장음표시 사용
milar succeas, applies to hysteria, and, in Dr Hamilton sopinion, to that Species of tetanus, Whicli, preValling an w in climates and in Warin Semons, appears to have itS origin indisorder os the stomach and bora eis. Anil ample evidelice has est lished the success of the fame trestiment in the in
rosis, and in that haematemesis to Whicli iam ales are liablebetween et icen and thirty years of age. In some of thesediseases, the quantity of matter accumulated in the intestinesis extremely great; the extent to whicli the exhibition os purgatives must be carried, and the tengili or tiniti dici ingwhicli they must be continued, much excced what would bocalculated on froni the usual administration of remedies of this class. The whole practice requires there re both decision and perseveranCe.
Analogies hom some of these diseases lead to a similis exhibition os cathartics in other i evers; particularly in the Ulious remitting laver of Warin climates, in meastes, e Siselas, and Amall-pox ; like se in Scrosula, in dyspepsia, wh ther simple or complicated with hysterical or hypochondii cui mania ; in cramp of the stomach, or of the extremities; in palpitation of the heari, and in those cases of hydrophobia whicli are not the effect of specilio contagion. With re-gard to severat of these, experience has est lished theso Dess of the analogy. In cholic, and in ileus, the exhibition os catliartios is r quired, though there is considerable caution necessary in their application, to avoid such irritation as Would excito orincrease inflammation. In dysentery, Similar adVantagis arederived froin them, and the fame cautioia is requisito in
Cathartios are sarthor emploed with other intentioris thati merely to evacuate the intostinat canat. Frona the effusion offerous fluid whicli they occasion, by their stimulant action. on the exhaleut VeSSeis, they are supposed to produce a diminution os fluids with regard to the whole body. This is
acting on the System, and lience purging constitutes a partos what is named the Antiphlogistic Hegimen, and is em- oycd in inflammatory affections. By a similar operation,
it incivases absorption. There exist s a certain 1 elation be-
tweon the exhaling and absorbing powers, SO that twhen theaction os the one is increased, iliat of the other is ause mented : the increased exhalation os serous fluid, therei ore, into the intestines, whicli catharties occasion, causes an i creased absorption ; and thus the differcnt species of dropsyare osten cured by purging. It is evident that those cathar-tics whicli stimulate the exhalent vessi is es ille intestinesare best calculated to sulfit this indication ; hence saline purgatives are in generat most servi eable in dropsy.
From the semus evacuation Whicli catharticS Occasion,
cona Mose affections, in mania, phrenitis, and the different species of headach. Cathartics, especialty the more pomersui ones, require tobo administered with caution even in disenses u hexe theyare indicateii, when there is any tendeucy to iussammation orto extreme debit sty ; ulso during pregnancy, immediatebaster deli very, during the sow of the mens S, and in thoseliable to hae mori hoida I affections. Ilio too irequent use of them inducos wastiug of the body, and sumetimes xcuders
excited, while in other habiis it renders them more torpid,
and induces costiveness. The saline cathartics have Diorsi
peculiarly the former effeci, and more quickly reduce thostrength of the boh, probably by the evacuation they Occ
sion ironi the circulating maSS. Some cautions are requisite With respect to the mode os
bination is, that the more peculiar effect of each, whetherit be evacuating the larger intestines, or stimulating the exhalent vesseis, and causing the effusion os fluid, is prevented, and the generat effeci, exclusive of these peculiarities, is bulter obtained. They irritate less When given in a liquid form : in that forin tuo they aci more speedily than whengiveu in a solid state : helice, udien it is urishod that a cathartic shonid opertae sto My, it is best givon in the forni orpili, and at bell-time, as the stato os diminished susceptibi lily in fleep retardes the operation. In generat, howevor, itis preserable to give the doso Of a cathartic in the moxnlatius the operation os it is tess troublesonae to the patient. DrHamilton has potnted o ut the commou ereor in the inhibi-
