A system of materia medica and pharmacy [electronic resource] : including translations of the Edinburgh, London, and Dublin pharmacopoeias, in two volumes

발행: 1813년

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gent effeci. The illeο of Seguin, howeVer, Was establish-ed by uo proos and the faci that some of the most powerful tringemis, as catechu or Lino, contain no gallic acid, buttannin mixed only witia naucllage or extraci, is a proos thatit is to the action of this principie that the whole effect is tobe ascribed. Is astringency, as exerted by vegetabies, is thus to heconsidered as the result of the chemicat action of the principio on whicli it depends, there is considerable dissiculty, as has been ali eady remarhed, in conceiving ho v it can be exerted in the animal system, especialty in a distant pari, whenthe astringent acis OnJy On the stoinacii. It can Oub he conceived, that corrugation, or Some similax change, is producedis it in the libres of the stomach, Which may be propugated by sympathy to distant paris, nearly in the Same Way aes the

gency, whicli it yields to M ater. The infusion contains both gallic acid and the tanning principie, the lalter in a considerable quantity, attached to the ligneous fibre, whicli fornas the basis of the bain ; an oviace of bavla inorded, in Davy's experiments on the principat astringenis, ill grains os solidinat ter by lixiviation, of whicli 77 were tannin: but thequantity Varies much according to the season and the age of

Oala barti has been used lis a rome haemorrhage, diar- rhoea, and intermittent severi seven in a dose froni 15 to 30

gratias. In modem practice, iis Strong infusion or decoctionvs OUcus1onalty employod as an astringent gaaecte in cynauche,



phis n/dus. Galla. Gulis. Asia Minor. Solith of Europe. THE tubercles named Galis, are soland on the branches orthis tree ; their production is occasioned by tbe bain helagpierced by an insect os illo cynips genus, to deposite iis em. The juico exuding slowly, is inspissated, and hardens. Thebest gallS. are hea V, knotted on the sui face, and of a blue Colour. They a re nearly entirely solubio in water, xvith thesssistance of heat; tho infusion reddens the vegetable coloura froni tho notion of the gallio acid, and this acid can be procured in considerable quantity, by allo ing the infusion torema in exposed to the au' untii iis other principies are de- composed, or by sublimation froni the gulis. The infusiontoo contains a large cpiantity of tanum, as it gives a very copiolas precipitate With solution of gelatin. It has fartherbeen supposed to holit dissolved extraci and mimilago; butthe existence of Oxtraci is d0ubital, and Doni DP Eostochys experiments there appears to be no seu Sibie portion of muci- .lage. The proportion of tannin varies considerably in disse- . rent Specimens of galis. In Davy's analysis os Neppo galis,

extractive matter.

In medicat praetice, gulis, thou i so po versutly astringent, a re not much cmployod, and are soldom interually admini tered. The strong iu susion or decocti in haes been applied tothe Same sinit os as the decuction of ouk bai L. And un




Iis active matter is extracted by water, and by aikohol, leav-ing the ligneolis fibre whicli is iis base undissolvia ; hoth solutions strike a deep p ple colour with the salts of iron, and give a precipitate with gelat . Logwood has been employ-ed in medicine as an astringent, in diarrhoea and Chronic dysente , under the forni of the decoction, or the watery EX- tract. The extraci has hem proposed to he used as a substitute sor Lino. sic. Prep. xl. Hoematovi. Camp. Ed. Dis . L LRosA GALLIcA. Rosa Rubra. Red Rose. I sand. Po- g. Sentico P. Petula. Sotira os Europe. ΓΗΕ petuis of this species of rose have a stight degree orastringency, whicli is most considerable besore they are eX- panded, and it is in this state that they are collected and dried iby use. The Desii leaves of the fio vers axe mado into a Conserve with Sugar, Which ivas at oue time regari ed


Ds Ieaves, which are sinest, id os a darL grcen colour, have a bitter astringent taue, without any odour. Theirwatery infusion strikes a deep blacti colour with the salis oriron, and DOm their known astringency, which ad is them even to the pi pose of tanuing, tho probably contain a large proportion of tannin. Froni iis astringency, uva uria has been employed in me-norrhagia and other suxes. D has however been used more particularly in cystirrhoea, calculus, and ulcerations of the urinary organs. In checking the increased secretion of mucus Dom the Uadder, Whicli constitutes the sirst of thesedisestses, it appears to be superior to other astringenis ; in calculus, in common with other bitters and astringenis, itaisords relies, probabb by iis action on the stomach prevent-ing the generation os acid. More lately it has been recommended in phthisis, and fonte cases of cough, accompanted with symptonas of hectic, in whicli aduantage was derived Dom it, liave been related. Iis doso is h is a drachm os thq leaves in powder, tunce or thrice a- lay.


