A system of materia medica and pharmacy [electronic resource] : including translations of the Edinburgh, London, and Dublin pharmacopoeias, in two volumes

발행: 1813년

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aiialter, and this appears to have sonae relation to the matterextracted by inter xvith tho uid of heat, and by eskohol. In add;ng a solution os sulphate of iron to the insusion, adcep colour is struck, not purple indoed like iliat usualty produced by the action of that test on the vegetable RS ringenis, but rather of a da in olive meen; the fame colour is stilldceper when the sali is added to the decoction, or the tincture. This was regariled as a proos of the presence of tho tringent principie or laniatia, and heiace it might be inserta red, that a precipitate Mould be produced by the addition os latin. This coordinHy happens With Some Linds os Peta riman bain; a solution os gelatin added to the infusiongiving a precipitate more Ox Iess copious. Eut the singularsaci has been discovered, that there are other varieties iubi hdo not precipitate gelatin : Dr Maton observed even that a precipitate was produced With tannin, or at least with insu Sion of Oala bark, or of infusion os galis. This latior resultSeguin considered absurdly as depending on the presenoe os gelatin, and pretended that gelatin exerted the specisc pomer 'of Peruvian bain on the system, so that with animal gluo hel ad curia intermittent sever. De Divican inferreii, that theprecipitation with tannin is owing to the presence of a peculiar proximate principie of veget te matter not hefore obia se ed, to which he gave the nauae Os Cinchonin. Vauque-lin, in his analysis of the disserent species os Peruvian hark,sound generat ly, that theix aqueouS infusion gave a precipi- cato both with tannin and gelatin ; Some, imWDVer, WVe no

niti. Among these, he ranks the common pale bai L. Othersagain did not precipitate ianitin, but sol med a precipitate


their specille characteus, and wo theresere scat coly know towhat tho observations apply. Frona the intermixture of di fui ut Linds of Peruvian bark in commerce, and the uncui

fainty os their uniformity, it is not casy to determine u lint species more peculiarly afford this principie. I have solinil, that the watery infusion of the pale bain is not sensibiy precipitated cither by gelatin or tannin ; that of the red bain is uot precipitaled by gelatin, but gives a copiolas precipitalei cith tannin; and that of the yellaw is rendered turbid by gelatin, and precipitaled copiousty by tannin. . There is a dissiculty in determining the natu e of the prino Ies on whicli these phenomena depend, oithor that whichgives a precipitate With gelatin, or that whicli is precipitat-ed by tinnin, is theso differ froninoach other. In a dissertation by B. A. Comes, a process is seven to obtain Cinchoninpule, and iis qualitios in this state are described as different in severat respecis frona those which had been assigned to it. The process consisis in evaporating tinctu e os bark to thec insistende os an extraci, adding to this successivoly smali portiones of distilled water, ivlide any colour Or iaste is acii uired ; sitiering these solutions, then evaporating them ;ndding to the solid matter successive portiones of a solutionos potasti, utilii these como oss colourless. Α white Substanco


yiel ling a precipitate frona. solutions in asi is, On the ad dition os infusion of gails, whicli is redissolved by aikoholibeing also precipitatod Doni solution in sulphurio acid byp0tash, the precipitate being apparently Cinchonin unChungiaed. This principie, as GomeS remurta, is analogous to resin in iis inflammability, insolubility in Water, and solubilityin aikohol and other; but it differs by iis crystalliZation, itand iis solubility in acitis. In these, as weli as in the other

but it disters froni it in ivant of Odour, in gleater speciscyavity, as it sinks in Water, and tu giring a precipitate Citii infusion os galls. The solubility of this principio in Watex,

ns it crisis in cinctiona, must, acCOrding to this statemcnt,

he o ving to principies xvith whicli it is combine l.

