장음표시 사용
Auch an ne since e disda in i prosesqhim sol a Christian is ungorthyrio be num bere among Christians. 564 . scit sussicient to limo receivedeach sacrament oricesima holoclis pC. One baptism is indeo sussicient, and this cannot lawfuit he repetied But wi bregar to the Supper it is different. s65 What is that disserence pC. By baptism the Lord introduces and adopis us into his Church, and thences0r-Ward consider us as of his family aster helias rittemus in the number of hi pe0ple, he testifies by the Supper, that he takes careosis, and nouristi e us as his members. 566 M. Does the administrationi baptismon the Suppe Mikerum ertain torali. C. B D means for laese are the peculiaritatio os illos tu hom is committed the publicissice of eaching fodit Ded the Church with si doctrine of salvation and toadminister the sacrament are things united in a perpetuat connection among themSelves. 567 M. Are ou abieno prove that to me
by the testimon os scripture pC. Christ, indeed, ave the commissionus baptiZin expressi tu the apostlex; ut in the celebrati0nif the Supper, he comman
doluit solio viis sexample and the Evati- gelisis insorin iis that he performe in that distribution the ossice of a public minister. 568 M. But ought those pastorS, O Whomilio dispensationis the sacramentiis commit- ted generali to admit ali person without distinction C. Acit respecis baptism, sincerit is administered at the regentia oni to insanis, ali are t ho admittet without distinction: but at the Supper the ministeriugiit tona he
C. Becauserit cannot e done ithout aeontemptinuit profanatio of the Sacrament. sp M. ut didiot Christi nou Judas,ho vexet impious, illi the Sacrament rC. Fes,41it his impiet was a that time secret lar although liris himselfine it, stili it was notin yeiano x t man.
571 M. What lienishali e done uitli hypocrites Θ
be choSen wh may reside in the Censura morum, o Superintend the discipline of mori. ais, and watchao correct mali offences and who stiali rejec froin the communion, thoge
and in other dignised stations hest adaptedio persect it has tauotouu billyrio appreciate the sociat habiis, and civit and religious privileges, hicli ave hoen cherished and enj0yed in an unparalleled degree, underili benign insuetice of that ecclesiastical politv which ivns stablished by the fandis
byetthren, in defending the cause of Christ, against the hostile invader of iis purit anilpeace otia the would eas to bite and
It was With pleagure, that Plearned Domyo that in your opinion, the life o Calvin, recenti published, ould have an innuencein bringin more extensively, into publicvlew, his true character anil opinion and in heckinguli torrent of abii Se Whicli, by the ignorant and the pre judiced, a S profusely hea pedi pon both. Your Wi Sh asterili perusal of nat work, o have sumething
expres his religious OpinionS, Wa among the motives, whicli influenced me to enter
illa the Episcopa Articles os alti arcurrounde On the opinion o Calvin but tu