장음표시 사용
Prench entomologist Erioc remis). . Iules Laurent Lucten. later called Charies Luci en Iules Laurent 2'd Prince of Canino and Musignano and Prince
PMOtacilla rufo-Cinerea, genuum annulis cinereisV
lusilano I lusilonico I lusitonicus L. Lusitanus
luetonico I luetonicus I luetoniense I luetoniensis
Britisti navat surgeon, potar explorer, and naturalist. Cathiaria ta 'Lestris now species ' of
name, arguing that Bonaparte 's name is a nomen
adverti sements in nationat new papers and thoughhe recived severat suggestions there was noMacqueen with any ornithological connection WhoeVer he was, Macqueen must have had morethan a passing interest to acquire, preserve and
ccirinus Madagascar . I L. Madagascar 'Palumbus coeruleus Madagascariensis'' of
Ηungarian ornithologist. Curator of the Bird Depariment, Hungarian National Museum Psittacella)
modotro I modetrensis Madeira. Nortii Atlantic
mosolloni I mosollonico I mcisollonicus Stratis of
suggested that the nante is a cryptic anagram of the Greek letters gramma G, and mu M, representingGregory Mathews's initials: Vii appens s not to have classical connections: possibiy a patronymV 'att
account of his caret essness and his apparent colour-hlinciness, then the proper name of the species
albo nigroque Varius, uno occipiteque rubro'' of
species as Chianti trius mala tiricus Boddaert lJ83 It is not clear in the Original publication that thename was derived Dom 'Malabar' and lherefore