A system of materia medica and pharmacy [electronic resource] : including translations of the Edinburgh, London, and Dublin pharmacopoeias, in two volumes

발행: 1813년

분량: 529페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


CAPsIcUM ANNUUM. Capsicum. Guinea Pepper, or Cap-sicum. Pen an . Monos . Solanacea. Tructus. East

Tu E fruit os this plant Is an oblong pod, or an orange colour, containing a pulp inclusing Seeds. The membranous pod has an odo. aromatic and penetrating, but whicli is impati ed by d ing; iis taste is extremely hol and acrid, tho sensation whicli it excites remaining long impressed on the palate. Iis pungency is completely extracted by eskohol, and partialty by water. Capsicum is a Very po versui stimulant. As such, it hasbeen ven in atonio goiit, in palsy and dyspepsia, in tympa- nitis and dropsy, and in the latior stage os severi Where thel po vers of lde are nearly exhausted. It is givon in the dosol of 5 or 10 grains, in the forin os pili. In chronic assections it

is combined with preparatious of iron or other tonios. It isi used as a condiment tO Dod, especialty in warm climates,


1iable to induce. The cassicum pod is Sometimes employedas an ingredient in rubefacient cataplasms, applied to the soles of the Dei, to relieve the coma of sever. The seses have boon found usesul in obstinate intermittent' two gratas boing oven at the approach of the coid paroxysin. The dose of the pod is Dom 5 to 10 gratas. Nic. I ep. inct. Capsici. Lond. PIPER NIGRUM. Blach. Pepper. Dia d. Trigon. PL

BLAcΚ or Coimnon Culinary Pepper is the uitripe lauit orthis plant dried in the sun. Its sineti is aromatio ; iis i te pungent. Both taste and Smeli are extracted by water, and partialty by eskohol. The essentiat oti, obta ed by distilla tion, has litile or no pungenCy. Pepper, Dom ita stimulatins and aromatic quality, is em- oyed as a condiment to promote digestion : as a medicinoit is Hven to rellave nausea, or Haech vomitiun to remove singultus, and as a stimulant in retrocedent mul and par Hsis. Iis dose is 10 to 15 gratiis. Iis infusion has Menused as a garse in relaxation of the uvula. White P per is the ripe beri es of the sanae plant, Deed Dom the outer covering, and dried in the sun. It is tesspungent than the blach. PIPEB. LONGUM. Long Pepper. Di d. Trion. PLpercton. Eructus. EaSt Lidi CS. , Tuis is the hero of the plant, gathered besore it is ollyripenod, and dricii in the sun. It is oblong, indented on tho Sursace, of a daxk grey colour. In flavoui , t te, and other


qualities, it is similar to the Uack p pex, and may be used

TΗΕ hereses of this troe are collected besere they are ripe, and are died in the sun. Their taste, though pungent, is much less so than that of the peppers ; their flavoux is franant, and his osten been compared to that os a mixture ofeloves, nutinera and cinnamon. The flavour resides in an senties Oil; the pungency in a resin. Ρimento is used in medicine merely as an aromatic, and principalty ou account


ΑΜΟΜυΜ T1NGIBER. Tingiber Officinale . Ginger. naad. Mo=wg. Scitamineae. Radii. 1ndia. Tuis plant has been usualty placed under the genus Amomum, but the London College have admitted the alteratiouproposed by Im Roscoe, and infert ii as the species os a dita ferent genus, under tho namo Tingiber Ossicinale. It is anative of India, but is no v ab dant in the P est Indies, wheiace the dried root is imported. It is in sinas Mintaedpieces, of a gr isti or White colour, having au aromatic o- dour, and a Very pungent, Somewhat acrid taste. The Blacla Ginger is the Dot prepared with less care than the viuite ;the latior, provisus to drying, being scraped and washed. Ginger yields iis active aromatic matter completely to H-kohol, and in a great me ure to water. By distillation it ords a sinali quantity of essentiat oti, which is fragrant, but not pungent, the pungency residing in a resino-extractive principie. This root is frequently employed as a matelai and moderately powerfui aromatic, either in combination with other

AMOMUM REPENS. A momum 'Cardamomum. Elicitaria Cardamomum. Cardamomum minus. Lesser Cardamom. M0numd. M Ogyn. Scitantineae. Semen. India.

