장음표시 사용
Iebrile action, and not explicabie on the linown effecis it produces. The practice of giving antimonials in sever is unquestion ly osten attended with mai laed advaut es ; yetit is also liable to considerable dissiculties, and is not without sume hapard. The administration os the remedy, whMever antimonial be emplOyed, is not easib regulated with
precision ; in smali dossis it osten fatis in producing the f
vo able crisis expected froin iis operation ; and in largerdosos it is ii te to act with violence, and produce eVRCuations under ivli h the po vers of the system have Sunk. Itis principalty in the commenoement of sever that the practice is successsul; in the more advanced stages, when thestate of debility is inducta, more haZard attends iis employment, and lem benefit is to be expected hom it. Antimonials have been Dund to have good effecis in intermittent as weli as in continued severi in the phlegmasiae and exanthemata, and even in severat of the profluvia, pro-b ly f in their evacuating Operation. As an emetio, antimony is distinguished by the certainty extent, and permanence of iis operation. The action it excitos in the .stomach is both more forcible, and continues for a longer time, than that froin other emetios, and heiace it produces more complete CVRCuations, and occasions in a greater
degreo est those effecis V hicli result suom the sotion os vomiting. Iis action is also tess locat. It is generalty CX- tended to the intestinat canal, so as to produce purging, and very frequently to the ursace of the boh, So res tO OCCASion. diapho sis Or sweat. It is used more particulaHy Wheretho effecis of suli vomitisag are required; but where theseare not wishod fori more gentie emetics are usualty prefer-rcd : the antimonial emetios, oven the emetic tartar, Whichis the mi idest, and the ono most easib regulated, Me alWay liable to provo harsh in their operation ; ther occasion Se
SIO EMETIC S. Vere vomiting, debilitate the stomach, and are alt0gether unia sit for administration to children, or to those of wein undirritable habiis. The propriety of caution in the use of the
preparations os antimony is rendered more obvious, perhaps, froni the strici analogy whicli exists be eon it and arsenicin their operation. In Im Brodie's experimenis, emetio ta tar produced, When applied to an M o d, vomiting, reductionos the pulse, paralysis, insensibility, and death, and the Stomach was sonaetimes Dund inflamed. And it is given ivitii Iegs immediate risk than arsenic, probably principat ly Dom
of the preparations os antimony, it is necessary to taeonly a very cui Ory Vie v, as they are to be more fully no-ticed in the pharmaceutical part of the work. They mayhe arranged under those in whicli the metat is combined with sulphur ; those in Whicli it is oxidated ; and those in V hichit is brought into a saline state is combination ivitii acids. of the sirst class, the Levigated Antimony Antimoniuiu Praeparatum), whicli is merely the native sulphuret peducedio a state os mechanical division, is the only preparation. Ithas been given as a diaphoretic, especialty in chronio rheumatiSm, and in some culaneous affections, in a doso Dom
the maximum, containing 23 of oxygen. This suppositiona esis principally, ho evor, on the gratuitous assumption, that metalS are susceptibio only of two degrees of oxidation. Thenard has, on the contra , cndeavoured to proVe, that there are at least fix oxides of antimony cap te of belagdistinguished by the proportions of oxygen whicli they contain ; the one in the lowest degree of Oxidation, containing not more than 0.02 os oxygon, that in tho highest degree containing 0.32; and the others containing intermediate proportions. Beraelius contends for the existence of souroxides, and the one at the maximum os oxidation he even Considers as an acid, and numes it Acidum Stibicum. Ιt is obtained by deflagrating antimony with a large quantity of nitre. Ηe also supposes the existence of what he culis Acidum Stibiosum. It may be doubilat whether these demees of oxidation can bo established with precision ; but it is sum- ciently probabie, that antimony may combine with very dinserent quantities of OXygen . The folio ving oxides of antimony relata a place in one Oroster of the PharmacopoeiaS.
