A system of materia medica and pharmacy [electronic resource] : including translations of the Edinburgh, London, and Dublin pharmacopoeias, in two volumes

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ter. The acetate or sub-acetate of copper has, litio the Sulphate, an emetic power, aud has been employed in similae caSes ita a dose of oue or two gravis. They are Ii te to the fame disadvant M. A MMONIA. Ammonia. Volatile Athali. AMMONIA exigis naturalty ii the gaseous forna, but is condensed in very large quantity by water ; and this solution, sortite preparation of whicli a formula is given in the Pharmacopoeias, is the form under whicli it is applicd to different medicinal purposes. It is capille of sulfilling various inducations ; it in particular acts as a diaphoretic, antacid, and e ternalty as a rubefacient. Under sonae of these classes it isto be more fully considered. It operates as an emetio Whengiven in a pretiy large dose, and is sonaetimes employed toquichen the operation os other emetics where they have fallia ed, a lea-Spoonsul being sven in a cupiui os cold water, anda draught os tepid urator being swallo uod after it. HYDRO-SULPHUREΤUΜ ΑΜΜΟΝΙΑ . The Hydro-sulphuretos Ammonia, obtained by passing a current of sulphuretted hydrogeu gas through a sol ution Of ammonia in V ater, Wasintroduced into practico by Dr Hollo, and has been receivedinto the Edinburgh Pharmacopoeia. It acts 1 4th mucheneiny on the stomach, inducing nausea in a finali dose, and in a larger dose occasioning vomiting. It is scarcely uSed RS an emetic, but rather as a nauseating romedy ; and the principat application of it lias bcen in the trontinent of diabetes, with the view of reducing the morbid appetite, and increased action of the stomach. It was given at iis introduc


It is stili uncertain; hou ever, Whether the tri O more Commoti varieties of Ipe acuan, the Peruvian and the BraZilian, ure the rootS of ille sanae vegetabie: whilo the latior is thospecies referred. to in the Pharmacopoeias, the former has


that iis emetic pores, aud indued iis principes Virtaes, reside in the servier. De Irvine has assi med that they depondon the lalter. Ιis active matter is completely extracted by p OLSpirit or wine. Viuegar likewise dissolves it, hut at the Same time greatly weahens iis power. By decoctionwith water, iis activi ty is greatly impatred, though the water distilled froni it has scarceb any emetio effeci. It is even injured by being kept long exposcd in the state of powder to the a P and light.Ιpecacuan is the militest of those emetios whicli are at thesame time sussiciently certain in their operation. Ιt evacuates the contents of the Stomach, without excitiug violent vomit-ing, or extending iis action b ond this organ ; it is henco adapted to cases Where any excess of effect would be pre-judiciat ; and as a mere evacuant, is preserable to every Other emetic. The mildness and certainty of iis operation, renderit also the emetio best adapted to childron. The medium doso of it as an emetio is 15 gratias to an adult, though 20or 30 may be linen with persect s ety, as it only operates more speedij ; and a fuli dose is even preserable to a smallerone, M more certain, and producing less nausea. The off-cinal infusion os it in White Wine acts - ns an emetic in ille dose of an ounce. Though principalty employed as an emetic, ipecacuan is occasionalty prescribed with other views. It was originalty introduced as a remedy in dysente , giveueither in suci, a dose as to produce fuit vomiting, or in thequantity of 2 or 3 gratias repeatod every three or sour holas, tili it occasioned vomiting, diaphoresis, or purging. It hasbeen rivon in a similar mode in obstinate diarrhoea. In Spas- modic asthina, it is exit ibited in a fuli dose to relicuo the pa- xysm ; and in a dose of 3 or 4 gratiis continuod every moxning for some weeks to prevent iis recurretice. Λ singularidi0syncracy has been obseruod in sonae individuals with


Radiae. Mura os Cur ope.

but iis bitterness and active po vers as a medicine are litile impatrod.' In d ing, it loses about seu fifths os ita weight.Ιis active matter is extracted by water, at hol, and vi negari Τhe lalter is the solvent commonly employed, as it best coveratis nauseous taSte, and it does not appear to injure iis po vers. Squili, when iven in a sussicient dose, excites vomiting, though it is seldom used with that intention in substance. Τhe vinegar os squill acts as an emetio in a dose of 2 or 3 drachma, as does the syrup when givon in duuble that quantity ; and ei ther of them is sonaetimes given in pertussis ; thosyrup, in particular, si om iis S cet iac&s, bcing easib ovento chil iren ; and sonae a luantam, it is supposed, bcing d rived fisom the combination os iis expectorant with iis emetiopo inor. The dose is a di achm to a child helow sive years os age, and iis activit' is advantageousl3 pion calcit, so that iis DPexati0u is more cerruin, by the addition es a litile Uec


ΤΗΕ leaves and root of this veget te, prior to the introduction of ipecacum, ivere frequently employed on account - of their emotio quality ; the dose of the dried leaves was 20 gratias ; os the dried root, 10 gratus. As they were occa- . Sionalty violent in their operation, and at the sanae time un- certain, they have fallen est agether into disuse. The plantis still retainest in the Materia Medica as an errhine. NICOTIANA TABAcUΜ. Tobacco. See page I 67.).THΕ leaves of this plant, in a person una ustomed to thelause, by che ing or smoking, excite even in a Smali dose very Severe and permanent nausea and vomiting : the sanie offocis have sol lowed even from their externat application to the P gion of the stomach ; and this method f exciting vomit inglias been pmposed to he empl0yed in cases in whicli emetios cannot be eastly administered by the mouth. Tobacco is algosomelimes talaen under the forna of infusion as an emetic, butiis operati0u is always harali, and accompanted Mith sevcre



