A system of materia medica and pharmacy [electronic resource] : including translations of the Edinburgh, London, and Dublin pharmacopoeias, in two volumes

발행: 1813년

분량: 529페이지

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it, have been improving the appetite and generat strongili ;Sometimus it occasions diaphoresis or diuresis, and in an overilose is liable to produce nausea, vertigo, tremors, and ii Sensibility. Iis usual dose is 5 drops of the saturaled solution, gradualty increased to 20 or more. Ιis virtves have beeneither ovor-raled, or iis mode os administration not propexlyconducted, us it has salien into disuso. CALX. Lime. THIS earlli exigis abundantly in nature combinod vitii carbonic and Other acilis. Froni the native carbonato it is obtained by expelling the carbonic acid by heat. It is solubie in Water in Smali quantity ; the solution has a St ptic triste, and is the forna under whicli limo has been medicinalty cmploycd. Lime Mater, as it is namcd, is used with aduantum in dyspepsia ; iis beneficiat effecis arise principa Ity fisoni iistonic and astringent quality, as in the sinuli quantity Whichwater can dissolve, it cun have litile effect by any chemicatagency in obviating acidity. It is cmployed too aS an aS-.tringent in chronio diari licea and in leucorrhoea. Carbonateor lime is used as an ant acid : and Phospitate of lime has, frona theoretical victus, heon proposcit as a remedy in richeis and mollities ossium. Muriate of lime is amore active Sub-Stance, and more powerfur tonio ; it is prepared, according toa formula sven by tho Ediuburgh and Dublin Colleges, bydecomposing carbonato os lime by muriatic acid, and is obtatued in the state os a saturaled solution. In iis action onthe System, it has a considerable anulon to muriate os ba-xyte8, mit, liliu it, has been used principalty in scrofula undii Dctic sevcr, and in dyspopsia. Iis dose is half a draesimos the Saturaled solution ; and as it is a medicine os consider-κble activi ty, it requiros to bo giv n with caution. Like '


Othur suline substancos designed to act On the generat system, it is probably most successiui When adni inistered in sinulld0ses, with largo dilution, as in large dOS , and a more concentraled state, iis absorption is colanteracted, and iis actionis confined to the intestines. Heiace proh ly the greater benefit frequently derived from it in scrotaluus assections under the sortia os minorat waters, of whicli it is not uti equently an itigredient. I sound a minerat spring in Yorkshire, thatos Ilkley, muci, celebrated for iis esticacy in scrosula, tobc ater Dee froni sit saline matter, excepi a Vo minute

quantity of muriate of time. ΤΗΕ two solio ving substances, though not Strictb belong- ing to the minerat Lingilom, may ba associaled M ith the preceding tonics, as connected with them by chemicat relations. Ac1DUM NITRIcUM. Nitrio Acid. THIs acid is the laroduci of the saturation os nitrogen ivitiioxygen, and consists of 29. 5 of the former, and 70. 5 of the lalter. It is obta ined by decomposing nitrate of potasti sulphurio acid, assisted by hcat; the sulphuric acid combines With the potasti, and the acid of the nitre distiis over in the



troduced into practice, and received an extensive tries. Verydi Scordaut opinions xvero sor a timc maintained with 1egaid totis Ρο exs, but the question appears no v to be Sussiciently deterniinc l. There can be no doubi that the primary symptonasos Syphilis are osten removed by iis usu, and that even the Secondary Sympionis are alleviat , or altogether disappear ;Venerent ulceres heat, enlargettients of the glandS SuhSide, Vene-xeat patiis hecome less severo, vsnereat eruptions hecome te vivid or entiaeely fade, and the generat vigour of the systemis improve l. Eut even in producini theso effecis, nitrio Acidfrequently fatis, and it appears to be CStablished, that ivlieuit has removed the symptonas, iis action is not in generalsussiciently po versul Or permanent to eradicate the syphiliti cpoison; the sympionis recur, Or the disease appears, after vome time, in one or Other of iis secondary fornas. Though in this respect, hori ever, nitrio acid is inferior tomercvry, and cannot be relied on alone in the treatinent of sypti ilis, there are other important indications whicli it sui sis, and whicli reniter it a remedy of much value. It sup-poris the strength of the system iuider ille irritation os mercii , and whereuer thiS remoth requires; to be given to a considerint,le extent, is in this respect ad vant: eous ; it ap

cui , Sympi Onas, especialty those os constitutional assection, diSuppearing imiter their combined administration, whicli are


precaution is propor, os empl0ying as much mercui ouldliave hoen judged necessary alone for their removes. Lastly, in sympionis occurring duxing a protracted mercuitat counc, probably arising hom thes excessive use of mercu , and aggravated rather than removed by iis continuance, much be-uosit is derived froin the acid ; and it somelimes succeeds in the removat os obstinase fores, wheu ali other remedios, loculand constitutional, have saded. There are other discuses in Whicli it is administered withailvani age, particula ly in that chronic assection of the liverfrequently arising Doni residelice in a warm climate, in dyspepsia with the view of relieving Sichness and anorexia, andiu Obstinate cutaneous eruptions. Iis medium dose, in iis continued administration, is frum one to two drachms intreenty- ur lio A ; the las ter quantity in generat cannot be