OXIDUΜ ΑΝΤΙΜΟNII SULPHURETUM. Sulphuretted OX-ide of Antimo .-of tius there are two varieties, differing in the proportions of their elemenis, and in the state os aggregation. The sirst is x at used to he namod Crocus OfAntimony Crocus Antimonii), What is now named by the Edinburgii College, Oxidum Antimonii per Νitratem PO- lassae. It is prepared by deflagrating sulphuret os antimonyra illi an equat weight of nitrate of potasti. The mea ter partor the sulphur is oxidaled, and cither dissipated in the stateor sulphurous acid, or in tho state of sulphurio acid remaliis combined with tho potasti of the nitro ; a brown oxide ofantimony romatias, combined, a ording to Proust, With one- foui th os sulphuret os antimony, but Whiςh it is more pro
bille is in direct combination with a portion os sulphur. Itacts as a diaphoretio, emetic, Dr cathartic, but is so uncertain in iis operation that it is never prescribed. It servessor the preparation of some other antimoniais, and is om-ployed by the Edinburis Colline sor the preparation os em
The second oxide of this family is what is nainod Oxidum Antimonii cum Sulphure Vitrificatum, formerly Vitrum Αniimonii.-This is prepared by exposing sulphuret os antimonyto the action os atmospheric a r at a high temperaturo. The sulphur is dissipated, and the antimony oxidatod, and by tho intensity of the liout the oxide is vitrified. It still retalas
combined with it a portion or sulphur, or, according tofroust, one-ninth of sulphuret os antimony. The oxidewhicli formes iis basis, contains, according to Thenard, 16 os Oxygen in I 00 paris. Ιt has always combined mitti it too a portion os silex, derived 1 om tho crucibie in Milich it is molied, this e th probably promoting iis vitrification. Iis operation is extremely h sh, and at the Same time so im- certain, that it cannot he medicinalty employed. Oxidum Antim nii Vitrificatum cum Cera. This is prepared by exposing the pori der of tho vitrised oride With an eighth part of wax to heri. It is thus rendered mdder, probably by part of iis oxygen benig abstracted by the malonaceouh matter of the waX, OP by a change in iis State of aggregation. It is a preparation, hora ever, whicli has no aduratage, and though once celebra ted in dysente , in a dose of frona 5 to I 5 grains, has long been in diSuse, and might be expim ed is in those Pharmacopoeias in Whicli it is reta ed. Oxidum Antimonii Album, forinci ly numed Antimonium Culcinatum. This is prepared by desagi uting sulphim et ofantimony with three times iis Woight of nitarate of potasti; ira consequence of this large quantity tho sulphur is cui ire v
abstracted, anis the metis is saturai ed With oxygen . Thi Uxide rotatus also combined with it a portiou of tho potasti Uf the nitro. The preparation is one comparatively ha active, cind does not cxcite vomiting in a dose less than a scrupte orbati a drachm. In suialter doses, it has been used as a dia-phoretio in the treatinent of laver ; and Dum this applicationof it, received the nante of Diaphoretio Antimony. Oxidum Antimonii cum Phosphate Calcis, algo named Pulvis Antimonialis. This is prepared by exposing to licat
The Edinburgh and Dublin Colleges ordor equat weights of the sulphuret os antimony and bon Ahavings: the Londou College have altered the proportions to two paris of the lalterto one of the forme' whicli must give rise to a diversity of strensii in the produci. By the hira temperature the animal matter of the hones is decomposed, the sulphur of the sulphuret is dissipated, the metat is Oxida ted, and this Oxide remains mixed OP combined pari or it being also in avitrified state) with the phospha te of Iime of the hones. The preparation is similar in composition to the celebrated James's Powder, sor whicli it is designed as a substitute. Itacts as a diaphoretio, emetic, or cath tic, according to thedose in Whicli it is administered, and is employed principallycis a remedy in sever, to arrest the progress of the di sense atiis commencernent, Or in iis more advanccd uagos to obtaina favourable crisis. It is sven in a doso frona 5 to 10 gratias, repented, is necessa , after an intervat os sive or fixhours, uultl Sweating, purgitan or vomiting, is induce l. Iis peculiar a luantages are, that with a considerable degruo ofactivity, it is tess havsh in iis operation, and more uniformthun sume os the oth P antimonial oxides, while, frona iis iu-
