A system of materia medica and pharmacy [electronic resource] : including translations of the Edinburgh, London, and Dublin pharmacopoeias, in two volumes

발행: 1813년

분량: 529페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


SULPHUR is an instaminabie substance, Dund in naturonearly pure, and likewise in combinatiou With sevcrat of thomelias. The greater part of the sulphur of commerce is the produce of volcanio countries. It is natuintly mixed withearthy matter, Dom Whicli it is Deed by sublimation, serm- ing the Ssulphur Sublimat m, Flores Sulphuris, or Flowers of Sulphur. When meited and run lato cylindrical molds, it larius Roti Sulphvi , whicli is usualty leSS pu e. Sulphur, ut iis solid state, is britile and lia , but it is c pable of assuming a crystalline laxm ; it is more generalbused in tho state of the loοse powder in Q hicli it is obtainodis the process of sublimation conducted pii a large scale. Itis os a light yello colour ; is insipiit, or Very Slightly sour, oni a finali portion of acid adhering to it: it has a suintsmel l when rubbed or heated; is very fusibie and volatile ; and when heated in atmospheric air, burns ivith a blue sanae, and the production of suffocating fumes. It is insolubio in water or aikohol, but is dissolved by oiis, and combinos withthe aikalis, severat Os the eartiis, metalsand metallic oxides. It was, untii lately, regarded as a simple substance ; thereis reason to belle , hoWevdae, that it contains a portion os hydrogen. Sulpitur, in a dose of 2 or 3 drachms, acts as a laxative, and so mi ldly, that it is osten used in haemorrhoidal assections, and in other Cases where, though the operation Os a

purgative is indicated, any irritation would be injurious. It likewise passes Osr by the sdin, and is helice administeredinternalty, as Woli as applied cxternalty in psora. In this disensu it may be regarded as a specific. In habitual dyspnoea and in chronic cattarii, adustutage has beeu derived fremit, probably partly irom iis action as a laxative, and part*as a diaphoretic. The solution os it in oti has been used in these cases, but this preparation is both a i L aud extremely


nauseous. Sulpinu is always best given in the forin or es tuai . The parification os sulphur by Washing, is ordoredin the Pharmacopoeias, but is a process altogether innece sary. Precipitaled by an acid froni iis solution by an al-kali or lime, it is obtained of a whiter colour than in iis usual state, and this precipitaled sulphur is used in prese ence to the sublimed sulphur in forming oiniments. The combination os it with potasti, Sulphuretium Potassae, has also heen introduced into the Pharmacopoeias, principallywith the view of affording a substance whicli has been Sup- posed capabie, by iis chemicat action, of co teracting the operation of metallic preparations where these have been

MAGNESIA. Magnesia. Carbonas Mag Siae. ΤΗIs earili is not found pure in nature, but exisis abundantly combined with certain acidf, and Dom these saline combinations it is obtained by processes to he astem ds no-ticed, either pure, or in the state of Carbonate. In either State, it is used as an antacid and laxative, in a dose of adrachm or more. Iis laxative effect is generassy consideredas owing to iis forming with the acid in the stomach a saliue combination, whicli, like iis other salis, is purgative, though, as it usualty produced this effeci, it . probably hasitself a weala cathartic quality. Froni being insipid and inlid it is xv ll adapted ior exhibition to insanis.


Folia. Egist, Arabire.

LEsIDEs tho Bheum Palmatum, two other species, the Rheum Undulatum, and Bheum Compactum, are cultivaled


Rhubarb; it is in larger masses, more compaci and hard, heavier, and less fri te and less sne in the grain than theother, and having less of an aromatio flavour. Bhubaib, cultivated in this count , has been prepared equat to either of the others, but in generes it is inferior, probabb D0m lesscare being heslowed on iis cultivation aud preparation. The active principies of rhubarb are not veπ welli ce tat ed. It is somewhat mucilaginous, and yielas pari os iis powers to water by infusion. Alkohol like vise dissolves a considerable proportion os it; and diluted es hol a cars tobe iis most persect solvent, dissolving ali iis active matter. It appears too to contain a portion of tannin, as it sues adeep colour with the salts of iron, and a precipitate ivitii latin. Ιt has been supposed to have the combination x ther singular, of an astringent vfith a cathartic potver ; it is not apparent D0m any analysis os ii, whether these reside indisserent proximate principies or not. The watery infusionis sald to be more purgutive than the spiritous, and by applying heat to the rhubarb in substance, iis purgati e qKa-lity is tessened, whilo iis astringoncy rematias. The Chinesorhubarb is supposed to be more astringent than the Tuin .


