장음표시 사용
ginato, is removed. It is apparently by Such a mode of oporation ibat the promoting of expectoration is of service in pneumonia, uictaininato catari h, and asthina, the principalillienses in whicli expectoranis are empi'ed. The remedios by whicli sucii an effect is induced, ac cord- ing to this mode of operation, must be principalty those be- longing to the class of antispasmodios, or those Which have the potver of inducing nausea, either of these heing capable by their action os removing constriction Os the exhalent ves- seis. The antimonial preparations, whicli are perhaps illemost potvertat expectoranis, appenx to operate On thIS principie. opium must operate in a similar manner. It is not possibio, hora ever, to explain the ollect os ali ilio medicines ranked as expectorauis frum thiS mode of Oper tion. On the contra , sonae of them Seem to aCt On a very
disserent principio. In certain diseases, as ἰn humores asthma and catarrhus senilis, there is, Dona debility of the cxli lenis, or Dom deficient action Os the absorbenis, an incre ed quantity os fluid in the lungs. Some medicines have beeu supposed to promoto itS expectoration: but it is more pro
tity. There appear to be Certa in Substances more peculiarly determined to the pulinonary vesseis, as thei P odour is discernit,te in the uir expired. These may stimulate the exhalent vossess throu i ivllicli they pass, and by this stimulus may moderate the effusion of suid, and thus render the e pectoration Of the remainder more easy. Any medicine promoting absolition of this ossii Sed suid, ivili to a certain e tent have a similar offeci. There is another mode, too, in
whicli tho quantity of suid in the luugs may bo diminishod,
that os deici mining to the sui face of the both, So us to increuAe ibo insensible perspiration ; and it is probabie, that Some os the substauces Which have been used a s cxpectorauis,
particultu ly illoso connected with the class of diaphoreitcs,owo what viriues ilicy have to this operation. ExpectoraritS are not, then, tO be regariled as medicines whicli assist the rejection os a quid ali eady secreteii, or whicli, siccording to Dr Cullen 's Opinion, alter iis consistence, undrendor it thin where it is loci viscid, by whicli iis expulsionis rendered more ensy. They are rati P to be considere ieither as increusing the natural exhalation where it has heen deficient, in which cuse the expectoration that tines placeis the Consequence of this, and not the cause of any velles
that is assorded ; or as dimiuishing the quantity os fluid where
it is too copiolis, either bis stimulating the exhalent vesseis, 'increa sing the action of the p nonary absorbenis, or determining to the sursace of the l)ody, by whicli diminution the expulsion of the remaining fluid is facilitated. On one orother of these principies xve may, with Sufficient probability, explain tho effecis of this class of remedios, and their application to ille treatinent Of diseases.
From this diversity of operation, it is evident that expe toranis Hill prove useful in opposite diseases, and that insonae morbid affecti ins silvantage may bo derived froni illoso belonging to oue division, hut not frona the others. In pneumonia, Where the expectoration is . deficient, as this arises not frona any deficiency of po ver to expectorate, buthom a diminution of the suid usualty thrown out in to thebronchiae, o ving to a constricted State of the exlialent ves seis, it is evident that those expectorariis Whicli act by removing Such a State, Will bo most usefui, while Such expectoranis as stimulate these vesseis V ould bo rathcr projudiciat. Honce tho utility in this case os nauseating doses of tari inteos antimony, or of ipecacuan ; and similar ad 'antage may bederived froni the uso of theso remedies in caturrit, and pDPhaps also in spasmodio asthma. On the contrary, where the
effusion of suids lato the bronchise is too great, as in humores asthina, or in the chronio cataris to which old peopte are
subjeci, those expectoranis Whicli are more directly Stimu- Iant, as the different balsams, and severat of the gum-resius,as myrta Or ammoniacum, So far as they have any efficacy, or those ivllicli promote absorption, as squill or DXψοVe, wili ho found more useful. In considering the particular eX- pectoranis, they may be arranged as nearly as possibie ac- cord g to these subdivisions.