Colleges to a preparation formerly named Sulphur Amatum Antiinotiti. The Dublin College have named it Sulphur Αntimoniatum Fuscum. It is prepared by boiling siilphuret ofantimo ny ivitia a solution os potasta, and adduig to the sille ed liquor sulphurio acid, while any precipitate is thrown idoum. This p ecipitate is of a reddish yellow colour ; it isu combination Os oxide os antimony with sulphuretted hydrο- gen and sulphur, and might be named Hydro-sulphuretum Oridi Antii nonii. In a dose frum 5 to Ι0 grains, it produces the usual essects of antimoniais, and has been empi ed as arcinody in laver; hiat frona the uncertainty of iis operation, is is discar led frona practice. The preparation ita med I crines Mineres, and whicli is usedon the continent, is the precipitate that Subsides on coolingfroin the liquor sorinod by the hoding a solution os potasti onsulphuret os anthnony ; it differs froni the formex in contati ing less sulphur, and appears indeed tu be merely a combination os oxide of antimony With sulphuretted hydrogeia. Itis gi ven in a si nitar dose. Antimonii Oxidum. Under this name, Whicli is san stombeing distinctive, a preparation is insertod in the LondonPharmacopoeia, formed by boiling sulphuret os antimony ium uriatic acid, with the additi0n os nitric acid ; struining the
liquor, rinci adding to it a solution of Suh-carbonate os potia asti. The precipitate is probably a sub-muriate. A A1milae preparation has a place in the Dublin Pharmacopoeia, under the nanae of Oxydum Antimonii Nitro-Muriaticum. It is designed to be employed only in ise preparation os ollici au- timonialS. By combining the oxides os antimony With an acid, iste
Sorauces of Ocertainty in their operation are in a great me Sure removeri as their degree of Oxidation is rendered .aeterminate, and the P activity is not insuenced by the strute os the stomach with rogard to acidity. The greater iami or ortheso saline combmations, however, are tuo acrid to admitos interual administration, and there is one only, iliat in whicli the oxide os antimony is combined xyith tartarie noli employed in practice. Or ali the antimoniais, this is more extensively used, and it is also the principas emetic derived freni the minerat Lingdom. This preparation is the Emetic Tartar of ille old nomeniactature, the Tartrate of Anti mouy and Potasti of Modein Chemisto Tartras Antimonii et Potas ), improperly namedin ille Pharmacopoeias, Tartris Antimonii, and Antimon in Tartarizatum. It is obtained by boising super-taistrate orpotash with oxide or antimony: ille brown oxido obtained by the deflagration os sulphuret of antimony with nitre, isordered by tho Minburo College ; the white Oxide, or P ether sub-muriate, obtained froin the decomposition os maua uteos antimony, is employed by the London and Dublin Colleges. The cxcess of tartaric acid in the super-tai trate, is Saturalia by the antiinonial oxide; and by evaporation and ciγStalli alion, a triple sali, tartrate of antimony and put sh, is procured. Iis crystals Gree triedral pyramids, generalty smali; and it is rea dily solubie iii ixus ex. It conSisis, according to
'Ilion ardys analysis of it, of 38 of oxide os intimony, 16 6spotasti, 31 of tartario acid, and 8 of Water of crystalligation. Tistrate of antimony and potasti is Superior to ali tho antimonials as an emetio ; as with a degrce of activity, whichadmits of iis heing administered with Sasely, iis operation is sussiciently certain and uniform ; hence it is the only antimonial emetio that is now used. Ιt usualla excites vomitingin the dose of a grain, or a grain and a liad; but the propexmode of administering it is in divided doses, liuee or laurginius being dissolved in laur ounces of water, and an ounce of this solution heing given every quarter of an hour untii it operate. It generalty excitos fuit vomiting, and is liable tobe Some at more harsh in iis operation than the mdderemetics, Such aS ipecacuan, evacuating not only the contenis of the stomach, hut inverting even the motion of the duodenum, and either by this or by the compreSsion exerted by the action of the muscies on the abdominat viscera causing bileto be discharged: it also frequently excites purging. In many CaSes, hOwever, these are adVantages, and in suchc es, as weli as in ali morbid affections, where the stomachis not eastly affected, it is the emetio properly emploed; vhile, when the stomach is irritabie, where iis contents aremerely to he ovacuated, Or When the system is in a debilia taled state, tho militer emetica are to be preserred. lasmaller doges, it has been emplοyed as a nauseating rem dyin laver a practice, howeVer, no v nearly relinquiShed.