Ιowish brown colour, is sinooth and uniform in texture, brearishori, is sost and light; the other is of a dain bro via colour, more heterogeneous, heavier and considerabb harder. Catechu is almost enti rej solubie in v ater xvith the assistance of heat, the residuum consisting of accidental impurities. It is nearly equesty solubie in athohol. Iis solutioustrihes a deop blacla colour ivitii the salts of uon, and sues an abundant precipitate with animal gelatin. Froni Da 'sexperimenis, it appears to be composed of tanum, extractive matter, and naucllage ; the proportions, in the best catechu

and 5 residual multer. Our knowledge with rcgard to the principio named Extra et is so imperfeci, that it is difficultio est: listi any certain c0nclusion With i gurd to it; aud


ASTRINGENTS. 295the subsequent experiments of DP Bostocli, as to tho modesos sepsaeating whut is called Extraci froni the I annin os catatechu, do not mactly accord with those of Da0. DP Lostock has remai Lod, tou, that catechu gives indications of the presenco of gallic acid, and that iis watery infusiou exeureddens the more delicate veget te colourS.Catechu is in coitimon use m an astringent, and in the imi-

formity and certainty of iis operation is probably eques, oreven Superior to any of the vegetable asta ingenis. It is thonStringent most commonly and succe fulty employed in diar- rhoea : it is also used in chronic dysente , and Sometimes in passive haemorrhagies. It is giveti under the sonti of the infusion, or the tincture; or ille ossicinat preparation, theelectua of catechu, consisting of catechu and kino, withsome aromatios and a litile optum, is distusta in Water, form-ing What has been numed the IaponiC Mixture. In substance

fui astringent, litile heing known with regard to iis origin, sarther than it was suid to be the produce of Africa, aud tuined probably Rom tho plant astor ling it by exudation. Subsequent to iis introduction, it was mei Mili in the shops


regata to the natural histo of these varieties. The London Collem have described it merely as the produce os in African plant unknown. The Edinbuargh College havo inserted it in their catalogue of Simples, as the concrete juico of the Eucalyptus Resinifera,-a tree a native of New Hol-land ; and there is reason to belleve that part of what is called Κino in the shops is imported froni that count , andis the produce of this veget te. The Dublin College have considered Lino as the produci of the Butea Frondosa, onthe authority of Roxburgh ; but incorrectly, as Dr Duncanhas rem laed. He has sarther observed, what is just, ibat much of the Lino of the shops bears ali the appcarance of an extraci artificiatly prepared, and is known to be formed Domdifferent astringent vegetabies. It is not very ea Sy to discriminate exactly among theSe Various substances, and to assign to each iis real origin. one

variety, and which bears the highest price in the shops, has est the appe ance of a natural production : flendo tWigs are intermised in iis substance; it is of a reddish broum colour, vitii a resinous lustre, is very britile, Reis Mitly betweenthe ieeth, and has a bitteristi iaste. This corresponds in iis characters with the substance sit si introduced as Lino, and lasaid to be the produce of Africa, and to be imported homSenegat: the plant whicli assoriis it is stili unknown. The Lind from New Holland has also the appearance of a naturalproduction, fragments of bark being intermixed with it; itis in more solid masses than the ollior, is tess britile, and with iis astringency has a disagree te mawkisti su eetistitaste. The third kind lias the appearance of an eXtractthoroughly driod; it is in sinali fragineuis, With a a CSinouSsracture, is os a browu colour, neaaly blach, and lias a taste


ASTRINGENTS. 297 been informed, iliat it is the Extraci os the wood of ili q

The analysis of Lino has been Oxecuted; but Doni thodii ficulty of ascertaining exactb to what substance the nameis applied, there is a dis sculty in appropriating the resulis to any of the varieties that are met with. xl of them appe to contain a large proportion Os tanuin ; their Solutions giving a deep colour, usualty xather gicen than purpie, With SaltA of iron, and a copiolis precipitate u illi gelatin. They. are partialty solubie in v ater and in altiohol. Diluted eskohol is their most perfeci solvent. They appear to contist theres re of tannis, resinouS matter, and naucllage. Κino has been employed as an astringent for the Same pumposes as catechu, d they are osten given in combination. The catechu, belug more uniforin in iis qualities, ought perihaps to be preferred. of the different varioties of Lino, that to whicli the nanae ivas originalty given, imported hom ica, is the must grates ut, and appears too tO be the most

active astruagent.

Americ a. I

THE substance to ivllicli the absurd name of Dragon sulood has been Hven, is a resinous concrete os a dark redcolour und lieterogeneous texture, Varying also frequently in iis qualitios as it is met with in the shops. When genuine, it is the produco, hy exudation frona incisions in the bark, of the above troe Ιt is insipid ; and though it has been con-


practice, it has no sensibio activity, and iniit be discardedhom the Iisis of the Materia Modica. It is used, in iis insolubili ty and tenaci ty, to fili up the cavlty in cariotis