A system of materia medica and pharmacy [electronic resource] : including translations of the Edinburgh, London, and Dublin pharmacopoeias, in two volumes

발행: 1813년

분량: 529페이지

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tendency to occasion haemorrhoids an opinion sor Whichthere does not appear much undation. On the suppositioutoo of iis stimulating effect bemg cxtended to the uterus, ithas been regarded as a purgative to he avoided during presenancy, and on the Same hypothesis it has hcen si posed to

colou , having littio sinest, and a bittor sub-acrid i te. Itis however variabie in iis qualities, and is osten adulterased by the intermixture of earthy matter. It is one of what euamed Gum- sins, mad consists of resin and gum in geno 1 nearly in eques proportions. Mater dissolvos aliout On Rupili os it; aikohol dissolves about two-thirds; proos Spiritalmost entireb, the impurities excepted. Scammony is one of the drastic purgatives, and is em-





degrest os cathartic potver, this is more considerable in themilii muriato than hi the othors, and it is in Common usu asa cathartio. It Operates as Such, when given Mone in a dose

os promoting the operation os other cathartios, Without -- citrag any additiones irritation, or rendering them ii te toact with violence: it is there re, in more obstinate Cases of constipation, or where it is an object to procure suli evacuation, combined with colocynth, Scammony, or gamboge ; and si h a combination inords the fasest of the powe ut cathar-tics. Calomel also appears to be adapted to ans Ner particular indications, froni iis action on the liver, and iis potveros promoting the dis arge of bile. Hence the ad vantage derived hom it as a purgative in different sorius os severi particularly those of warm climates, and in chronio hepatitis. A DIU ISION of Cathartics remains, intermediate in theit operation belween the LaXatives and PurgativeS, more pori' ful than the one, tess acrid and stimulating than the ollier. These are the Compoliud Salis. They appear to aci principally by stimulating the exhalent Vesseis On tha innex sui face

fluid tu be polired oui, whicli dilutes the contents of the canal, and by iis operation, uided by the stimulus of the saline matter, accelerates the peristiatio motion. By tlae wa-tery evacuation Whicli they thus Occasion frem tho generes system, they are particulariy adapted to those Cases Where inflammatory actiou or tendency to it CXiStS. SULPHAA MAGNES: E. Sulpitate os Magnesia.


s52 CATHARTIC S. 1ng Sult, and 'som Salt, is Dund in minerat xvaters, whenefit has boon extracteii, but at pregent is principalty obtainedfroin the litiuor remuining aster the crystalligation os inui lateos soda froni se water, Which holds a quantity of it and of muriate os magnesia dissolved. I his is boiled down, and when exposed to sufficient coid assoriis acicular crystales of Sulphate of magnesia; the quantity os whicli is somelimes increased by previousty ad ling to the bittern sulphate of iron, by whicli part of the muriate of magnesia is decomposed. The crystals ,rocured by this process are deliquescent homthe presence of a litile muriate of magnesia ; the sulphat when pure, formS large regular Crystals, whicli are rat heressiorescent. They are solubio in 1 early an equat weight os water at 60 Q. Their iuste is extrem V hilter. I his sali is used as a purgative, in a doge of DOm one totwo ounces, dissolved in Hater. Though iis taste be bitter, it has been remarhed that it remains bliter on the stomachthan many other catharticS, especialty when given in Smali repeated doses, and in a solution largesy diluted. Exhibited in this manner, it has been particularly recommended in ileus and colica pictonum. It is osten an ingredient also in purgative enemus.

SULPHAS SODAE, Sulphate of Soda, long kno in by the

Danie of Glauber's Salt, is prepared by various proceSSCS Ona large Scale. In the process given in the Pharmacopoeias, it is obta inod si om the residuum of the decomposition of mu- aetate of soda, by sulphurio acid, in the preparation os muriatic acid. The saline mass is dissolved in Hater; any eXceSSor ac id is noui aliged by tho addition os limo, and the pure sulphate os soda is obtained by cvaporation. ItS c Stais arefix-Sided prisins ; they are efforescent, solubie in three paris


merly Crystals or Cream os Tartar, Crystalli vel Cremor Tartari). TAIs sali is madually deposited Dum Wine, in the progressos the flow sementation whicli it suffers when Lept. It appears to be derived frona the juice of the grape, and is probabb separated by the diminution of tho solvent potver of the juice by the evolution of its spirituous produci. The tartar, as it is nam ed, adheros to the fides of the casks inu hich M ine is preserved ; it is os a red colour, si sin partus the colouring mattor adhering to it: froni u litte M ines itis depositod os a lighter stiade, and heiace the distinctions ofred and whito tartar in commerce. This Saline matter con- Sisis essentialty os tartario ac id and potasti, ille acid bemg iu


cooling, white and Semi-transparent, os no very regular lam. These used tu be named Crystals of Tartar, while the crust collected froni the surtace of the botling liquor was named Cream os Tartar'. The crystals are reduced to powder soruse, and to this powder the latior name is stili frequentlygiven. This sali consisis, a cording to Thenardys analysis,

tis solution. It Operates as a purgative in a dose of 4 or 6 drachius, and being free Dona any unpleasant i te, it is notiinfrequently used, more eSpecialty in inflammato states of

