장음표시 사용
other oriis, and in another manner, stillh0wever, tricto be considered, thatio prayer an belleasin to God, hicli is no referre tu his, a the correct standard of the natur of praJer.
C. For this en God has testius his h0lyWord For his spiritua doctrine is a thedoo by hicli e enter his celestiat ing-
mure of Geneva. 85C. In the hol scriptures, in Whicli it is
to effect in iis ali that Phave mentioned. 50 Μ. ut must, not give diligeiace, and strive illi ali earnesiness, b rea ling, hearing and meditating that we a prosit therein C. Veg, truly an ea ch ne Ahould notoni dati exercis himself in private ead-ings ut ais at the fame time, With specialattention frequently hea sermons in publicmeetings, here the doctrine of salvation is explaine l.
50 M. Is it then necessar stat there Aliouldie pastor in the Churches C. ego an it ismur ut tu hea them, and to receive froni their mouilis, illi earani reveretice, the doctrines os Christ,hichilisty publisti. Those then ivlio contemn them,or illidrai Dona earing them, despise Christ, and make a division in the s0ciet os
Without end. Andio ath committed his ossice to the minister of the Churcii thalfhey sh0uli teachis in his nam and Stead-
509 . An theremo oster mean S, esides ille ord by hicli God communicatea himself torus pC. es, . to the preachin os the word, helias added the SacramentS. 510 hat is a sacrament pC. It is an outu ard testimon os the divine benevolence to variis us, hicli, by a visibi sign, ghadows forti spiritua graces, by hicli the promise os God are ealed in ou hearis, that the trulli os them ma bemore firmi est lighed. 511 M. I there sucii reatio ver in the visibi siῆn acto confirmisit conscienceS in the confidelice of salvation ΘC. It has no indeed that ossicacy of t-self, but froni the wil os God ascit is instituted fur his end. 312 M. Sincerit is the peculia ossice of ste Hol Spirit, to ea in ur minit thepromise of God bow doso attribute his to the sacraments C. The differetice et xeen the Spiritani these is ver great. For it is trul ille vor of the Spirit alone tu move and affectrae eari, o illuminat the undet standing, and to reniter ille conscience table nil tranquit; and liat orti ugiit' be accounted holi liis xvii, and acceptanee Hiouldae res re in him, est ille pratSe
88 The Catechism of thebe transferre olfewhere. ut his by no
lliings in their se a Seemeth him good; and he so doecit, that n0thin is der0galedfroin the po ver of the Spirit. 513 . ou belleve then, stat theto veran essicac os ille sacrament, domo consistin the externa element, ut that the pro-
Sihle manner, ina exilibit the spiritual aspecto heavent thingsa licii ther vise eshould noti ille o discern At ille Same time, it is ortu benefit that allisur senses be exercise on the promise of God that ille may be more Strongi confirmed tu us. 515 u. Didiis true, that the SacramentSwere institute of God tute hel ps of Our infirmities, must nobiliose e justi condemn -
had pC. Althou i ille istis of God a re in the
C. In a much as the heginning of regen- oration is ille mortificatio of ur nature, and it enit, ou hecomin ne creatures; S0, by putting ater on the head the figureos eath is represented ani a me do notrematiburistit in the water, butis nidesit onlys, a moment, and come sortii nune diatelyas froni a sepulchre, a reSurrection to De W-
Calvin in his angu er alludes o both the modes of Baptism, affusion anx lipping asae heldieithermode XClusivel essentiat. The omisit ChurchPractised both methods, as appe sistom ali sHistor of Baptism, Par 2d h. th. Who Offersabundant proof that the leariae Fallier of the Primitive Church sed ither mode as quailyauthorised, a the case of the personi the CUS-to os the place required. An affusion C clina Bonaventur says, a probabi the ractice of the postles, an in his time 1260 Wasused in the Churches in France and Some ili CPS.- Vith a V Erasmus says, that is, in olland,) the have the water polire on them. In the in-Stitutes B. 4 Ch. 15. 19, Calum sayS a terum CP-gaturne totus qui tingitur, idque ter an Semel, an infusa tantum aqua aspergatur, minimum refert Sed id pro regionum diversitate ecclesiis liberum esse debet.-But hester e lio is bapti gente hollydipped, and that thricem onoe, or hetheri hesprinkled only with ater potired pontun is of Very mali moment: ut iliat hould e re sortii Churches accordin to the diversit Ofili mate. Calvin, in the fc,rna hichae cie ut for the adminiStration of the sacraments ordor the actis baptiZing thus-The nam hein given-Then lemimSter potira the Diater of baptism pon the hend of