A system of materia medica and pharmacy [electronic resource] : including translations of the Edinburgh, London, and Dublin pharmacopoeias, in two volumes

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tioli it cxeices, but is frequently displayed xv leve this is aliatogether insensibie. The opinion has been dvanced, thatit actS as an antidote to the venereat virus, neutraliZing it sonae hat in the manner in whicli one chemicat agent sub- dueς the propertius os a nother, an opiniun extremely Vagueaud hypothetical, and rendered improbabie troin the conSideration of the very smali quantity of sOme of the more ac-liVe preparations os mercu , si om Whicli a cure may be obtained, compared with the large quantity of othors less active, that requires to be administere i. The explanation ad vincedis My Hunter, that the effica of mercuo in the treat mentos syphilis depentis on iis generat aud permanent stimulant operation on il e system, by whicli it induces and keops up an action incompatibie with that morbid action whicli coii , stitutes the disease, untii the virus is destroyod by the che- micas changes going on in the systein, or untii it is eliminat ed Dom the body by the usual excretiolis, is On the wholemost probabie ; it resis on a principie undo ted, that there

the action whicli constitutes syphilis, the continuatice of it for some time will suspend the lalter ; and the veneroaI virus ivili, in common with any other matter contained in the cir cuiating mass, be chmged or discliarged. The mode of administering mercury, for the cure os thevenereat diseasu, under ali iis fornis, is no v ascertained ivit lis usticiunt precision. Thero is no advant age in giving it so asin luce profuse salivation ; this is Even to be a voided as hvi t sui; at the fame time, it is propor that salivation shouid bocxcited to a certa in extent, not probably as essentiat to iis esticacy, but as a pr00s os iis fuit acti in oti tht system bcing


TONI s. obtalaed. Τhis is Lept up lar a certain time, longer orinorter, according to the State of the symptoins, and the pre- violis continuance of the diserae. Exposure to coid is avold-od, as heing liable to cause the more partiat opemation ofanercvry on the saliva glande; and the state os initationis diminished, or determination to the intestines producingpuming is obvialed, by the exhibition of an optate. When

profuse salivation occurs, the remedios employed to checla itare cathartios in moderate doses, sinali doses of opium, thuapplication of a blister to the throat, and the administrationos sulphuret Os potasti ; the last being omployed frum thedoubilat hypothesis, that iis chemicat agency may neutraliZethe merciuγ. Free exposure to a cool dry air is, accordii gto the observations of Μr Pearson, more effectual thau any

other method. When the morbid irritation, Boin the actionos mercia', vises too hi O, producing a state of exhaustion, whicli sonictimes proceeds rapidb to an alarming extent, the administration of the remedy must be immediately suspend-ed ; and in this case also, exposure to a cool atmosphere iS

, The preparations of mercia , medicinalty employed, arothose in whicli it is oxidatod, in V hich tho orida ted metes is combinod with an acid, or in V hicli et ther the motat or thooxides of it are combined with sulphire. The particulavrarocesses for obtaining them are inserted and Oxplainod in the pharmacelitical part of the wor . Hore it is suffcientio notice bries ly their distinctions and applications. Tho Groy Oxide, formed by the trituration os mercuaF, is the haesis of a number of preparations. In these, the metallias been supposed indued to he moroly mechanicatly divid-od ; but in iis metallic state, mercu does not appCar i Oexert any sensibi e action on the living system, and tho ac li-vi y 0s it in these preparations is a proos illat it is oxi dato. .


I iis is also est Eslied more directly ; quick-Silvor, by agitation, is converted into a blacti potviter, and this, Illic othororides, is sol le in muriatic acid, whicli metallic mercu

trituraled with any viscous substance Whicli facilitates 1he division of iis globules. Ly trituration mitti mucilage agum nae ic, a preparation is obta ined, ita med Plenk's Mercurial Solution, the operation of whicli is extremoly mild. Bubbed with challa, it fornis the Hydrargus cum Creta ofilio London Pharmacopoeia, a preparation haVing nothing io recommend it. The Merciniat fili, prepared by tritura tingquicksilver With conserve of roses, and adding a sussicient quantity os starch to form a pili mass, is, of ali the prep rations adapted to affect the generat system, the One most commonly em 'ed, and is perhapsi equat to any other, haming the advantage of not heing liable to produce muta ivvitation, while we caii depend on the certainty and permanen eos iis action. In a dose of eight grains, moxning and evel ing, it suon affecis the generat system ; in a larger dose, it is liable to occaSion purging. Quicti silver, trituraled with lard, goon lases iss metallio form ; and the ointinent, after it hasbeen Lept sor sume time, Contains littio of it in tho metallic State, the unctuous matter probably promoting iis oxidation.

