The catechism of the Church of Geneva

발행: 1815년

분량: 180페이지


분류: 미분류


Chure of Geneva. 63cation by WorkS, themare instructed in humilib, Whicli is the rue preparation Or Seeking salvation in Christ. Secondiy, That, inas much a the la demand of them more stan the can perform it excites them tosee nrenyth salie Lord, and at the Same time admonishes them of thei constant guili, test the should presume tole proud. Last-0 It is to them like a bridie by hicli sterare held, in the ear o God. 229 . Although then, in his earthi pil-

given him, to conform his lis to the highest rectitude, and tuae stili akin continual

yond what he has rescribed. Nor oesh holi an other sacrisce accepted but vhe- dience.'


64 The Catechism of the

23 M. For vliat purpos then are Soman admonitions commaniis, and exhorta

tis obedience, and by no means dra v Afronicit. 23 M. But oes it command nostingconcerning the callinis of individuals C. scit command us to render to achone his due, it is eas tu collec froni tu hatti, os personat uties are Whicli achon Ahould perforni, in his station and courseos life . nil hos numerous expositions oseach precept mentione aboVe are repent-

edi publislied in the scriptures. For hat Gos summarii includes in a se Word in these two abies of the law, is more fullyaud extensivel illustrate in ther part os


fice of Lin iness. Fur that is dicta ted by natural justice, and the la vis humanit ΘC. e must thani them, and sor iliis Solei ca80n ilia God dignifies iliona villi liis


partexiliis lis p


spiritis ardent prayer. 244 Μ Ιs that disposition natural to men, o do the deriverit froni tho Tace of God pC. In this the assistanceis God is noceS-Sarys fur e re altogester stupid in both


Paul says, ho excites in ur minit those Unuiterable gruans, and create those destres Whicli are requii sed in praVer.

i an audit,le Oice.


he removed froni Christians. 248 . ut hen e pray, shall, doit at a venture, uncertain os SucceSS; Or


' Rom. viii. 15,3S.


enter Our minit, or is 80me certain ut io

C. Ample ani copiolis instructionin his subject is delivered tum in various paris of the scriptures. ut that he might representilio objec more clearly he composed a formula, in hich he has enthraced ani digest-ed into a se heads, Whateverrit is a ulsorius torus o Gud o that is formur benestrio obtain.


io ursolves C. e so ordor at things Doni his infinite goodness, that Whateve is seriis glo is beneficiat algono iis Theresere, hen his nam is sanctified he causes it to turn io sursanctification Ilis Lingiloni cannot come, but that, are, in Some manner, partakerS