ANTIMONY, it has Hready been rem arked, is in use as auexpectorant, and probably operates by iis potver of removingconstriction of the exhalenis, and theroby favo uring the effusion os fluid in to the mucoiis colis os the lungs, when Domam instantinatory state this secretion had been suppresscd. Itos Course then apparently causes eXpectoration. of the pre-pamtions os it whicli liave been empi ed as eXpectoranis, the priucipat are the hydro-Sulphuretted oxide, und the tar-trate os antimony and potasti. The syst, i index the fornas of what are 1 med Eermes minoria, and precipitaled sulphu-xet of antimony, Was at one time celebrated as a remedy in
mony, has like it been used fis an expectoraut in a doSe Ost o or three gratias. It is, hori ever, lem sequently empi ed. Advantage is sonactimes derived freni it in this doso continued sor sonio time in chronic asthina.
DIGITALIS PURPUREA. Foxsove. Page I 62. DIGITALIs is employed with advantage in humorat asthina, - Spnoea aquosa, and in catarrhus senilis, obviousU Dona iis p0Wer of promoting absorption, by whicli it removes thesiuid accumulated in the limgs Dona diminishod action of the
absorbenis. Ly diminishing the quantity of this suid, itfacilitates the cxpectoration of the romaindex, and heiace ap- Pears to aci as an expectorant, and it relicuos the dissiculty of breathing, and the irritation to whicli this accumulatiougives rise. In Such cases, it is proper to give it rather iusinali doses, than to pusti iis operation to any great extent ;a grain of the drieli leaves, tu enly drops of the tincture, Grhias an ounce of the insution dassy, Will he a susscient dose. NICOTIANA TABACUM. Tobacco. Jage I 67.)TOBAcco has been celebrate I as an Expectorant in chronio cataris and humorat asthma, under the serm of the wate extraci, the dose of whicli is livo or ili ree grains. Iis generat action heing similae to that of f0Xsove, it probablyoperates in these morbid affections in the fame principi
though it is much inserior in efficacy. SCILLA MARITIMA. Squill. Page 322. SaulLL, the histo of whicli has been gium a s a diui tic, is one of the principat expectoranis. It is usod more peculiarly in those cases ivliore there is an accumulation of the pulmonary mucus; hince it probably operates by itspo ver of promoting absorption, thoreby diminishing ilio quantity of suid os sed, and thus facilitating the expectora idon of the romainder. se stimulating the exliat is of the
lungs, where they are in a debilitate I state, it may also tessen the secretion where it ;s tuo abundant. In inflammato states of the system, Where, Dona constriction of the pulmonary vesseis, the exhalation is diminishod, it is tess usefui; it has oven, froni iis acrimony and stimulating quali ty, been considered injurious in pneumonia, uniess when the State Ofactive inflammation has subsidud, or when it is oven So asto have iis stimulating operation diminished by combinationwith nitro, or ivitii tartrate os antim Ony. AS an eXpECtOrant, it is also used in pertussis, and when the removat of that discase is attempted by exciting vomiting at intervais, , it is the emetio usualty prescribe l. In ad these cases it is generalty used under the form of the vinegar or the Syrup of squili, the dose of the sermor heing half a drachm, of the lalter a drachm, repeated every third or laurili hom , withthe view of promoting expectoration, or considerably largeru heu it is intended to produce vomiting. The squill pili is Sometimes used in chronic catarrh in a dose of 10 graius desb. ALLIUM sATIVUM. Garlic. Heman . M ogyn. Uaceae. Radiae. South of Eu rope. Tug bulbs of the rost of this plant have, When recent, a
stiri vclled aud inert. Their iuste anil sineti are extracted by water by infusion ; by decoction they axe nearly lost. Bydistillation they astord an essenties oti odorous and acrid. Gartio has a considerable analogy to squill in iis qualities
and oporation : it acts as a diuretic, diaphoretic, and expec-t arant ; hunce iis use in dropsy, rheumatalgia, and humoralasthma: it has also been emplοyed With sonio success in theueatinent of intermittent sever ; and as a stimulant in dys-
proportion of sugar, has been used as an expeCt ant. Externalty, garlic bruised is used as a stimulant and rubefacient: it is applied to the soles of the feet, to relieve coma in fover ;iis juice is soluetimes introduced into the ear in cases of
delph. Octand. Limen ac. Radiis. Norta America. THIs root is in articulated shoois, of a Meyish yellow co-Iour ; iis tastem bitter and pungent. Iis active matter is extracted principally by Water With the assistance of heat, and completely by aikohol. Senina has been employed as an expectorant in pneumo-inia, aster the hi ij inflammato stage of the disease has been subdued, and also in pertussis and chronic Catarrh. Iis dose in substance is Doni 10 to 20 gratas, but it is generalty used in the forni os decoction, of Whicli, When prepared accord-itig to the formula of the Edilaburgii College, an Ounce, oran Ounce and a half, may be giVen every seconii or third hour. As it operates also as a diuretic, it is. probable that iis ossi cacy dependS on iis power of increasing absorption, and li cethat it is more ad ted to those cases Where there is an accumulation os fluid in the bronchise, than to affections os an opposite nature. It is howcver litile used. sic. Prop.-Dec. Polygal. Seneg. Ed. Lond.