Assisted in iis operation by tepid diluenis, it may be broughtto operate as a diaphoretic, and to produce the effecis ofantimonials on the generes system, though Doni iis actionbeing exerted at once on the stomach, o vnig to iis Solubilia , it is more dissiculi to administer it with this intention, With0ut occasiouuag nausea or vomitinia than some of the
1esa active antimoniais, as the phosphate os antimois and
Emetic Tartar, applied to the SEin by friction, acts ouine system, and produces also iis usual effecis On ille stomach. Applied to a wound it occasions vomiting, and is in aconcentraled state produces insensibility, paralysis, anil illeother effecis of mineres pulsons: in iis action, indoed, it ars a strici resemblance to a Senic, and this analogy un- doubtedly suggests, as has Hready been remari ed, the necessity of employing it With caution. Vinum Tartritis Antimonii. This name iS given to a solution os tartrate os antimony and potasti in ivllite ivino, in the proportion of two gratias to the Ounce. It is intended asa substitute to What was formerly nam od Antimoniai Wine,
-a preparation obtained by digesting Wine on Oxide of anti-mony, and which owed iis pori ex to the portion of oxidewhicli the tartario acid of the wine dissolved. Α similis preparation is biserted in the London Pharmacopoeia, under the name of Liquor Antii nonii TartariZati, in Whicli thetistrate os intimony and potasti is dissolved in ivine dilutodivith water. The proprio of eithor is doubisul. It hasno advantage Over a solution Os extemporaneolis preparation ;and there is sonte reason to bolicuo, that the turtrato in this . state of solution is liable to spontaneous d composition. In
the preparation of the London College, this usill probabbhappen stili more readily froni the dilution of the wine. Itis principalty as a di aptior tic that antimonial xvi ne has hocnemploed, in a dose of One drachm, iis operation being osten promoted by combination ivitii tincture of Opium. Misias Antii nonii. Murtute of Antimony is the onb ollior saltae preparation Os ibis metat inserted in the Pharmaco-
SULPHATE of Copper acts as an emetic, and iis operationtakes placo, almost as SOOn as it has reached the stomach, and without inducing much nausea. It has hence been rec0uimen led in Some cases, where the object is mereb to obtam ille mechanical offecis froin the operation os vomituag, as incipient phthisis, in Whicli advantage has been supposed to bederived froni the compression exerted on the thoracie viScera. Iis operation is, however, liable to be very harsh even in the smali dose of 1 or 2 grains, in Whicli it has been pre- Scribed. In a laeter dose, it has somelimes succceded in producing vomiting, Whero the Stomach, froni the operationos a narcotic potS0n, hus not been affected Gen by the Sul- Phate of Zinc. In such cases, where ille irritability of the tomach is greatly imputred, and the patient is nearly in a State os insensibility, it has produced instantaneous vomiting, When gi ven t0 the cxtetit os l0 or I 5 graius diss0luod in wa-