It does not clearly appear, What relation these principies of Peruvian . baxk, Whether cinctiones, or that whichgives a precipitate mitti gelatin, have to the mattor in whichthe active powers of the cinctiona reside. It may be conclud-ed, however, that they are not essenties to it, since they are in sparing quantity in pale bark, and since they are not unilam in the other species in any relation to the medicinalqualities. The fame facts prove, that they have uo relationto the res ο- tractive matter, the principio probably os greatest activity of any whicli barti contains. Comes alia fritis, however, that cinctionin is contained in ali the Mirieties of cinctiona Whicli are febrifuge, and that in those Whichare not it is wanting. The infusions of some varioties of barla redden the more

delicate veget te infusions ; and Vauquolin has discoverre, in the matter extracted by water xvith the aid of heat, a saltcomposed of lime, With a peculiis crystalligabie acid, whichhu has nauicd Einio Acid. The active matter of harti is rondered moroe solubie in


24, 2wafer by acids, a circumstance of Some impori ce in iis pharmaceutio preparation. The aikalis also adit to iis sesu bility ; and some of the Grilis, particularly limo and masenesia, have the fame effect

The comparative medicines activio of the disserent Linds os Peruvian bain is not eastly determined, o ving to the variablestate in whicli they are found in the inops. The red, at iis

first introduction, was represented as much superior in o cacy to the pale, and this appeared to confirmed by clie- micat experimenta on the proportion os active matter in itto that of the ligneous fibre ; but there is sonae reason to doubt of this superiority ioth regard to the red bain no v usually met with. The yellow bain has a much Dinter de-gree of bitionem, and Some clinical observations appear toesta listi iis superior medicules power. According to Mutis and Tea, it is far superior to the other species, in cin'ing intermittent sever, and they regarii ii as the only species di

intense bitterness reniters it unpleasant, and liable to occasion nausea, at least mileSS it be taen in a dose inferior tolliat of the other. The offecis of Peruvian burti are those of a powersul and permanent tonic, so flow in iis operation as to he scareelyperceptibie by any alteration in the state os the pulse, or of the temperat e of the hody. Ita tonio power is inscii , theresere, principalty Dom obvia ting states of debiliba audit is one of those medicines, the essicacy of whicli in remov-ing discasu, is much greater than could be expected, ὰ prsori

froni iis effecis on the system in a licuithy State. The onlycmecis arising Dona tuo large a dose are nausea and headach Intermittent sever is the disease sues the cure of whicli harkwas introduced into proclico, aud there is stili no remcdy


then more apt to excite nausea. It requires to be given forsume time, and continued aster the sever has been removed, in order more effectualty to guavd against a rei Se. In remittent sever it is giveu Willi eques Deedom, eventhough the remission of the laver may be obscure, pnil 'equently With advantage. The remissiona become more distinci, and the febrile state is at longili subdiaed. In those fornis of continued sever whicli are conticetodwith debility, as in typhus, cynanche maligna, and consuerit Amall-poX, Ac. Peruvian bain has been regariled as One of the most valvabie remodies. It is dicticuli, however, to giveit in such quantities as to obtulit much sensibie effect f in it,as froni the wenkenod state of the organs os digestion, it re- malas in the stomach vitalici ed, and is si te to producenausea and irritation. In modern practice, theres ore, bardis tess employed in typhus, preseretice hoing given to ille more powexsul exciting operation of opium and Wino. Ithas been rogarded as even iniri sui in those fornas of sevor, here the brari or iis membranus are inflamed, or Wherethere is much itrita iis, ina. Ei d by Subsultus tendulum, aud


convessive mytions os the extremittes. A dvantage is sum times 'derived froni it in the convalescent stage of the diseMe. Even in sevcrs os an Opposite type, where there are martis os iussammatoo action, particularly in acute rheumatism,