I Wo species had bden described as inording the lessor


Caidamoni Seeds ; the A inomum Repens, and Amomum Caria damomum. The Edinburgii College reser to the formex ; but more lateb, Dom a more accurate description of the plant, it has been enthely removed froin the genus amomum, audplaced under a new genus, named Eleltaria, the name chOSenser the species heing Eleltaria Cardamomum. This has been admitted by the London College. The seeds are dried, and imported in their capsules, by


Tuis plant is cultivated in the South of Europe, and sonie-

is distillation with water, a considerable quantity of essenties Oil, having a strong, xather implensant odon' and a Siveetiaste, Without much pungency, and distinguished by the property of congesing at a very moderate degree of cold. Theysaee used chieny as a carminative in dyspepsia, and in the statulence to whicli infants are subjeci. Α smali quantity of the seeds may be talaeu, Or, What is preserabie, a pori dercomposed of a sew drops of the oil rubbed with inpar. sic. Prep.-Ol. Pimp . Aasis. Ed. Lond. Dub.-Sp. Anis. Lond.-Sp. Anis. C. Dub. . TAE setas os the fosso ving planis have qualities and vir- tues so very similar to those of the aniso Or caraway, thatthey do not requiro distinct consideration. They arc used sor Similar pi poses, but are scarcely entitied to a piacu thq Materia Medica.


OF this plant, the root possesses the greatest inare of the aromatic quality, though it also belongs to the seeds aud


Verticiliatoe. Herba. Aaia, South and Eust of Etiro . THIs plant, Which grows in cur gardens, nearly allied tothe precessing in botanices characters, is possessed of verysimilar qualities and virtves, and is somelimes employed forthe purpοses sor whicli they a re used. It has also been considered as a remedy in cattarii, but it can have no essicapy.



IT has been supposed by medicat theorisis, that the fibres of

the living body, cither over the whole, or in part Of the System, may become relaxed, or lose that denSity and contraction whicli is necessisy sex the due performance of the severat Mactions. And this is considered as an affection of the matter of whicli the fibre is composed, not of the living orirrita te principie counected with it. It has farther been imaginod, that this relaxation may be removed by the application of those substances, whicli, when applied to deadanimal matter, condense and constringe it; and such sub-Stances, cla8Sed as remedies, have received the appellation ofAstringenis. They are defined by Cullen : Such substanta ces as, applied to the human body, produce contraction and condensation in the sost solids, and thereby encrease ilaeir density and force of cohesion .V By the operation of this corrugating power, either directly exerted on a pari, Or eX- tended by sympathetic action, the morbid assections arisingfrom a state os relaxation are Supposed to be remoVed. , The arguments adduced in support of these medicines exerting Such a power, appear more conclusive thau thosebi ought in proos os any of the other explanations of the operations of medicines, flaunded on the mcchanical physioloo :hence they have generalty commanded assent. AStringenis, it is observed, exert this corrugating pou ex in dead matteae;


seem to depoud on a relaxed state of the Solids ; they eveta corrugate tho fibres of living matter, as is evident Dom thesensation they impress On the longue and fauces ; and appliedio blaeding wounds, they reStrahi the now of blood apparently by the fame poweΓ.We cannot, howeveri admit, Without limitation, the supposition on whicli illis hypothesis is foviided, that the affections whicli astringenis obviate depend on mechanices laxityof the solitis, and that theso Substances rei soleb by remoVing that laxity, by inducing a mechanical or chemicat change. Debility was indeed once ascribed to such a cause ; but it la

pable os obviating illaease dependent on any state os debitura

tho produco effecis whicli cannot he referred to theiae condensing po ver, alloWing them to possess it; and the fore, inali thc chauges they produce, part of their operation ut least must be referred to actions which they exert, conformabie tothe laws of the living System. For reasons of this Lind, somo have dented the existetico or such a class of medicines as astringenis. The substances which have received that appellation, they have consideredas moderate stimulanis, permanent in there action, and asdiffer tig litile therei ore frum tonios. It must be admitted, however, that there are Substances Whicli immediately ivstrain excessive evacuations ; and that although bet vecti these und tonics there is in severat respecis. R Cl0Se reScmblance, in others they differ widely. The most