The catechism of the Church of Geneva

발행: 1815년

분량: 180페이지


분류: 미분류


dividuald C. very belleve is ille to callinim hia

Q64 Μ. What do)ou mean by that clause, Who uri in heaven 'C. bis the fame, ascis Linould callaim, exalted powersul, and incomprehensibie. 265 . here re is it anil in What


C. That themor Uould ait increageste number of elieverg; that he would en ricli them constantly ut si est Ofts of his Spirit untii the shalli perfected. More over, that he would rende his trulli more

luminous, an his righteouSneS more mani fest,hv scauering the darknes of Satan and


a Cor. XV. 23.


and obe his command Pso Ppra stat menma have the fame dispositionis Obedience, and that each one ma devote himself tu him in a illing subjection.

C. In generat, haleve conduces to tho

preservationis this present lis e no onlyseod and raiment, but ali thos supports by whicli the necessities of theiod are Supplieda and that we ma eat Our datly bread inquietness, acta a God shali judgesto be expedient.


muremos Geneva. 79 280 M. What do γοωpra se in the fifth petition Θ


siis remission ΘC Even his; as mare made acceptableto hini, a though e were innocent and righteous and at the sanie time, the confidelice of his paternat benevolence is confirm-ed in ur consciences, heuce salvation is

But by largiving the injuries committed against us, e glial imitate the clemenc and goodnes of God, and prove by this that weare the childrenis God B this ille, he


churemos Geneva. 81 has meeted ut to offers, hallae measured bach to sim again. 287 hat is the nexi petition pC. That me Lordiould not lead us into temptation, ut delivemus from evit. 288 . Do ou include the wholei this, in one petition pC. t must be ne petition a the last clauseris an explanationis therargi. 289 Μ. What oes it summarii contain pC. That the Lord would not permitis to

ilio Spirit.


unies God preparedis for the warsare Mithhis armour, and strengthenedi by his hand. 29 Μ. What is the meaning of the wordien talion Θc. The cunning and deceitsulnes of Satan with hichine constanti attach us,

29 Μ. What is the meaning of this conclusion, o thine is me kingdom, the pomer, and the lota fore uer 8C. t this e re again reminded that