A system of materia medica and pharmacy [electronic resource] : including translations of the Edinburgh, London, and Dublin pharmacopoeias, in two volumes

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nected with iis action as a tonic. The sulphate and the muriate of iron axe the preparations iu whicli this astringentpropexty is most Obvious.

THIs metat has likewise been considered as a tonio. Iis saline preparations have, however, a considerable degree ofaStringency, and there are severat medicines applications of them founded on this quality.

ternalty as an astringent in chronic dysente , and in thetreatinent of intermittent laver ; but Dona iis emeti C power, iis operation is si te to be harsh, and is not easdy regulated. Iis solution is in common use as an injection in gonori licea, ut hen the inflammato state has subsided, and in gleel, tWο gratiis being dissolved in an ounce of water ; and it frequently succeeds in checking the discliarge,' apparently Dom iis astringent power. A solution of nearly the fame strennii is used as a collyrium in ophthalmia ; the astringent power of

this heing encreased, according to a formula in the EdinburghΡharmacopoeia, by the addition os a seiv drops of diluted sulphurio acid. Dissolved with alum, it sorans a Very Styptic liquor, whicli is an ossicinat preparation, and has long beeuin me for stopping haemorrhage, and checking encreased dis-churges, by externat application. A cetate of Zinc, under the forin os solution Solutio Acetitis Tinci), i' obta ined by adding a solution os acetate oflead to a solution os sulphate of Zinc, a mutuat decomposition immediately taking place, and sulphate os lead bemgprecipitaled, while acetate of Zino remalias dissolved. This has been in usu as a milit astringent injection in gonoriscua, tess liable to produce irritation, or to check the discliarges l


more active thun the Solution ol acetate os lead. It hastheresere received a place in the Edinburgh Pharmacopoeia. A solutiou of the sali in alkohol has been introduc d mlo the Dublin Pharmacopoeia, and when used is largeb dilutea with

COPPER has so sar an analogy to the preceding metais, that, along with the generat action whicli it ineris on the system, capable os obviating spasmodic affections, it has ad reo os astringent power. 1 his too is conspicuous, principalty in iis combination with sulphurio acid, the sulphateos copper. This sali, in solution, is Sometimes used extemnalty as an astringent; and dissolved with alum in mater, towhicli a portion os sulphuric acid is added, it forms a verystyptic Solution, formerly named Aqua Styptica, sonaetimes emploed by direct application to restrain haemouhage. Thesormula has a place in the Edilaburgh Pharmacopoeia. Osic. Prep.-Sol. Sulph. C r. Comp. Ed.

PLUMBUM. Lead. 'TIlIs metes, when vendered c able of acting on the Ustem by oxidation, Ox combination With acitis, produces very deleterious est ecis, and proves a po verivi, though insidicus polson. Nor is it easy to explain iis mode of action. It pereus to uot peculiarly On the muscular sibi , repressingaction, and at longili exhausting the irritabili ty of the muscies. When inti oduecd si ora ly into the system, the intestines aro sit Et assected, coustipation 1roni diminished action talios place, accompanted frequently Willi Severe pain.



Tremor and debility of the voluntary muScles Succeed, andare sollowed lis paralysis, the muscies tosing their sit innessand cohesion. When a large quantity of any of the active preparations os lead is received into the stomach, these Sympionis occur suddenly and with violeuce, giving esse to whatis nam ed Colica Pictonum, and the fame discaSe is sonaetimes suddenly induced by the progressive accumulation of the metat in sinasser quantities. Λ sense of constriction is scit in the stomach and bo eis, with obstinate constipation and themost severe patia; the pulse is smali and hard; respirationbecomes laborious; there is generat muscular debili ty and

tremor, accompanted with colit sweais and convulsions, wllichliave osten a fatal termination.