Tho oxide is diffused through the lard, and it has been conjectured, is in pari tuo combinod with sebacio acid, formedfroin the o genation os the sui. Ri hcd ou the skin, in ille quantity of one drachm of the strongcst ointinent, tha Composed os equul paris os quicksilvor Mid luid), it is sol cedihrough tbe cuticle, aud is tincti up by the absorbenis; tho


iliis melliod is cmploycii, theresore, where, frona ille state orthe system, these assections are Eable to bc producod. hereit is necessary too to give the remedZ in a large dose, or tobring the system speedily under iis action, mercurial frictionis employed, along with the administration os sonae os thomercuriat preparations by the molith. And, lastly, it has hostii supposed, that in certain locat affections, particularly bubo, sonae advantage is derived froni the mercury heing con-

v ed throtio the affected gland . The Mercurial Plaster is the metat trituraled with mclied resin and oti, and mixed with Iitharge plaster: it is sonae- times applied to indolent glandesar tumors as a discutient. Ιis power is supposed tu be increased by the addition of mni

ammoniac, and th S compound plaster has a place in the Lion-don and Dublin PharmacopoeiaS. Mercury oridated by exposure to atmospheric air, at ab ira temperature, gives an oxide in Scales of a red coloui .

contaming about 7 of oxygen in 100 paris'. This, the redoxide, Oxidum Hydrargyri Rubrum of the London Pharia

macopoeia), inordS a preparation, Whicli has been si posedio be the most uniform in iis Strength, and most certain in iis operation, of est the merςuristis. Iis dose is one grain nightand moraing. It is more active thau the gi oxide, but is more liable to produce tiritation. Various preparations are obtahaed Dom thc metal oxidated


This sub-nitrate, and illso the nitrous solution Di mercii , forin, when mixed with lard, oiniments whicli, Doni their stimulating po vor, are applied with the greatest a luant cin chronio ophthalinia and psor-ophthalinia. When the nitrate os mercu , containing the mercu ina low state os oridation, is deconiposed by ammonia, a precipitate is thrown down os a grey colour, whicli appears tobe nearly a pure oride. It is the Oxiduin Hydrargyri Cinereum os tho Pharmacopoeias ; 4s comparatively mild in iis operation, and is frequently employed, iis dose being one ortwo gratias. It is also sonaetimes used truder the forin os tantinent, as a mode of applying mercurial friction. Mercu , Oxidated by sulphuric acid, sortiis the Sulphateor mercury, whicli, decomposed by tho affusion os bollingwater, affords a yellow pora der, the Sub-Sulphate, or, as it Was formerly numeri Turbith Minerat. This acts with too

much molen e to be used as a mercurial. In a dose os . 3 ord grains, it operates as a powerfui emetic, and it is Some- times used as an errhine.

Mercury, oxidated and combined with min alie acid, sorinst vo Very active preparations, dissering in the degirco os oxi dation, and in the proportion of acid with whicli the oxideis combine l. The one has bucia long knoum by the nanae os Corrosive Sublimato os Moucu , the other by iliat of Mild

Sublimate or Calomel. i lio sortiter is nori numed Muriate

Colleges Submuriate, os Morcus o Dames uot sust cient lx


ing epitheis are stili the least ambiguous, and even in consor- ty to strict chemicat nomenclature are properly used . The sirst of these compo ds, Corrosive Muriate of Mer

in crystalline needies. It is solubie in ivater and in al- Lollia has a taste styptic and metallic, and exeris a degreeos escharotic power. It is the most active os in the preparations of this metal: even in a finali dose it occasions Severegriping and purging, a larger quantity Causes inflammationos the intestines, tenesmus, and discliarge of blood ; profuse salivation is induced, and convulsions terminate in death. As a pulson, it assecis both the heret and nero OuS SyStem, the affection of the lalter heing marked by the convulsions and the state os insensibilio whicli it induces ; of the forme by the rapid cessation of the circulation ; it appears at the Same time, to rect chemicatly on the stomach, the Lucous membrane of that organ in an animal Lilled by it, bcingsound on dissectioia sost and puto, So as to be eaSij delached. The remedies which have been employed to colinter tit, are aikaline Solutions, or lime-water, by whicli it may bodecomposed, and mucilaginous diluenis to facilitate vomituag. Corrosive invi late os merci ny is distinguished by sume peculiarities of action froni the othor mercuriat s. Frona iis gi eat activi ty it sconer assecis the System, und heiace is calculated, in the treatinent of syphilis, speedily to auest theyr0gress 0f the symptoms. Iis operation io . Whon it is nos



gi ven in too large a dose, is more generat; it is tess liable, therofore, to induce salivation, or any other locat assection, and liciace se ver precautions, xvith the exception of the due regulation of tho doso, are required during iis VSc. It Sue Ceeds best When given in Amali doses, Such as the si or ora grain t vice a-day, and iis operation is rendered more mi id by the Dee use of diluents. D must always be seven in Solution, in order that the doso may portioned with sufficient accuracy. Iis solution in diluted aikohol is supposedio sit easter On the stomach than iis Waleo solution, and mader this forni it was recommended by Van Sudeten, Who introduced iis freo use. Another sorin os prescribing it is, tooncrease iis solubility by the addition of muriato os amni nia, so that a sinali quantity of wator dissolves it, and tolarin this solution into pilis by the addition of crumi, orbreta, ea cli pili contaming l grain. Mucii caution is x quived in enoreusing the dose, and whenevor it produces nau-Sea OP purging, it ought to be intermitte l. The advantages belonging to this preparation have led totis frequent use. It has di salivantages, however, whicli more

