A system of materia medica and pharmacy [electronic resource] : including translations of the Edinburgh, London, and Dublin pharmacopoeias, in two volumes

발행: 1813년

분량: 529페이지

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Some os the more fragrant ossentiat olis, formiug ille ossicinalpreparation Os the aromatic spirit os ammonia. The conia crete sali is applied to the nostriis, sortia ing What is namcd the pungent sinetling sest.

THIs sali is prepared by Various proceSSus, on a stargescale, My the purposes to whidii it is applied in tho aris. The ammonia, whicli is iis base, is usualty procured by di tillation froni urine or bones, and is combined with sulphuric

sali is procured by maceration froin the s t os coal used assuet, in xvhicli it exisis in greater Or less quantity. As Ob-ta ined in eithor way, it is mixed Meth muriate a soda ; thotivo salts are decomposed by doubie assini ty, the sulphurieacia ianiting with the soda, the ria viatic a id with the ammonia, and the muriate of ammonia is sublimed. D is thus obtainod in a solid dense masS, M a Striated teXture, sum What ductile and semi-transparent. Ιt is solubie in ahout

reo paris of cold water, an may be crystallised firem iis hol solution. In medicat practice it is litile employod. Ithas been supposed, in the dose of one drachm, to aet cithoras a di otio or diaphoretic, according to the modo in whichit is administered ; the fit si effect being obta inod whon thesursace of the body is kept cool ; the othoe when external varintli is applied, With the use of tepid diluents. It is also applied externalty as a discutient to indolent tumors, dissoluod in distilled vinogar, with somelimes the addition os a litile aikohol; and a similar solution is used as an app4ication in some ruis os inflammation, to chil blains, and L.


. THIS preparation os mercury is Sometimes employed to obta in iis action On the culaneous Vesseis; und in ceriain dis-CaSes, particularly eruptionS On ille Suriace, and chronio Pheumatism, has been supposed to prove useful by increusing


DIAPHORETIC s. 4o Ired, whereuer the object is to cui stori the progress of sever, by obtaining a lavo urable crisis. Where the intention is

moroly to determine to the furface so as to produce diaptio-1' Sis, the tarti rate of antimony and potasti, gi ven in divide idoses, is more manageabie, and is rendered more certain undp0 vcrsul by combination ivitii optum. The sulphuret os an timony levigated has been employed as a remeth in Some cu-taneous digeases, and chronio rheumatism ; and has been Sup-

posed, of the insensibie perspiration. Helice has been expla ed the advantage sumsitimos derivod Doni it in habitualdyspnoea, and in chronic catarrh. The solution or it in oti, Oleem Sulphuratum, has been used in the fame cases, but iSa preparation both acrid and nauseous.

OPIUM, in a large dose, produces SP eat, particularly wbentis operation is promoted by diluenis and externat warintho It is dissiculi, however, to employ it alone as a sudorisic, Dum it; narcotic po ver bcing necessarily exei ted at the Samutimo. But by combination with antini ny OP ipecacuan, a modification of power is producod, more important perhapsthan any other arising Doni the combination os remedios : thenarcotic operation os the optum is in a great mensure Counter-acted, the nauseating offect of the ipecacuan or antimony is also diminished, and we obtain a sudori sic more potversulanil certain than any other. In the combination With auti-

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tion Pulvis Ipecacuantiae et Opii), and consists of one partof ipecacuan, one of Opium, and eight paris of sulphate os potasti: these are rubbed together into a fine powder, thesulphate of potasti rendering this more easy by dividing theopium, and lessening iis tenacity. This has long been cele

and in every other disease in whicli this indication is to befulfilled. Iis medium dose is tela grains, seven generat ly in a bolus ; iis operaiion is promo ted by tepid diluenis and externat warnith, the patient being confined to hed. Is it Bilin producing siveat, Other sive gratiis may be given at theend of an hour, and Sometimes even it is necessary to sue alarger dose. hen it operates, tiae siveating is generallyprofuse, and by the proper man ement can be kept up forseverat ho s. The powex of the combination probably depends on the jolat action of the optum and ipecacuan, theformer increasing the force of the circulation, the lalter, byiis action, propagated to the Suriace of the boh, diminishing the resistance in the exhalent vesseis, and causing, the fore, the fluid to be more eastly and copiousty poured out . Such is the essect of this modification, that the combinatione an be seven With sasely in pure inflammato assections, attended Gilli increased vascular action, where the exhibitiouos optum alone Would be attended with harard.



or optum.

GUAIAcUM OFFICINALE. Guatuc. Decmid. Mo=wgyn. Grurnales. Lignum et Gun cresina. South Americaond mest Indi es. THE wood of th;s tree, and a concrete resinous Substance, obtainod by exudation Dom incisions in iis trunk, are theparis of it used in medicine. The wood is hard and heavy, of a yello sit colour, has litile smeli, and a stightly warm bitter laste. Iis viriues depend on the Smali portion of resinous mattei vhicli it conta s. It is rasped sor medicinal use : by boiling in water, iis virtves appear to be extracted, and it is mader the formos decoction, a formula for whicli is inserted in the Pharmacopoeias, that it is always employed. Gualac Wood was introduced into practico as a remoth in the treatinent os lues venerea, and was at one time evenconsidered capille os effecting a radicat cure. It has however no such power ; but it is employed as an auxilia , and sonaetimes with evident advantage, in promoting the actiouos mercury in the confirmed state of the diseas , and in alle viating the various Symptoms whicli ariso from a protracted mercurial Course. . It is like vise occasionalty prescribod in culaneous di Seases, in Scrofulous assections, and in chronio


