The Helm dictionary of scientific bird names [electronic resource] : from aalge to zusii

발행: 2010년

분량: 432페이지


분류: 미분류


explorer and collector o wrote comprehensi Velysrom sirst-hand knowledge on the hirus of the Pernambuco district of northeast Bragii. giving foreach species iis names in the locat Tupi vernacular

morsinois I morsi nolum I mors incitus L


moritondico I mori lcindicus I moritondus

morino I marinus I marinus marine mare, mariSseni. 'Larus nigrescens marinus' of Clusius

mcirifimci I moritimus maritimus maritime, of the

morti nicci I mcirliniconci I mors nicensis


mohsudoricio Original spei ling of specific name

muritanicus of Mauretania, Moorish.

os the specimen'' Sharpe l890) 'This species is based on a single specimen Of unknown origin that was long Overlooked in the collection of mount edhircis in the Briti h Museum ... The name is attributed to Buller l88J 25). who mentioned it . . . in an account of Apionis caledonicus lonis stricita). . It is qui te Clear that Buller never intended to

lahel On the stand actualty said ' inornatia '' and so the spei ling in Buller must have been unintentionat, ns the specimen was risi martad 'Volonis nativomatia ... Although ille name is obviousty mis peli. Buller'spublication gives no internat evidence of this, as ut d be required to emend it Thus, according to the

present rules of nomenclature, I suppose the nume lonis mai/Grnata can stansi although ille circumstances of iis introduction mata me most reluctant to


moximo L. maximus great est super. Dom magnus

modio no I modionum I medicinus L. medianus





manti C.


stat ling.


stri ped.

This name was not localed by the author in Atherius Magnus. although there may he a tenuous connec-


this confusion Linnaeus used the generic term Meleagris for the American Turkey M. galimavo which was unknown to the ancients. When theguineamwl and turkey were subsequently distingui hed as separate species Turisy was erroneoustyretained for the American hircl. . syn. mmiciti)Prom specific name Phasianus meleagris Linnaeus


rectricibus aequalibus caeruleis, corpore viride nureo, remigibus atro-caerulescentibus of Linnaeus

molodio I melodius Gr. meimilia singing


memoriare to mentioni

Late L. mentalis of the minu L. mens, mentis

mercenorici I mercenorius L. mercenarius