The catechism of the Church of Geneva

발행: 1815년

분량: 180페이지


분류: 미분류


to parentS.


uia it is a protis of his paternat savour, whilelie preserves and cherishe them here. 190 M. Dosis it follovgon the oster han I, that he who is gnatched aWay Do the wovid, prematuret an Suddenly, is accurse of

191 . But in doinisticho vices Godlal filiis promise pC. Whateveris earthly good is promised


194 M. What is there more require in this commandinent pC. Although the word expres ovi sa-ther an mother, et ali hos are tot included, horare in authorit ove u 3 henne fame rule is applicabie to the m.


202 fiat eis cloes it require C. That he design of the Legislator be


lust, statino par onus bo defited by tho stili

C. tris. Sine God is a spirituali is- Iator, he wilis that not ni externa thesi


58 The auehisin of the

C. Thou hult no bear false linem against thy eighbor . 20 31. Doeg this meret sorbid pei u in couris, o in generat, ali salsehood againgtour Deighbour C. Under his sorin os expressi in thewhole doctrine is included that we halino by salsehood calumniatemur eighbour; n0 bymur evi speakin and detractio de- Stro his reputation, O bring an damage tollim in his estate.

and bac iting, fio that habit the descentis perjur is rapid. ei M. scit notritio designis this com


anil to preservemur estimationis them enistire.

23 M. Whicli is ste tentii commandis mento C. Thou hult nos ovet thy eighbour shouse, thou haltino covet thy eighhour smisse, nor his an servant, nor his mai ser- Uant, or his oci , nor his ass, noring thim that is thy eighbour S. 214 . Since, as ou have aid, the ole lavi is spiritual, and the precedingc0mmandinent are designed to restrai notoni the externa actions, ut to correctalso the affections of the mind What moreis there contained in this. C. By the ther precepis God would ov-ern and resti ain the wil and affections aut in his, he imposes a lawmpon hos uaoughis Whicli carry illi them sonio degre of OV- et0usness, altilough the domo ripen into anesiablished determination. 215 . Do ou say that ali ven theleast of thos debraved destres, hicli seiZeupon bellevers, and come into mei minds,are in S, even though the regis rathe thanassent to them C. It is sui et evident, stat ali corruptthougiitS although ur consent is no added, proceed rom the corruption os ou nature: hut thisini I say that by this command ment, hoSe depraved destres are condemned,


oui solves, stat this assection verpoWers allothers, sorit hecomes us to regulate the love of Our neighbour in urselves by this, stat it ma g0Vermus in ali respecis, and be the ruleos allisur coungeis and labours.

vhole racem men And this is o sacredani inviolabie, ilia it cannotae abolished by the wichedites of any one. 223 . ou say then, that i any ne filiouldaate us, this love is stilliis clue hois stilliu neighbour, and is sono be accomt-ed by us hecause the divine constitutionstanὸ inviolabie, by hicli his relation e -


plied ii illi it fuit in the figlitis God For

Dev xxvii. 26. Gal. iii. 10.' Rom. i. 32, 2 Cor. iii. 6. -