A system of materia medica and pharmacy [electronic resource] : including translations of the Edinburgh, London, and Dublin pharmacopoeias, in two volumes

발행: 1813년

분량: 529페이지

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분류: 미분류


Α stimulant offeci, however, produced in iaci bouring

paris, Seems to be in sonae degrue propagated to the utorinevesseis ; and henoe severat medicules exert an eminenagogueso Ver, greater than can be ascribed to any generat actionthey exert on ille system. It is thus that sonae substances,

belonging to the class of cathartics, have beeu Supposed to aci, their stimulus being communicatod Doni the larger intestines to the uterus. They are proh ly of aduantum to0 in amenorrhoea, Simply as catliartios, vemoving that State of torpor in the intestinat canal connected with the disease ; and more advantage is derived froin the enimenamgues of this claSs, than from any of the others. There is also one stimulus, stat of electricity, whicli canbe brought to aci directly on the. uterine system, and it has been somelimes la d, under the form of slight shocks transmitted through the pelvis, to operate as a po exsul Emmena f

The individuals belonging to this class may be arranged insonae measure according to these distinctions; the most ac



u in their antispasmodic propexty, the po ver in acting more peculiarly ou the uterive system, and have been therei ore employed as emmenagogues. Assalaetida, the Strongest os them, has been seven in amenoreticea in a dose of 10 or 15 grains, or in the forin os tincture in the dose of One drachm. GALBANUΜ, another of these foetid gums atready noticed, nexi in strength to assafoetida, has been given in a similis dose. Both of them me ususty employed in that forna ofamenorrhoea connected with hysteria; they are also occa

ΤΗΕ potvers of iron as a tonic may be supposed capable orbe g exerted on the uterine system, and of xemoVing S pression of the discliarge arising smin deficient acti0n of the uterine Vesseis, more ospecialty When this is connected witha state of generat languor and debilis . In Such cases, a


EM MENAGOGUES. cord ingly, 1t is frequently empl0yed as an em menagogiae. The carbonato of iron is given in a dose of 5 or I 0 graius datly, continuod for 50me time ; the more active preparatio os the sulphate and mi late are likewise prescribed, hut in generat there is some dissiculty in continuing their administration, uniem in Smali doSes, froin the irritation they areli te to occasion. The chalybeate minerat waters inordperhaps the best forin os administering iron in amenoriscea.

THE generat stimulant operation of this metal may, like that of iron, be supposed to be so far exerted on the uterine system, as to obviate any state os diminished action ; some of iis preparations are accordis y occasionalty employed in amenorrhoea. The milii muriate or calomel is the preparation generalty used. It is gi ven in the dose of a grain ; more frequently, however, in combination with other emmena gogues, to promote their action, than atone.

ΤΗ1s cathartic, it has viready been rem Led, is supposedio operate more peculiarly on the larger intestines ; and iis stimulant operation, it has .been imagined, is thence propagated to the uterus. Hence iis celebrity aS an eminenagogue,

not entirely, on iis Cathaaetio potver, and iis effect in consequence of this, of removing the torpor of the intestinat canat. It is given under the serm of pili or tincture ; and frequently in combination ivith other remedies, particularly With myri I, Thubarb, and the preparations of iron.



ration, and, lihe it, has been supposed to produce, probablyla consequence of this operation, an eminenagogue esseCt.

be supposed to depend on iis catliartio operation; in this dose, however, and under this forni, it has litile sensibio effeci; and any advant e derived froni it is extremely do t- fui. The extraci has been employed as a more active preparation in combination with aloes, or with carbonate of iron. SINAPIS ALBA. Mustard. Page 323.) Semen. THE seeds of this plant have a considerable degree of pu gency, and when tinen unbruised to the extent of hau auounCC or an Ounce, have a purgative effeci. This is a popular remedy, not unfrequentlr used in amenorrhoea and Chlorosis, and may have sume effect by iis stimulant action onthe intestinat canat.



possessing the generat viriues of the plant. Savin is a stimulant, the operation of mhicli has been sup- posed to be powersutly directed to the uterine system; Somuch sο, that, according to the common opinion, it is ca-pable of procuring abortion. It has in conformity to this en considered as an emmenagogue, but it is scarceb eVex administered intermassy. Externalty, the po er of the dried leaves is used as in escharotic, and mixta Mili lard is appliedas a stimulant to excite suppuration hom inflamed sursaces. D. Prep.-Extr. Sabinae, Dub. Cerat. Sabis. Lond. Ol. Sabinae, Ed. Diis.