AMMONIACUM. Ammoniac. Hera Cleum Gummiserum.
dies ; but the troe whicli produces it has not hcen accurat lydescribed. Wildonow, howoveri Succeeded in raising, Domthe seeds osten found mixed in the gum-ammoniac of thestops, a vegetable which he has described, and namcd Heiaracleum Gummiserum ; and the London College have, on his authority, inserted ii as the plant whicli assords ammoniac. ti appears that the gum-resin is yielded by exudation. Itis in large masses, or, when of the best quali , in siniat und fragments, yellow on the surtace, and white M ithin. B has a fallat sines, and a nauseous iaste. It is partialibsol le in alkοhol. Water trituraled with it fornas a milhy-
like mixture, Dom Whicli, on standing, a resinouS mattersubsides. Ammoniac is principalty employed as in expectorant, andis Sometimes prescribed in asthma and chronio Cataoli, pro
bined with myrrh, or with preparations of iron. EXte al-ly it is applied iis a discutient, under the sorm of plaster, towhite swclling of the knee, and to indolent tumors, belag
MYRRH is the produce of Arabia and Abyssinia ; tho plant
tute iis active matter. Aldoliol dissolves the restia, und tho solution is pondered turbid by the affusion of Water. I ater boiled on the Hyrrii dissolves ille mucilaginous matter, tu vilicii part of the resin adheres, and this evaporated in ordSthe valeo extraci, whicli is tess active than the myrrh it- scis. Myris is an expectorant, Whicli has been regavded as tonstimulating tu be employed in pneumonio inflammation, butwhicli has been osten employed in asthma and chronic catarrh, and somelimes in phthisis ivliore there is litile tendency in inflammatory action. Iis doso is Doni 10 tonatus : and to tessen iis stimulating operation, it is not un- Dequently combined raditi uitre, or With super-tartrate OfpotaSh. The watery extraci, whicli has been preferred by many physicians to the myriti itself, and whicli is a formunder whicli it has been used in phthisis, seems to be an iu-judiciolis preparation, as the myrrh is mei ely wenkened in
potver. Myrrh is also Sometimes ei l ed in ametiori licea, usualty combined with iron. Iis tincture is in common usoas a stimulating application in sponginess of the sums, and sonaetimes also to foui ulcers.
portion os essentiat Oil by distillation, and os acid os bduzotu
EXPECTORANT S. by sublimation. Iis remaining matter is resinous. It is entii ely solubie in altiohol. Peruvian balsam is considerably stimulant. It has been employed as an expectorant in catarrh and dyspnoea, more particularly in those fornas of these dise es where the s cretion os pulmonao mucus is increased ; and DOm iis stimulat g action on the stomach, or froni a similar action onitie exhalenis or absorbenis of the lungs, may be attended vitii some ad vantage. It has likewige been prescribed as axemedy in paralysis, chronio rheumatism, and leucorrhoea.
TOLU balsam is obtained froni incisions in the trunk of thei ree ; it thichens, and in time becomes concrete, and of a resinous fracture and appearance; it is of a brown colour, has a fragrant Odour, and a Warin sweetisti iaste. It dissolves entirely in alkohol, and communicatos iis odour andiaste to water hy boiling. It contains a sinali quantity os acid of benZoin, whicli is expelled froni it by the applicationof heat. This is the militest os ad tho balsams. It has been used asan eXpectorant, and iis tincture OP syrup somelimes ente in to the composition of mucilaginous mixtures used in Ca