to iis medicinal use, this suit containing a Very large quantityos oxyg n, Whicli is not rota ed in it by a Strong assinii y Iis operation in checking or removing the symptom S Oi D-philis is similar ; it also enoi easus the force of the circulistion, aud excites the actions of the system. Iis emcncy as stuanti-Venereat remedy was inserred, iroin the triuis made ofit, to be superior to diat os the nitrio ac id, but it does not


extended ov r the system : heiace bitters have scat coly ai sonsible cffoci in augmenting tiis sorce of the circulation ortho heat of the body, in enoreasing the Secretion S, or in Stimulating to action any particular pari: their operation is

principalty in giving Vimur to ilio Stomach, and other digestive organs, and obviating those sympionis connected withdobility os these organs. Still their operation is not entirelylocul ; they prove tonis to the generat system, not Ouly indirect ly by their action on the stomach, but by a more di rectoperation. This is displayed in their pola ex os removing discastis c0nnected with generat debility, as intermittent sever, or the different species of dropsy, particularly anasarca, M'hiChso frequently depend on diminished onero of the absorbenis.

The injurious consequeuces Whicli somelimes arise frona theuse os bitters ton long continued, assord another proos ofliteir action on the generat System. LitterucsS in vegetabies has been supposed to reside in apoculi iv proximato principie, which has been named the Litter Principie. I bis os inton, however, iS extremesy Vague, pnii resis On no Susiicient evidelice. The quality of bitter-ness may reside in any of the known principies of vegetablematter: in many of the bitters of the Materia Medica, ituppears to be connected with an extractive matter, as it is obtained equesty by the action of water and aikohol; it is notvolatile, and in generat is not iniich imputred by decoction. Aromatios are more rapid and diffusibie in thela action ;iliey stimulate. the generat system, and augment the force of the circulatiora ; but this is scarcely sussiciently periument tondinit of thoir heing administered with advantage M toniCS. They are there re rather employed as temporary StimulantS, to obviato debility of the digestive organs, or as si molli the action os bitters. Stili, as Strictly connected with the. substances bolonging to this cla Ss, I have Lot hostiated to


place them iuider it. There is oue generat Via tue they possess, and sor Whicli they are osten used, that Di prevontingor rellexing nausea; this they do partly froni their assee ille taSte and odour, and partly probably froni their Stunulant operation on the Stomach. Ille aromatic quality in genet alxesides in thoir essentiat Oil; helice it is communicated hoth to water and aikoh0l by inlusion : theis Oils are usualty pilaigent and stimulant, und their distilled waters and spiritS pta talae of these poWers. Froin the qualities Whicli initers and axomati CS POSSeSS, the stimulant operation of the One being Slow and permanent, that of the other being more diffusibie and transient, it mi the inferi ed, perhaps, that their combination ivili ast id a superiority of tonic po vero In the most potueri ut vegetabletonics, accordindy, these qualities are generalty blendia ;thcse may be placed fit si, aud suom them there is a sortes to

I ΗΕ natural history os the genus Cinchona was, viatilla tely, Very imperfecti elucidate l. Linnaeus h ad describe la species under the nam e of inchona Octicinalis ; the characters of Whicli, ho vover, Were indistinctly given underthis generat nauae. I ho Edini, in gli College have inserted in their catalogue of tho articles of the Materia Medica, thethrue Liniis of Peruvian barii ut present mct Mith in thesliops, the Pale, the si ed, and the 1 elio , leaving undete mined their natural distinctions. 1 ho Speci CS of this genus, it HOW appelli S, are numcious, and many of them nativus offeria. ,he sub eot has lutoly hocri investigated by Mutis und


Tea, and on their auth ity the London College have insertia ud three species, Cinchona Cordi lia, Cilichona oblongi lia, and Citichona Lancissilia ; the syst furnishing the pale bark, tho second the red, and the third the yellow bain os the shops. They ait natives of different provinces os PePu. These barks appem to bc procured and prepared in a simila P mannei'. The bain is strippeii froni the triviti audbranches, duesing the dry seu son ; it is di ted by cxpos e tot he situ, and assecv bcing imported into Europe, is sorted by



long decoction, the viriues of the bark are nearly impati caor destroyed, o v ng to the chemicui change alid precipitation os iis active matter. A tkohol is a more powersul solvent of iis active principies than water, the tincture beingos a much deeper colour and stronger i te, and holdingmoare matter dissolved. Brandy and other spiriis and winos afford strong solutions in proportion to the quantity of aikο-hol they contain. Α saturaled solution of ammonia is also apora erfui solvent; vinegar is tess so even than water. By

tained. The action os menstrua on the red balin is ne ly the Same, the solutions heing rathor Stronger, or containing a largCP

quantity of the matter whicli is precipitaled froni, the decoction as it cocis, and whicli is more peculiarly solubie in al-kohol, this mattor heing apparently composed os the principies in V hicli the activity of the bain resides. The analysis of the yello v bark shows that iis active principIes are more p0werful than in either of the othors, iis insu-Sions in Water, aikohol, &c. being at least much mole bitter. It is not easy to determine froin these resulis, the natureos the principies extracted, or what relation they have tolli e powers os ille balli. As the active matior appears to bemore solubie in hol than in cold water, being partialty precipitatod si om the sortiter as it coois, and as it is stili more solubie in alkohol, it might he concluded to be os a resinous

nature. Leitig Solubie to a certain extent, hora ever, in Water,