tion of catharties, that of their not being fven to the re quiSite extent; and has given the generat rule in ali niorbidassections, of repeating, aud, is necessa , ei larging the dose ite the evacuations are peculiarly ostensive, or os an un- natural appearance, Without however caining their administration So far as to produce purging, unless this be theindication whicli is designed to be sulfilled. Cathailics may be arrangia in some meas e according totheir power, placing those first whicli operate mildly, and which have usuasty been denominated Laxatives, and pro- ceeding to thoge whicli are more powersul, and have Other effecta than mereb evacuating the conlevis of the Canat. The Saline Catharti cs may be placed under the lalter division, though their operation, as has been atready explained, is Somewhat peculiar. To this class may albo he ad deditiose substances which aci as cathartics under the lam os
THIs substance, though assorded by severat vegetabies, is usualty obtained hom disserent species of the RSh-tree, particularly those mentioned abovo, whicli are cultivated in Si- cij and Calabria. It is procured by Spontaneous ex Idation, but more copiousty by incisions made in tho bapti os the trunL. The juice, whicli exudes, Saon hec meS COncrete. When it exudes glowly, the manna is more dry and white, and of a texture som hat granulated ; it is collectedon chips of wood or straw, and fornis What is named Flalae Manna. When the exudation is more copious, the juice isos a dapher colour, and concretes into a Sost maSS, le8S purethan the other, and composed os fragments of a grey and white colour intermiXed. Manna has a gweet, though sonae vitat unplensant tarie,
and possesses the generat chemicat properties os saccharine matter; it is enthely solubie in Water and MLohol. Thechemicat disseretico belu oen ii and pure fugar is not very weli est lished. When dissoluod in allioliol, with the uidos heat, the solution on cooling deposites crystias apparentlypurely saccharine ; und by concentration of the residunt li
lirabie, having the peculiar iaste of the manna. Althoughmgar in ita una tanta state proves laxative, manua does so in
The dose os manna, as a laxative, is Doni one to two Ounces to an adult, but it Scarcely operates ivitii sufficientes sect to admit of boing employed Hono. Though mild in iis operation, it is api too to produce salutence and Diping, and henco it is principally used in combination with other cathartios, particularly with senna, the bitter iaste of which
tus. Egypt; Eust and inest Indi es. ΤΗΕ fruit of this tree is in cylindrical potis, nearly an incli in diameter, arid ten or twelve inches in longili. The externat membranous part is firm and hard; it is divided villiin by septa belween whicli the seeds are inclosed, im-bedded in a sost pulp. This pulp is of a blacla colour, and has a swect iaste, with a stight degree of acidity. It is extracted by boiling the bruised pods in ivater, and evaporat-ing the decoction. It is soli te in W ater. According to Vatiqueitu's analysis of it, it contains, besides the fibrous pari, gluten, jelly, naucllage, and saccharine matter. The pulp os cassia proves gently laxative in a dose of lauror fix drachms ; in the large dose necessary to occasion pu ging, it is api tu induce nausea or griping, and eVen aS a laxative it has no particular advantage. The Sole C SUmption of ii ' is in tho composition of the officinat preparationi nown b the nante of Electuarium Sennae. Thero is another eluctu in the Pharmacopoeias, to which, as beingthq princilaal ingredient, it gives iis name, anil in Whicli it
Domestic . TheSe are somelimes used in domeStic practico, and they are also ingredients in the Electua of Se a. BIcINUs co MMUNIS. Palma Christi. Monoec. M adclph. Tricoceae. Oleum a Semen. mrat Indies. ΓΠΕ seeds of the carules of this plant ave farinaceous, with a considerable quantity of inactuous matter intermixed. They afford, by expression or by decoction, an Oil Whicli is used in medicine in this counto under the namo Os Castor Oil. When obta inod by decoction of the bruised seeds in water, it is purer and less acrimoniolis than hen obtainedhy expression. It is of a yellowiSh colour, tranSparent, viScid, and has scarceb any peculiar iaste or Smed. Ιt is theonj example of an expressed od having any medicinal activi ty. sis a laxative, castor Oil acts mi ldly, and at tho fame time very effectualty ; it also operates in a Shorter time than al