matter is melled, runs into the internat cavio, and is collect- ed at the extremity. It is Diable, os a moenish or o isti colour, variegated when it has been obtained by exudation ;it has a resinous lustre, an odour sonaewhat fragrant, and x warm bitteristi iaste. It was USualty regarded as a gum- resin, but, according to the experiments of Brande, it SeSSes Some peculiar properties, wlienoe it has been regataed as a distinct principie. It is in particular very liablo to changes of colour, apparently s in the action Os oxygen. Iis powder is ut sirit of a grey colour, but becomes green fretim exposum to the sir; and when iis solution in alkohol is de- composed by acids, the precipitate assumes various tinis os lcolour. When acted on by concentraled nitrio acid, it ata lsords oxalic acid ; by the diluted acid a produci is formia more hi ly resinous. It is almost entireb solubie in altio- έhol. Mater by digestion on it dissolves a liti te extractive


Gualac is a stimulating medicine, proving diaphoretio ina dose of abolit half a drachm, und purgative in a largerdose. It is a remedy emplo ed in chronio rheumatism, b ing given So as to excite Sweat, or more uSualty in Smallerdoses to keep up a gentie diaphoresis. Iis Sudori sic po ver



is promoted by opium or the preparations of antimony. Itis fucii eithor in substance in the forni os bolus, OP diffused in v ater by the medium os naucllage, or in tincture. Thetincturo os it in spirit os ammonia is more hiOly stimulatingthan that in prooLSpirit, and is genera ly preserred. O c. 'Pres T. Gu ac. T. Gua jac. Amm. Ed. Lond.

. ' -

what impiared by d ing ; it is extracted by Watex and by

MeZereon is a stimulating diaphoretio, Whicli has been found of service in chronio rheumatism, and in culmeOUS discases. Iis principes medicinal application has been, however, in the treaiment of sonae syphilitic affections ; and ithas in particular been regataed as emcactous in removingvenereat nodes, and thicheuing of the ligamenis and perios-teum, and in disposing ulcerations to heal. It is seven in the forni os decoction ; two drachms of the bark, with halfau omace of li piorice root, heing boiled in three pounds of Water, to tri pounds, and 4 or 6 ounces of this decoctionbeing given lauae times a-d . From iis acrimony it is Some-What liable to excite nausea, hcnce it is osten given in aweaker decoction, and combinod uitli guaiac and sarSapa- villa. Such a combination fornis the Decoctum Sarsaparillae Compositum, an improved sormula for the Lisbon dici diiuk, c c s


ΤΗΕ leaves of this stirub have an aromatic meli, and awarm bitterish t te. Iis aqueous infusion, drunk wam, hasbeen used to produce su eat, or to promule the action of sudorisos ; the aromatio quali of the sago adding somethingperhaps to the power of the wam diluent.




EXΡΕc TORANΤs have been defined, those medicines whichfacilitate Or promote the rejection Os naucus, or other fluids,froin the lungs and trachea. The theory that has been givenos their mode os operation is extremely obscure and hypotheticat. It has been supposed, that in certain diseases, agreater quantity of Serous suid is thrown out by the exhalentvesseis in the lungs thau the absorbenis can take up, and that expectoranis facilitate the rejection of this fluid. Mutas expectoration of this tand is a complicated, and paxilyVoluntary operation, dependent on the action of a variety of muscies, it is dissiculi to perceive ho v these remedies canproduce any Such effeci. There are only two classes of medicines whicli scem c able os promoting expectoration inthis manner; potverfui stimulanis, whicli, when extreme de

luntary muScies exerted in the Operation, and emeticS, Whicli, by exciting Vomitinia compress the thoracio viscera, and by calling ali the net bouring muscies into strong action, andrendering both expiration and inspiration more sol cibie, may facilitate the expulsion of mattor froni the cavlty of the lungs. But these exert no specific action, and are illexesore not Oii-C c l


De Cullen, after admitting the dissiculty of giving a satissa tory theory on this subjeci, supposes that the promotingos oxpectoration lay these remedies may be o ving to thola M incre ing the secretion os the liquid, that is, to aflbrd amucus ; this, as it is potired frona ille arteries into the fousicles, being always a thin fluid, it may dilate the mucus in the sollicles, and may cause it to he polire t out froin thesein a less viscid state, and thoreby ronder ii more easy tu hebrought up by coughing, that is, to be more Deely expectO

It is possibio that Some expectoranis may aci in this mania Dor ; hut the action of the disserent individuals bel ging to ille class, and especialty their action in disserent dis ses, cannot Hways be explained On this principie. There appear indoed to be severat modes of operation, by hicli certain medicines promote expectoration, and which give them actata to the titie of OXpectorantS. In the sirst place, by removing constriction on the exha-Ιent vesseis in the lungs, expectoration Will appear to be pro-m0ted. Frona this constricted state, the usual quantity of

fluid is not thrown out to lubricate these partS: CXpeCtO tion must of course bo more Scano than usual; and is medi- Cines are given capable of remoVing the constriction, expectoration ivili hccome more copio us. At the sume time, the