iu scrotaluus and venereat ulceration, the Dee use of cinctionalias been regarded as of the greatest advantage: In some Osthese diseases, however, the Sio ess Os ita operation rendergit less effectual, and this is not casib obviated by any en-c re e whicli can be made in the dose. In the various fornis of passive haemorrhagy, in many other diseases of chronio debili , i Spepsia, hypochondriasis, paralysis, richeis, Scrolata, dropsy, and in a variety of Spag- modic affectioris, cpilepsy, chorea, and hysteria, cinctiona is administered as a powerfui and permanent tonio, either Mone, or con ined With other remedies sested to the particular case. The more common combinatious os it axe with sulphuric acidas an aStringent, With preparations of iron as a tonio, withmercvry in syphilis, in spasmodio dise es with valerian, and with cicuta in scrofula and extensive ulceration. Iis usual dose is half a drachm. The only inconvenience of a larger dose is iis sitiing mie y on the stomach. It may, theresere, is necessa , bo nequently repeMed, and in urgent cases may be tinen to the extent Os an ounce or even tu o. ounces in laventy- ur lio S, though Dom sucti large dosos probably no adequale tavantage is dexived. Is it exci ouauSea, Sinniter doges may be talam and repeated more frequently, and may be reconciled to the stomach by the additation Os any gratesul aromatic. Thu powder is more effectual than any of the preparati0ns; it is given in uino, or in any spiritous liquor dilut il


nesia, it is rather more active. The decoction containquiore of the active matter of the bain, and is the prepara

Doni 2 to 4 ounces; but oven it cannot be relied ou DP any important effeci. Tho spiritolas tincture, though containing niore of the active piincipies, cannot be extensively used onaccount of the menstruum, but is principalty cmployed occasionalty, and in sinali doses of 2 or 3 drachms, ag a no- machic. The eXtraci is a preparation or Some power, When


p0Sed as a substituto for it, and has as Such been receivedinto the Edhiburgh Pharmacopoeia. It is more bitter, undless aromatic, is of a brown colour, Somewhut convolute land sorous. According to thu observations of Dr Wright, who employed it in Jamaica, iis effecis are Similar to those of the ossicinal cin hona. The Cinchona Floribunda, or StILucia bark, has been naso soni times used. It is of a d Lerbrown colour ; iis taste is su eetisti, but becomes extremelybitter. It heta been found more Ii te than the other speciesto produce nausea and pii ging. ARISTOLOCHIA SERPENTARIA. Serpentaria Virginiana. Virginiata Siaake-root. Gynarid. HezMὶδ. Sa meum P. Radiis: Virginia, Carolimst. THIS Poot consists of a number os sinali sibres, issuingsrom One stem, of a greyish-brown colour; it has a stightlyaromatio sineis, and a warm bitteristi iaste. Iis active mat-

an essentiat oti, somera hat fragrant, but not pungent. Serpentaria is a stimulating aromatio tonic, M hich used


ducing it heing unknown. These have been lately descr-mined by Ηu'boldi, and the London College have adopt-ed the nante Cusparia Febrisuga, in order to distinguisti id,



of a yello Vish-brown colour, and smooth ; it has liti te odour; iis tasto is hilter and Stiglitly aromatic. Water, assisted by heat, tines up the greater part of iis active mattex, whichdoes not scem to bc ii tu ed by decoction. Allichol dissolves iis bittor and aromatio paris, hut precipitates the intractivo matter dissolved by V ater, and iis solution is on the contra decomposed by water. Proos spirit appears to he iis proper menstruum. By distillation, it assords a sinali quantityos essentiat oll. The bain, triturated mitti lime or potasti, and water, gives a sineti os ammonia. Iis 'atery infusiongives no precipitate ivitii gelatin ; but on the contra , be- comes imbid with infusion os galis. Iis pori der is pori exsul

in colantea acting putrefacti . AnguStura i s originalty introduced in the v est Itidies as a remedy in lavers, cqual or even superior to the Peruvian bain. In this count it has not been much em Oedas a substitute ser cinctiona ; und in the treriment of interimittent, it has in the trivis that have been made of it faded. It has been used principat ly in obstinate diis rhoea, and in chronio G Sente , or as a remedy in dyspepsia. Iis dose is froni 10 to 20 g ins of the pora deri or one drachm in insu- Sion or decoction. Ιis tincture M ith pi 00s spirit is givon in