장음표시 사용
water by infusion or decoction, and by eVaporation In ox tract is obtained, highly astringent. It was introduced as cisubstitute for Peruvian bark, and tu India has been used us aucti With a luantage in the trestiment of intermittent audremittent sever. Iis dose in substance is hali a drachm. SIVIETENIA MAHAGONI. Mahogany. Corfer. Spanisli America, mest Indies. THIs species, of the sanie genus as the preceding, has si- .initar qualities and virtves, iis bain being equesb bitter an laestringent. It has therofore been reoqived into the Edinia buris Pharmacopoeia, and may be employed to ansaver Simiatur indicationS.CoLM IBA. Calumba, Pharm. Lond.) Colomba. OF tho plant whicli furnishes this xoot, no botauical ac- comit has hecia obtained. It has been suid to be brought frona Ceylon ; but froni later accounts, it appears to be the produce of the Eastem coast of Africa, and tu be imported Dom Mogambique. It'is in round thin pieces, evideolbformed by transverse sections of the root; the circumferetice of these is covered with a baxk; the wo0h part is of alight yello v colour, spongy, and osten wo--eaten. It has a fatat aromatio Smeli, and a bittex taste. It yields iis bitternoss to water; proos spirit is iis proper menstruum, though the tincture is not very Strong. Colomba is a powersul antiseptic und bliter; it is used With much advantage in astections of the stomach and intcstinat canal, accompanted with redinidatice of bile; it is also empl0yed in dyspepsia, and fornis a more p0 exsul and nat stu stomachic than tho common hi ters. 1is doso is half μ
bittor taste. It is hora ever very variabie in iis Sensibie qua- Iities, Sume specimens haring scareely any bitterneSs. IV tor and aikohol dissolve iis active matter; tho solution inelther menstruum suffers no change Dom sulphate of iron. Si mar0uba has boen celebrated as a remedy in intermittent
ivater, assords by inspissation an extra Ct intenSely bitter. Gentian is a comition remedy in dyspepSia, in the forni ofinfusion OP tincture; us a bittor, it usualty serius the hasis of stomachic remedios. In substance, it has been sven, larthe cure of intermittentes, tu a d0se of half a drachm. O c. Prop. - tr. Gent. Lut. Ins. Gent. C. T. Gent. C. Ed. Lond. Dub. in . Gent. C. I d. ANTHEMIS NOBILIS. Chamaemetum. Chamonade. S geri . Polygam. Superum. Composiis. Flores. Indigenotis.
ing nut in the wllite peltiis, hut in the disiu or tubular floreis.
a portion op tli ossentia I Oil. This est, Strongb odorou is affordod in mali quantity by distillation with water. Cliamomile is in powerfui bittor, and as suci, is usefuI in dyspepsia, primary or Symplomatic, and formS a popular re- moh whicli is in common uso Ιt is equat perhaps to any of the veget te bittera, and has even a superiorio tu the faci- lily with whicli iis bittoraess is extracted by watem Threcold infusion is most grateful, and hince it ought to he medundor this forni. The infusion in tepid water, when Strong,
acts m an emetio, and is Often used to promote the action of ther emetic In substance, it has been given as a renae
TAE Orange-tree is a native es India, but is abundantly cultivated in the solith of Europe. The outer Pind of thesinit, especialty of that variety na med the Seville or Biti rorange, has a gratesul axomatio flavo , and a M arm bitte isti tario, both of whicli depend on an essentiat os, Whicli, existing in the Hild in distinct vesicles, in y in part be obtained by expression, but more abundantly by. distillation. Itis dried sor use ; both taste and flavour are exili Acted by Water by infusion, as weli as by alliolioL Iis qualitios are thuso oran aromatic and bitter. It has been employed to 1 e Store thotune of the stomach ; and is a vero common adit tion to combinati s os bitters used in dysi opsia, communicati ug tD
The juice of the ripe fruit of the variety named tho China
of Asia, has been long cultivated in the solith of Europe. Thoexterior Hild of the fruit contaius a quantity of essenties Oilin distinct celis, wheuce it derives iis aromatic quality. Thedriod Piud is similis in savovi, and t te to that of the orange, but is rather Iess bitter and aromatio ; iis flavo too is more peristia ble, and hom both circumstances it is tesseequently used, though it may be empl0yed sor similar pQ poses. The oti is in use as a persume. The juice is Strong- ου acid, consisting chlesy of citrio ac id; iis medicinal applications sali to De considered imiter ille class of refrigerantS. Osic. I γ.-Aq. Citr. Med. -Syr. Citr. Med. Ed. Acid. Citric. Tond.