lent, and what soritas the most important objection to it, iis operation duos not appear to be susticiently permanent; hence, When the sympionis of Syphylis have disappeared --der iis use, they are ii te, it has been alledged, to retiunwhen it is suspended, or the disease recurs in Some of iis S condaly forins. Frona these circumstances it is noxv notmuch em Oyed in the generat troatinent of syphylis, but is rather uSed stom particular indications. Some os the empirical medicines whicli are boasted of as anti syphylitic reme- dies, und as containing no mercury, ou e thei P essica cy to it ;iis activi ty rondering the doso so sinali, that it is more easdy


other diseases in regular practico, particularly as an alterativo in lepra sind other obstinate culaneous affections, and tua heumatism. A very dilute solution os it is used us a mi glein venereat fore throat, and as a lotion in Some cui an ous an sections. The system has sumetimes been observed to heumected froni iis tuo Deo externat application, electallywhen in a Concentraled state, under ille mim Os oiniment DP

plaster ; and Sume cases are related by Plenk, or deuth ha ing l en the consequence of Such applications. Whon introduced into an wound, it quickly occasions deat b, productu at ille Same time, total digorganiration or the pari. Mild Muriate of Mercury, or Calomel, is obtula ed by tritura ting the corrosive muriate With nearly an equat paeri orthe metal, and favouring their mutuat action by the action ofheat, the produci being sublimed. The additiones metallic mercui hicli is thus hi ought into combination, Shares tiae oxygen and the acid of the corrosive muriate, so that thewhole of the metat is in a lower degree os oxidation, and this ox de is combined with less muriatic acid. The quantityos acid, however, is us much us the Oxide requires to Combine u illi it, and lience the produci iS not a Sub-muriate, usthe name given to it in the Pharmacopoeias implies. Thoproportions os iis principies, according to iis malusis hyCheneVix, naee merciuγ 79, Oxygen 2.5, and acid II. 5 ; ac-

os a dense crystalline calie, composed of shori aggregated prisuis ; ii iis vapour be condensed on the su ace of water,

this aggregation is prevente I, and it is obtamcd in poWder,as it is also whon prepared in the humid way, by decompoSi g a soluti in os nitru te of in reury pt the minimum ol oxi


dution, by muriatic acid or a solution Os muriate os sodu It is perfectly 1nsipid and insolubie in water.

Milii muriate of mercury is one of the militest of tne mC1 curia is, and at the fame time ono of tho most certain in iis operation on the generat system. It is not So mucti emplo Ded as a reme in syphylis, principalty frona iis boing liabluto induce purging; but when ibis is obviat ed by tho additionos sinali doses of opium, it is given in the doso os one Or ti, o gratiis morning and evening, stud scon assecis the generat System. It is the mercuriat, hori ever, whicli is chiosy empi ed in the troatiarent of the other dise es in whicli mei cu is proscribed. TO the treatinent of some of them it is peculiarly adapted by iis action on tho intestinat cantil, and the Secreting organs connected with it; heiace iis emploγ-ment in febrile affections, in hepatitis and chronio indura tion of the livor, in schirrous allections of Other viscerat Organs, in dysente , and as a remedy in Q O S. The mild-n s of iis operation rendering it s e to administer it in largo d0ses, so as speedily to bring the system under ille action ofmercia y, reniters it equalty proper sor administratiou in tetanus, hydrophobia, croup, and other digeases in Whicli thisis required. The Same mildncss adapis it to continued uso, and hende the prela nee given to it in culaneous affections, in glandular obstructioris, in dropsy, and whcrever mercii Pis employed as an alterative. It not only produces the generat effecis os a mercuriat, but also, When given in sussicientdoses, acts With certainty and mildness as a cathartio. Itis helice osten employed to promote the operation of Othci cathartios, and it has the peculiar ad 'antage, that it does Sowithout adding to tho irritation hicli they are liable to occasion. Helice, this combituition is poculiarly usesul ivliore it is dissiculi to cause puring, or Where, si in the state of thesis in Iuli, tho usual onthuxtius ure liu hic tu he rejectcd, c8-



pitatis Albus of the London Pharmacopoeia, is prepared by

quantity of ammonia, the proporti0ns being 81 of oxide, Isios acid, and 3 of ammonia. It is tuo acrid sor internal use, but is employed externalty as a milit escharotic, and as an

application in various cuiaueous affections. An olutinent

os potasti is adde l. United with sulphur, mercuin sernas tuto preparations, thel, Iacla sulpitaret, and the red. In both of thoin the metat hasbeen suppo sed to be 0xidused, and in the red a large quan-