OF CATHART1CA. 'CATHARTIcs are those medicines Whicli qui Len or incres sothe evacuation frona the intestines; or whicli, When given ina certain dose, produce purging. They are medicines of importance, but differ si ora cach other very consider ly in their pori Ora. Cathartios evidently aci, by stimulating the intcstines soas tesinerease the natural perist altic motion, and thus causetheir contenis to be more quicEly propelled aud evacuated. The greater number of them ha , howeveri a sarther effeci. They stimulate the extremities of the exhalent Vesseis, te minating on the inner sui face of the intestinos: they thus cause a larger portion os suid. to be poured out, and helice the evacuatiouS are more copious, and of a thinner consist- ence. Some catharti cs havo ibis pou er es increasing the effusion os suids stoin the ovia alenis much more than others; such, sor instance, are the Saline Purgatives. Dr Cullen has even Supp0Sed that sonio may aci sol ely in this Way, and without yncreasing directly the pepigiestic motion. There is,however, no proof of this; and it foenis scisceb probablethat a substanco Ahould aci as a stimulant on theSe VcSSeis, Without at the samo timo stimulatii; g tho moxing sibi es os the intestines. Some scem to produco the lalter offect with Scarcely any of the formor; sucti axo aloes and Phubarb ;heuce they meroly increaso illo naiuxat dis harge.


The notion os catliartios is not confined to the paris to hicli ilioy aro directly applied. Their Stimulus is extendedio tho neighbouring org S, and heiace they promoto the secretion, and increase the discliurge of the bile and Other fluids poured into the intestinat canui. These effecis are produced in very disserent degreus, by different cathartic

and there Seems sonae reason fur admitting an opinion adopt-

cd by the ancients, that certain cathartios have peculiarpo vers in this respect; some, sor instance, having the po verm0xe particulat ly of promoting the discliarge of bile, otherat iliat of the mucus of the intestines, or of the serum; and it, is not improbabie, as Daru in suppoSed, that the pancreas audi spiceu may be peculiarly stimulated into action, by others of l this class of medicines.l Tliero is lilaeivise a disserenoe in cathartios ivitii respectio the paris of the intestinat canal on whicli they act. Somel increase iis peristallic motion through iis Whole tength; others, as aloes, rave thcir action more confvied to the lower viteStineS.l Lastly, it is to be observeti, that the action Of many cathartios is extended even to the stomach ; iis peristestic mo- tion is increased, cither frona association with tho motion os the intestinat canat, or froni the direct stimulant action os the


Begides tho differences betweeu particular Cathartics, a generat differetice in their mode os operation has been sup- posed to exist, front whicli they have been classed under two divisious. Some operate mildly, Without exciting any generat affection os the system, Without even stimulating perceptibly the vesseis of the intestines, and heuce they in exelyevacuate the contents of the canes. Others are more pOV ex

exhalent vesseis, and hom in eighbouring secreting organs : en extend their sti aut effect to the system in geu res, and is tinen in too lsee a dose are Eable to excite muchi Pitation, and even inst. nation on the sursace of the intestines. The foriner are distinguished by the titie of Laxatives, the lalter are named Purgatives, avd the stronger of them, Drastic Purgativos. The distinction is nut altogether eoueci, since it refers me ly to a dissexeuce in pori ex ; yetneither is it one to be altogether negleCted Froin the indications which cathartios are capable of ful- stling, theie utility in many cases of morbid affection mustbe obvious. In some generat assections of the system, theyproci e a speedy, copious, and therefore usesul depletion.

And whereuer there exista retentiou of the conteuts of the intestinat canal, Where these contenis ure acrid, or Where extraneous bodies are present, their eVacuatiou by the operation es a cathartic is the obvious method of treatinent

The valvabie observations of DP Hamilton haye establish-ed stili more clearly the importunce of this class of remedies, have shewn that they admit os more extensive application, and have potnted out with more precision than had besore been done, the principies Whicli regulate their administration. In many digeases, there exisis a state of the intestinat canalgiving rise to retention os iis contenis, Whicli is not to be ob


whicli requirsis a continuation of the operation Ahoi et of thatos purging, untii the healthy State of the bowels he restored. By this pyactice the cure os discases has beon accomptishod, whicli, previous to Dr Hamilton's publication, were trealed by very different methods, and were not suppoSed tο be sopeculiarly connected with any state of the alvine evacuation. Thus in sevcr, the peristallic motion of the intestines is diminished, tho Reculent matter is retained, and hecomes aes urce of irritation ; iis evacuation, there re, by the exhibition os purgatives is clearly indicated, nor has this been altogether neglected. Physicians, however, avere Scarcelyaware of the Decessity of producing it tu a sussicient extent; and in fovers of the typhoid type in particular, M ere frequently deterred frona doing so by the fear of reducing the

Strength of the system by an evacuation considered as debilitating. Dr Hamilton's observations est listi the proprietyof the Deer use of purgatives in laver, So aS to produce Complete and regular evacuation of the boweis, through the violes progress of the disease; and the cages he has publislied inordstriking proose of the advistages derived froni the practice. There are other forms of sevor in Whicli it is emploed i thequat advantage, and particularly go in Scarlatina. Severat of the diseasos comprehended under the class Neu-x0Ses appear to depend on, OP to be very intimaleb connectis ed 1 th a torpid state of the intestines, Dum Whicli an accu- , mulation Of their contenis takes place, proving a Source of irritation that osten assecis the generat system. Chorea is proved by De Hamilton's observations to ariso hom this cause; and he has introducod Mith great succcss the mode ostreatinent, by the Dee use of purgatives, continuod untii theliealthy state of the alvine evacuation has heen estabilShed. I he success of this method litis indoed been such that scarce-