it is used so metimes as the basis of a Cerate employed as a d PeSsing to w0-ds, Ox applied to ille e in some formes of Ophthalmia. What has been na med Calamine Sione, Lapis Calaminaris), is regarded as a carbonate of Zinc ; and it generalty is So, though there are varieties of it composed of oxido of Zincand siliceous earth. It is employed onb externat ly, the levigated powder is dusted on the flata in stight cases of excori tion and superficiat inflammatim, and it fornis the basis of the common healing Cerate. Sulphate of Tinc, sormed by exposure of the native sulphuret to stir and hi untdity, is obtained by evaporation os iis s0lution in a solid mass, forming the whi te vitriol os commerce ; or it is procured more pure, and in a crystallineserni, by evaporation of ille solution os Zinc in diluted scipituric acid. It has been emptor ed in the fame cases as thooxide, und Dr Cullen has observed that it is possessed of theri me pori ors ; it has lilae vi se been given, in the dose of asse V gratias, as a tonio in intermittent severi anil as a tonicuita astringent in chronic dysentery, and lately has been em
hitters, us a tonio in dyspepsia. Iis administration in authese cases respitres to be conducted so as to obviate ille nauseat, hieli it is liable to occasion. In a large doSe it ut Vs rates RS au emetic, and is Sometimes employed as Such in adose stoni 10 to 20 gratias, particularly where the stomachis not eastly roused to action, as where a n cotic polson hasbeen swallowed. Iis solution is a common astringent injection in gonorrhoea in the strengili of a main and a hulf to auomace of water ; and Dearly of the fame strei th it is ostenemploed as a collyrium in ophthalinia. Acetate of Zinc, under the forni of Solution, has a place
solutions of acetate os lead und Sulphate Os Zinc, ivlien suuphate of leud is precipitatod, and the acetate of Zinc remalias dissolved. It is used as a collyrium in Ophilaalmia, and auastringent injectilii in gOnorrhoea, and iis considerod as Iessi lating than the sollition of the sulphate. CUPRUM. CONer. THIs metes is uot, like the greator number of the metuis, insipid and inodorous ; it has an unpleaSant Styptic taste, and wheu rubbed a porceptibie smeli. It is extremeb noXious to animal lise. Stili, when properly administered, it proves a remedy of Value, and, Illae Zinc, has sonio cliam to be rankedas a tonio, Dum iis successsul operation in opilepsy, chorea, and other spasmodio affections dependent on or connected vitii debility. It is uiso omplo od undor various sorans os preparation m an astringent, metic, und oscharotic. Sulpitat Oof Copper, Eluo Vitriol us it was sorinor ly Daniel is iis most importunt suline compotin l. It is osten obtainedorum the wator Ghicli si liratos througia copi ex mines, in ivlliclii: DXi is diss0lveil ; or it is pro pared by calcinius the native
Stilphuret os copperi and exposing it in a humid state to thisair ; tho motat is oxidaled, the Sulphur, also absorbing oxygen, is converted into Sulphuric acid, and tho sulphate ofcopper thus Dymed, is procured by lixiviation and crystalli a-tion. The crystals are stiori rhomboidal pristias of a rich blue colour, transparent, but ii te to a stight emorescetice. Thisinit is Pathor too activo to admit of interual administration asa tonic ; even in a very smali dose it excites nausea and vomiting ; and as ae potve ut emetio it is employed, Where Domethe state of the stomach it is dissieult to excite vomiting, aswhere a narcotic has been tali en in too large a quantity ; thod e belug srom 2 to 5 gratiis, or even larger, according asit is more dissiculi to excite vomiti g. Externalty it is used
Suh-acetate of Copper, Verdigris as it has been named, is prepared by covering copper plates With the liusta of the grape, after the expression of the juice in the wine-press. Α number of plates Willi the interposed husta being placedtogether, and these being occasionalty moisteued, the Vege table mattex passes into fermentation, and a portion es acetica id is sormed ; this acting on the cupper sermS a green Oride, With whicli a portion of the acid likewise combines, So as toform a Sub-acetate. The crust of this is scruped om and heat into masses, whicli are dricd. It is of a bright yeen Colour, and Doni the excess of oxide it contains, is only partialty solubie in water. By dissolving it in distilled vinegar, iliis excess of ide is saturaled, and w evaporation of the Solution, the proper acetate of copper is obtained in a cry lalli Zod mass os a very deep groen colour. This is Scarcelymedicinalty omployod. The sub-acetate has been empl0yed M a serua os givuag c0pper in epilepsy, and also as an emetis ;