Monumenta Germaniae paedagogica

발행: 1903년

분량: 442페이지


분류: 미분류


der Scaliger in der 216 Exercitat. schroibet : Nihil beatius quam SCIRE: Nihil divinius quam DOCERE: Nihil propius verad


145. Ubersicht uber eos Col vius Sondschroiben an Comanius. 247


Illustrissimo ae excellentissimo domine, domine et patrono benignissime lomnigenam salutem et fidelissima mea servitia. Partim nuntii vestri adventum exspectans, partim commoda occasione heri destitutus serius scribo. Nec tamen molestissimis divisionis nugis impeditus meum de scholae idea iudicium perscribere possum. Potissima causa est, quod id paulo susius accuratiusque praestare Velim. Neo periculum in mora. Literasds Excellentia Vestra et meo negotio avidissime expecto ex

Germania . . .

Tres d. Comenii libros pereurri totos: multa habet utilia et pulchra. At vero mihi non solum mirum, sed prorsus absurdum videtur. quod jam Metaphysicam, antea a se tam commendatRm totiesque promissam, prorsus omittat: imo dubitet, an sint aliquae Voces generales: id est, an omnis multitudo possit revocari ad paucitatem, sicque ad unitatem: quo principio sublato vera solidaque methodus prorsu8 evertitur. Hinc in Encyclopaediae suae tabula caput ommittens nonnisi truncum pollicetur. Nimirum non tam suo ingenio, quam aliorum judicio ducitur, nescitque magnum illud mysterium: Primas omnium notionum ad Vocum matres nobis ab omnibus sensibus ingeri: quae V. g. esse, Statu motuS, quantum, quiae, situs etc.ὶ licet ortu physicae sint, usu

tamen sunt plane catholicae. Sed quorsum delabor 3 idque dio ab ipso Christo sacris iisque extraordinariis meditationibus consecrato. cujus omnigenae benedictioni et tutelae Excellentiam Vestram dum vivet ardentissimis commendabit precibus Ipsius humillimus fidelissimusque serVUS Johannes Henricus Bisterseidius m. p. Raptim, 19. Dec. 1649. Adresse Illustrissimo ae excellentissimo domino domino Sigismundo Rkk6egi de Fels6-Vadaset, domino et patrono meo elementissimo. Diuitiaco by Cooste


Rste ards. in their places toWards the Church and Commonwealth: so that tho Sehools aro to bl looked upon as tho Ordinata and Naturali muniatns os a Soli lenient, as Os our corruption. SO Osour Resorination; is God mill bl esse us With any. And the School, master in a Welimrdered CommonWealth. is no Iesse considerabiothen eliser tho minister or tho Magistrate: bocause net ther thoone nor the other mill prosper or subsist long Without him. I shali not need to adde anything surther concerning this Subjeci. to make theo sensibio, either os the Usesul nesso os tho under-taking, or os the Scope Os my negociation in it. Τhis onely I would havo theo surthor to observe, judicious and truoly Christian Reader for nono but sugh can See mythingin this bufinesse) that tho Author of this nevr Modet os Schoolingmas intrealed to put it to paper, upon a serious motion made tollim . and in some Frientis os his, by othors; for tho enteriaining and regulat ing os a Christian Association Whereos ali tho Members might bo servi eablo to each other, and to tho Publich; therelare ho speaks not in his oWn nanae alone conterning the ASSociation, but in the nante of thoso, Who wero jointly calledupon in ovo thoir assent thereunto, Who agroed With him in these Proposais. Tho Motion is not as yet come to Maturitie in the Resolution os thoso that sirst mado it, and the cause is os sonae convenien es to effect it, and the sears of unsetuenient, after thatit shali be set upon; and tili there bo a surther ground Iaid sortho prosecuting of this Designo; it is needlesso to ove tho Dimeto concerning tho Education of Giris. In tho mean time, I have thought good in publisti this, With an addition os sonio directions for teaching os Loock; that sueh as can judgo, mayseo that there is an easter and readier Way to attain the persection os Vertus and Happinesse. known and practi able, thenas Set hath been published to tho Worid or put in praetico bynny; and that in set thero Wheeis agoing nothing is Mantingbut a quiet placo os abode, and sonae assurance Os necessaryProtection.

Let thy prayer go along With it, to supply these Wanis, ii thou hast any Rationali or Spirituali apprehension os the good fought thereby unto ait: and is thou cansi say With the Prophet Psal. 14, v. T. O that the Salvation os Israel Wpro come outos Sion t when tho Lord bringeth baek the Captivitie os his peopte Jacob shali rejoice and Israel shali be glad. Τo the expectationand aceomptishmpnt os this hope and promise, I leave theo in