From Dr Campbeli's experiments, Inaugures Disserta tion), it reppea , that lead, applied to an Ound, is tess active than the other mineres polsons. A saturaled solution ofacetate os lead, applied in sinali quantity, did not produceany deleterious offeci; two drachms of the sali itself appliedio an wound iii the necla os a don occasioned litile inam diate injury. Still the Lind of action appears to be nearly the fame, though more flowly induced. In the lalter expe-Timent, aster a number of days, the po ver of motion in the Iimbs was gradualty impalaed, the pulse hecame smali and viola, the respiration dissiculi, the belly was su elled, andon the twenty. third day the animal died : on dissection the internat sui face of the stomach applared inflamcd, and partof tho intestinat canat was stightly inflamed, with into-Susception. In the production of thcse locat effecis lead is analogous to Other metallic pol sons ; and they sarther display iis

Ieculiar determination to the intestinos. Froin the externat application Os leaii, iis usual deletorious effecis have been stat id to be produced, and numero iis cases have been adduced in suppori os this. In viis have been


observed toruo assiicted with convulsions Doni tho too Deo or incautious application os cerusse to the skin ; and even in udulis, patii in thsi obdoinen, spasms of the muscies, and paralysis, have been induced frona the application os saturnine solutions or cataplasms. Other facts again have been stated in opposition to these, proving, that froin the most Dee EX- ternat application of the preparations of lcad, no injurious

mon practice. The comparative inactivity too of the pr parations of this metes, when applied even to an WOund, would lead to the conclusion, that from more application to the skin they can have litile effeci. Υet, as deletorious effecisdo result froin the former mode os application, it is possibiethey may also froin the lalteri in very irrit te or susceptibie habits : and the facts which have been stated in proos of this, Seem to rest On evidence Whicli cannot weli he dented.

The explanation of this is probabb to be so d in the influ-

eiice of idiosyncracy, whicli, With regard Io the action ofIead, exigis to a very considerable extent, sonae individualsbeing much more susceptibie of iis action than Othors, as hasbeen rem ked in cases where it has been taken internaltyto nearly the sanae extent, froni the use of articles of laodor drink which have received an impregnation of the metal,-Somo Suffering Severely, While others have sustataedmuch less apparent injury. Froni iis pora ex os repressing musculis action, lead produces effecis analogous in sonae respecis to those of astringenis, and it is usualty ranked as an asirhigent, though iis mode of operation is probabj dissimilar. The preparations of leud which have been applied to medicinal use, ure the semi-vitri sed oxido, the white Oxide or


cuaerent of air, being made to reverberate on the Sursace Ofilio meliud nactat. It is in fialaes of a yellow colour, Withsonae hat os a vitreous lustre. A smali quantity of carbonic acid, not exceed ing 4 paris in I 00, exisis in it, apparently, however, not essentiat to iis constitution. It is iis donly in sonae pharmaceutical preparations, particularly forsorining, when boiled with oit, a plastor whicli serves as thebasis of other compound plasters, and whicli is iis is sonae

stantly, to exposo it better to the action of the air. It is somelimes applied to the sanie purposes as litharge, and anointinent formerly in uso as a cooling application was prepa


given to it by the Edilaburgii College. Α litile carbonicacid boing generalty c0nta ined in it, either absorbed Romthe atmosphere, or sermed froni the partiui decomposition of the acetic acid, it has been considered as a Sub-carbonate; and the London College have defined ii as such, while, sor areason not eastly imagined, they have named it Carbonas Pluinbi. Froin theory, it might be in serrod lo contain a portion of the acetic acid by x, hicli it is formed; the Dublin. College have accordis y na med it Sub-Αcetas Plumbi, andit is not improbable that this is most correct . It is used only externalty, being applied in fine powder to stight cases

of excoriation or inflammation, and used particularly to re-lleve these affections in children,-a practice, hoWeVe Whicli, Dum Some observations, appe S not to be altogether vithout danger, and whicli is unnecessary, as the levigated Calamine Sione ans vers equalty v est. It is used likewise asthe basis of an o tinent, Whicli is sumetimes applied as a



vinegar on litharge, Dr Bostoch sound to be a solution of the neutral acetate. And the ternas of Acetate and Supor acetate are now employed by the London Colline to distim isti these preparationS.

been ascertaine l. It is the fugis of lead of the old nome clature. The process lar preparing it consisis in Milingilistilled vinegar on cerusse, untii the acid acquire a sweet taSte, and evaporating the liquid, so that on coesing it am,rdscrystals : it is usualty prepared On K large scale. Ιt is in masses composed os uender Prismatic crystals, aggregared, of a yello sit colour, dightly essiorescent: it has a very su eci and styptio taste, is abundantly solubie in V ater, hut Scarcely fornas a transparent solution even with distilled w ter, owing to a uicti decomposition, in consequence of whicha litile sub-acetate is precipitate i. It consisis, accordiiug