The astrii ivncy os rhubarb is not, hoWeVer, Voxy sensibie in iis medicinat operation, and has perhaps rati, ex betat inferred froni the effecis. of chemicui re-ngenis. I very Lindos it contains a quantity of earthy matter, chiesy lime, combined with sulphuric and citrio acids, forming the principalpart of the whito strealas. This is more abundant in the Turkey rhubarb than in the others. The dose of rhuham as a cathartio is otio scrupte or halia drachm. A dose such as this appears to be neCeSSary toproduce the fuit purgative effeci; but a much Smaller quav- tity, that os a se V grains, is susticient to eXCite the actionos the intestin , so as to produce merely in CreaSe of the natural evacuation, and it is ivitii this last intention, perlaaps, that it is most properly employed. It is useful in this molle in dyspepsia, hypochondriasis, jaundice, and sonae similar affections, obviating the costiveness whicli Dequently attentis them, and fui ther by iis operation as a bitter contributing toxestore the tune of the digestive organs. From iis supp0Sed astringent property, it has like vise been considereii as peculiarly adapted for exhibition in diari licea, any a id matterbe g evacuated by iis purgative effeci, belare it acts as an stringent. It farther enters into a number of ossicines pro- parations, m Whicli it is cither the principat medicine, orcombined with aloes, which bears a Considerable resemblanceto it in iis mode os operation, with bitters, Or aromatiCS.


solves, the tinctute asi ording, hy ex apolation, a Very actiVe


Colocynth is one of the most draStio purgatives, so much so that iis operation is uot eastly regulated. Ιis dose is homb to 6 grains, but it is so liable to occasion Giping, teneSmus, and other Sympioins, that it is scarcely ever given by itfel Lbeing rather used to promoto the operation Os other cathra tios . Combinations of it with jal , aloes, or mild muriate os mercu , axe thus sven tu obstinate constipation, in mania, and coma; and in these combinations it operates more mildly and more effectualty than is given alone, Iis infusion has been recommended as au antheltantio. c. I ep. Pil. Aloes cum Colocynth. Ed.- tr. CO- Iocynth. Lond Extr. Colocynth. Comp. Lond. Dub.

TRE expressed juice of the finiit of this plant deposites alicula, whicli, when dried, has been known by the nanae of Elaterium, It is a very potvertat cathartio, and froin the violence of iis operation has been ventu ed to be exhibitedouly in the most obstinato cases. Iis dose is hal f a gram, Tepeated overy hovi', or every second hour, tili it operate. As a drastic purgative, it has Sometimes been gi ven in masia, and as a hydrag0gue cathartic in dropsy.


Osic. Prep.-Syr. Rhamn. C. Ed. Londa ALOE . Aloe Socolorina. Aloe Barbadensis. Aloes Soco-torine, and Barbadoes. Aloe Persoliata, et Spicata maeand. Monogyn. Lilluceω. Sticcetis vi aliis. Afriaco, Asia, America. ALOES is a concrete resinous juice. Severat varieties of itare met with in the shops, whicli differ in their purity, and likewise in their sensibie qualities. The Socolorino, origi- nalty brought froni the Africsin istand of Socolora, is considered as the purest. It is in sinali pieces of a reddish-broum colour, Dearly blacla in the mass. The Barbadoes aloes isos a lighter colonis, and has an odovi' Stronger and more Un-pleasant than the former. It is algo named Hepatio Aloes, Tho Cabbaline is stili more impuri', more foetid, and is wea r in iis power. There is stili more uncertainty M thregard to the species producing these varicties. The Aloe Persoliata is that referred to by the Edinburgii College, asa mording the varieties both of hepatio id socolori ne aloes. Tlie Dublin College reser to tho Aloc Spicata, and it is suidio be this species Π hicli is a native of the Cape of Cood IIope, Whence much of the aloes of the si ops, sold undevthe name of Socolorino Aloes, is no v importe t. The L0H-



water, dissolves est the active matter of this concrete juice. Boiling watex also dissolves it, but a portion of resin is deposited as the solution coolS. AloeS, RS a cathartio, has some peculiarities. It is flori erm iis operation than any Other pu gative; it merely eVa-Cuntes the contents of the intestines, and no greater effect is obtained Dom a large dose, than Dom oue comparativelymoderate. These have been regarded as pro0se, and p

haps jusfU, that iis operation is principalty on the Iarger intestines. tis medium doso is fron1 5 to 10 gratas, and iis usual sorin os exhibition that os pili. As a purgative, it is

osten employed to obviate habituat costiveness; and Domoperating Simply as an evacuant, and without an irritation,it, is peculiarly uda ted to this. Heuce iis use in hypochondriasis, in jaurulice, and other cases attended with torpor of tho intestinat caual. It is also osten combined Withothor Cathartios to produce more complete e acuation. Fronatho supposition os iis stimulant operation heing more particu- Iavly exerted on the rectum, it has beeu supposed tu have a