a salut aromatic sineli, aud a Warm bitteristi faste. By distillation 1t yrelds an effinitiat oti, In whicli iis flavo resides ;und it contains a considerable quantity os secula. It has heen used as a tonic in intermittent sever; and sonaetimes itenters, as an aromatic and bitter, into the composition os Ulter infusions and tinctures. LAURUs cINNAMOMUM. Cinnamon. En arid. Monogyn. Oleraceae. Cortex. ceuel .
THIS tree, a vative of Ceylon, is nori cultiva ted in India. The cinnamon is the interior bard of the branchos or thotroo ; it is thin and much convolute I, of a texture somela lintsthrous, Diable, of a light broavia colour, having an agreephte pungunt inste, Mili a de ee of SWeetness, and a gratesul Iromatic flavour. Itis virtuos chiesy depend on a sitiali quantityos essentiat Oil icti it contains, and whicli, when obtained
aromatic flavo ur anil taste both in Waeter, by infusion, and toa Mohol; and water distilled Dona it has also iis pungen .
cinnamon is the most gratesul of the aromatics. It is iis dio cover tho unplea sani t te and savour of os her medicines, and in reconcito them to the stomach. It is algo Omploycd by itscis as a moderato stimulant and cordial, gi ven generali under the forni os tho water' insusion or distilicd water. The serinor is more grates ut, and is Osten successsul in v liexing nausea snd clinckins vomis ing.
and flavo ; is distinguished by iis taste being more pungent,
Iess gweet, and more mucilaginous than that of the real cin
os cin amon, resides in an essentiat oll. It assords a distil- Ied water, stronger than that of the genuine cinnamon, and yields also iis taste an savour to water by infusion. Ιt iguSed for the Same purposes as Cinnamon; it is, hoW e much less agreeable tol the stomach, and rather more pungent
its aroniatio quality ; water does So very imperfectiy. Canella is employed principalty on account of iis aromaticquality, and generalty in combination ivitii ollior remedies torender them more gratesul. It thus enters into the composition os severat ossicines tinctures, and has been suppoSed, in particular, weli adapted to cover the flavour of aloes. Osic. Prop.-V. Aloes cum Canella. E . Pulv. Aloes cum Canella. Dul. MYRISTICA MOSCHAΤA. Di s cm. Monadelphi a. Fructu
nucleus. Nuae Moschatre dictus ; Macis ; Hujus oleum sit r. Indi a.
UNDER the ossicinal name Myristica, are comprehendedNux Moschata or Nutin , and Macis ox Mace ; the formerbo g the seed or hernet of the fruit, the lalter the covcringwith whicli it is immediately smaeounded. The tree is a native of the Molucca istands. The external covering and pulpos the fruit a re removed, and the uulmeg aud mace are driodis exposure to the Sun.
in a large dose. It is also frequently employed to concealthe taste and flavo of unple ant. medicines, and to obviate the nausea they might excite. Mace is a membranouS Substance, unctuous, of an orange yellow colour, and having a flavour and taste similar to thoniitinera but rather tess Stroug. D is used sor the fame pur-
The expressed oti os nutineta whicli is generalty known by the nam os Oil of Mace, is somelimes used as an exter