the system. It is, Dona iis insolubility, seven generalty underthc forin os electuary ; the only inconvenience attending iis operation, is iis heing liable to occasion statulence; and is habitu Hly used, it is liable Dom iis acidity to injure the tono

of the stomach. It appears, at the fame time, to increagethe action of the absorbent system ; heuce, as a hydragoreand diurotic, it is employed in dropsy, and is also the cathar-tic most effectuat in removing obesity. As a diuretic indrefrigerant, it is to be aster v dg noticed. TARTRAS POTASSAE. Tistrate of POt h. Tartarum Solubile. Solubie Tartar. THIS sali, the neutral tartrate os potasti, formerly named Soli te Tartar froni iis greator solubili ty, is prepared by S iurating the excess os acid tu the super-tartrate by the addi-



tion os a solution os carbonate os putasti. Exom iis assinityto Nater, it is not casily crystalliZed with regularity ; whon talia d by cvaporation in the state of a dry p0wder, it is even Somewhat deliquescent ; iis insto is bitter. It is a milit

THIs sali, soruaerly known by the nanae of Rochelle Sali, is a triple One, bcing prepared by saturating the excess ofacid in the super-tartrate os potasti by adding a solution os carbonate of soda. It crystalliZes in large and regular trans- parent rhoinboidal prisnas, v hicli are permanent in the air, and solubie in about fix paris of cold water. Its taste is tessi ple aut than that of the greater number of the saline purgatives, and it operateS in a Similar manner. Iis incilium dose is an ounce, given usualty dissolved in tepid water. ΡHOSPHAS SOD E. Phosphate of Soda. To prepare this sali, bones are calcined Io whiteness, soas to consume the animal matter, and obtain the phosphilto

of limo, whicli is their base. The calcinod bone in powdcris submitted to the action of suphuric acid, whicli combines with part of the lime, and leaves a super-phosphate of lime, tilich is dissolved by water. To illis Solution, a solution Oscarbonate of soda is added, tili there remain a Stight excessos a Mali; the soda combines ivitii the excess of phosphorioacid of the super-phosphate; the neutral phosphate of limo, which the excess of acid held in solution, is precipitaled, and by evaporation the phosphate of Sodu is obtained crystallited. Iis crystales are rhoiuboidal prisnas. Its tastu is tho least


boup made Without sali. MURIAS SOD E. 31 late of Soda. THIs sali, , sermed os soda and muriatio acid, is the most abi dant saline natu al produci. It exigis in a fossit state, forming Vliat is named Rock Sali; it is the principat salino ingredient in the water of the Ocean, and is a common ingredient in minerat waters. It is usualty procu ed by eVapor tion froni sea-water in sinali irregular crystals: when more regularly crystalliZed, the form of iis crystals is a cube ; iistaste is purely saline. Lilae other salis, it excites intrat, an effect probabb arising fmm iis action on the absorbenis: it also operates as a gratelai stimulant on the stomach, and henoe iis universes use as a condiment. In large doses it proves purgative; but iis strongly sallae t te prevenis it Dona being employed. It fornis the active ingredient, hori ever, of the common domestic enema ; Dom hau an ounce tom ounce of it being dissolved in a pound of tepid water, anda sinali quantity os expressed oti added.

MURIAS MAGNESIA . Muriate of Magnesia.

THIS Sest is, nexi to muriate os soda, the principes saline ingredient in sen-water, aud communicates to it iis pungent quality. It frequently communicates the fame quali ty to minerat Walers, of Whicli it is a common ingredient; but not


BEsIDEA the precessing Cathartics, there are sonae Whichare employed as such only mader the sortii os Enema. TEREBINTHINA VENETA. Venico Turpentine. Pinata Lariae. M oec. Monadelph. Conise P. ΤΗsi resinous juice of this tree, the Larcii, exudes Domincisions made in iis trutila. It is of the consistence of honera has the peculiar sineti of the turpentines, and a bitteracrid taste. It consists of resin and essenties Oil; somotimes

tis narcotic operation inducing relaxation Of the muscularsbre. An infusion os one drachm os it in a pint of Warin Wa-ter is more Convenient; biit much caution is requisite in theuse of cither, as iobacco, Dum iis narcotic potver, is Vt t0 induce extreme sickness and dubility. It is only Where other methods have beest insuccesssul, that iis administration caube proser.


nagogues, are those Whicli are capille of promoting the menstruat discliarge. The suppression of this discliarge is supposed to arise Domdebiliw of the uterine vesseis, or deficiency of action in them. Henco, it might be inferred, that the medicines cap te ofexciting it must be Such as can Stimulate these vesseis. Generat stimulanis, or tonios, may to a certain degree have this effeci, since, in consequence of their action, the uterinevesseis must be stimulated in common ivith other paris. There are accordingly severat stimulanis, both diis ibie and permanent, emplOyed RS eminenagogueS.It is doubilat whether there is fartiter any particular determination to these vesseis. It is sussiciently certain, that there aere many substances, whicli, when received into the stomach, have their stimulant operation more particularly determine i to one part than to unother; to the kidneys, forexample, the bladder, or Other organs. It Seenas possibie, d prwm that there may be substances disposed to aci more peculiarly on the uterus; yet experience does not confirm