OF DIU RETICS DIURE11cs a re those medicines whicli increase the urina discliarge ; an effect whicli is probabb produced by different modes of Operation It is obvious, that any substance capille of stimulati gthe secreting vesseis of the kidneys, by direct application tothem, may increaSe their action, and thus produce a more copious dis harge of urine. It is probably in this way that many of the saline diuretics aci: the principes purpose of the urinary SeCretion Aeems to be to separate froni the blood thesesine matter it contains, and which Would otherwise accumulate in the system; when substances of this Liud, there- fore, do ΠOt Operate as catliartios, but are received into theciaeculating mass, they are brought to the kidneys in thocourse of the circulation, are secreted by their vesseis, and exciting in them mcreased action, a larger portion, of wate fluid is also secreted. Severat of these SubStanc , as nitre,or the fixed aikalis, can be detected in the urine by chemicat tests after ili have been administered, and theres arethero can be litile do i of this heing the mode in xvhichthey operato. There is evidence even os sonae veget lodiuretios passing olf by the fame emunctory. The flavour of Asparagus, Or of garlic, or turpentine, sor eXample, maybe obseruod in the urine discliarged an liour or two aster they have been received into the stomach.



It is also probabie, however, that a diuretio effect is in other cases produced by substances acting only on the St mach, the action they excite . being communicated by Sympathy to the kidneys. Squill and iobacco appear to aci iuthis maniter; there is no proos that they are received into the circulating mass ; they aci very peculiarly on the StomaCh, and when illey occasion vomit ing or purgin g, tu generalty fail in theiae diuretic effeci. It may be concluded, theresere, that they exert a peculiar action on the Stomacli, Whicla , propagated to the Lidneys, by means of the generis

connection subsisting between ali the paxis of the Sy Stem, Causes an increase tu the urinary discli argo. The different Ends of ardent spiriis, diluted with water, seem to aci in RSimilar manner, as their diuretic effect usualty tines place

part of the blood is carried oss by perspiration, the urinars dischargo is diminishod. It is farther known, that large drauctis of water, or of any mild diluont, is not determinedio the skin by externat warnath, occasion an increased diScharge of urine. It Seenas probabie, there re, that a Similar effect may be produced, by the action os substances Which Ροwerfully stimulate the absorbent system, and thus bring an increased quantity of serous fluid into the circulat-ing mass. Digitalis is probably a remedy of this Lind. Iis effect as a diuretic is more certain and po versui, When GVeuto a person labo uring under dropsr, than to one in health ; in the lalter state, indoed, any such oslect is scarcely appR-xent. It appears too to be one of those medicines whicli Stimulate most poWerfully the absorhent system ; iis diuretic


s 68

tis enabling the absorbenis to talae up the scrous suid os sused ; this is of co se brought into the circulation, and like

tico, whicli is osten emploed to pro mole the action os diu- retics, that os conj0ining mercury with them. Thus, theaction of squill as a diuretio, is vendered more ceriain and powersul by combination with calomel; cach of them helaggiven in separate doses, or both being unite I in one formula. The essica cy of this is probabb derived frona the mercu stimulating the absorbenis, and, by introducing the emised suid into the system, promoting the direct diuretic action of the squili. The effect of these remedies is promoted by destining moderatfly of watery liquors ; heuce the practice that was sor-merly adopted in dropsy, of diminishing the Hlowance of drink, is exploded ; it was of litile benefit in preventing the

accumulation os effused fluid, and the abstinenco hom liquidsilaat was et Oined, rather provented the action of the diuretio remedies that were employed for the cive of the disease. IIany cases even have occurred, in Whicli pure water, minerat Walers, or milit diluenis, have acted as diuretics, ande flected a cure in dropSy. The action of diuretios is also considerably dependent onthe state of the vesseis of the shin. I hen a medicine of this class has been giveta, these vesSeis are stimulated by eX- ternat warmili, ita action is rather determined to the sursace, and su eat or diaphorosis takes place. But is the sui face is Lept cool, the diu retio essect is more certain ; so much in-deed does this stato of the sursice determine to the kid-neys, that the usual diaphorctics may bc br0ught to ac t os diuretiCS.