The medicinal use of this sali is nearly limited to iis e ternat application. Yet sonte practitioners have recommendedit in different cases of profuse evacuation, particularly inhaemorrhage, Where Other remedies have Alled : it has titus been given in menorrhagia, in the dose of had a gratia repeatia every seur bours : it has likewise boen employed in obstinate leucorrhoea, aud to restra in the colliquative Sri eat accompanying hectic laver. Froin the deleterious agency, however, os lead on the system, it is a mnedy Whichmust be used with reluctanee, and whicli is acco inglyScarcesy ever ventured on in modern practice. There isone circumstance tuo, that reniters iis administration move


As an externat application, Sugar of Lead, as it is nam ed, is osten employed to obtain iis astringent effeci. A solutionos ii, of the strengit, of three gratas to an ounce of water, is used as an injection in gon rhoea ; and producing no iri itation, is not liable to be attended with the injurious conse

in ophthalmia, and can be applied with saseo, even in thestate os active inflammation. Α Solution sonaewhat Strongeris a Common application in superficiat inflammation; and anointinent, of whicli it is the basis, is osten employed as adressing to inflamed or excorialed paris. Iis Saturaled so- Iulion, combined with umegar, is also frequently emploedus a discutient. Facis have . been brought for ard, whicli apparently prove, that the generes effecis of lead on the system have been produced by the incautious or too long continued use of these externat applications; while, in many cases, they have unquestion ly been extensively empi edwithout the production os any bad effeci, and indeed are so in common practice; a discordance which, as has been al- ready state J, is probably to be accomated for Dom the peculiar idiosyncracy with rogarit to the action os lead on the system, in consequence of whicli some individuals are more Iiubio to bo assected by it than others. Tlio neutral acetate os lead, it has been stated above, sorius the basis of what has been named Coularii's Extraci, a preparation whicli has long been in use among SurgeonS.It is ilio Aqua Lithargyri Acotuti of the formor edition of the London Pharmacopoeia, no v uamed Liquor Plumbi Acetatis ;


TΗΕ property os astringency in vegetabies, denoted by ita

effect of corrugating the animal fibre, appears to be dependent on a common chemicat principie, or at least to be connected with some peculiarity of composition ; since veget leastringenis uniformiy posseSS certain common chemicat properties. Thus, their astringency is extracted both by watorand by a Mohol; these infusions striis a purple or blacla colour with the salts of iron, deeper in generat as the astringent is more powexsul ; and they axe cap te os corrugaling, more Or leSS Strongly, dead animal matter, as is shewn in their operation in the process of tanning. In the farther investigation of this subjeci, it waes semid, that a peculiar acid exisis in the more powexsul aStruagenis ;the acid whicli, froni being contained abundantly in 'galis, Eas been named Gallic, and the generat chemicat charactersos Whicli, in the proliminary sketch on ille principies of


AsTRINGENTA.Pharmaceut1c Chemistry, have been enumerat d. I his acid

of the more potverses astringentS. The researches of Seguin, Some years ago, threW more

Iight on this subject by the discovery os a disserent principie

isting in astringenis, and having a better claim to he ran ed as the principie of astringen cy. Applying the propex testio discovor it, that of the animal matter, on whicli it peculiarly operates, he Dund, that on adding a solution os animal gelatin to the infusion os a vehet te astringent, as thator galis or oah baah, a copious precipitation takes place, arising Dom the combination os this principie with the gelatin. , Deing the agent which gives to astringenis their property ostanning, it has received the nam e M Tannin, and iis prope ties, as a proximate principie of vegetabies, have been al- ready stated. That it is the principle of astringeno in vegetabies, admits now of litile doubt. Callic acid has no such potve while tannin has a harsh suptic t te, and the pou er of co

rugating the animal fibro. Seguin had supposed, that in theoperation os ta in g, iis action is lacilitated by that of the gallic recid, the acid partialty de-oxidiging the shin, and thus bringing it nearis to the state os gelatin, with whicli the tannin combines. A similar action might be supposed to heexerted on the animal fibre in the production os the astrin-