장음표시 사용
EXERCISM. 4318. Pausanias has ovenos, in the ollaWin meodote, aromarhable proos of the seelingis tho Greska in resereno tobodii strengi an health. Timanthe of Cleonae a adistinguished Pancratiast, an had, a fuch obtaine a vi ton in the olympio games Although e alter arda gaveumathleti contesta, he neveriheleas sed very dant testhis streno is stringing a greatio . At last, hoWever, heunderio rudourney, and durin his absono ho intermittintho exercia by hic he ut his strengin to the proos. Immediatet anor his rotum, he ad tris of the ou toso is his atrono mas stili unimpiared, and inclin himselfunablorio string it, o forthWit erecte a funera pile, set
M EXERCISES. an to reo in it hos public bulldings hicii more essentiat to the religious and socia lite os a Greoli. enco it Wasquichi adornei Wit tomples for the omlii of the oda, With an agora or lace os public meetin for the citigens, With a gymnasium for the exercise of the ouin, an at alator timo it a theatro for dramatio representations. Almost very colonia Gree est Wa bulli um tho se mast, and the sit usuali selocio containo a hil hioenough to fori an acropolis Theram chosen or in pu pose a for the most pari seiged by soro homine originalinhabitant os the counto . The relation in hic the colonista stood to the lauer naturali varie in different localities. In om places the Were reduce in Elaver oris
pollo trom the district in othera the becam in subjecta os the conquerore, or ere admitte to a hare of thola politica righis. In many cases intermarriage too placebetWeen the colouisis and the native population, and thus aforeig element Was introduce among them, a circumstance hic must not e los sight os, speciali in uacin tho histor of the Ionio colonieS. 20. In the heroic age Graeco as Hready divide into anumber of independent states Each MVernod is ita omling. Tho aut rit of the king asino limite is anfla s. iam e resembled that of the patriarcha in the old Testament, an sor in exercise of it he a responsibi onlyrio Jove, and notrio his Deople. t Was stom in Olympia go thathis ancestor had received the suprema , andae transmittedit, a a divine inheritance, to his son. e had the sole command os his peopte in War, he administere to them justico in peace, an he offere o thei bellia servem an sacrifices to the goda. e Was the generat, judge, an pries of his sople. The lookedis to im illi reverenco as abeingis divine descent an divine appotniment; ut at thesam time e Was oblige to posses persona SuperioritS,
jecta It was necessar that he a uidis brave in War, Wiae in munset, an eloquent in dehato. maining becam We in od o seoblo in mino, he could notis it retia his position. ut a longis hia persona qualitie commandecline respectis his subjecta, the quieth submitte to acta ofviolenco an caprice. An amplo domat Was assigno tollim for his suppori, an ho received frequent reaenis in avertiis enmit and gain his favor. 21. The popular pari Wa no longe heade by Diocles. We domo knou in exact time or occasionis his death, butthe circumstances attendiniit are mos remain te. ne ostho law of his odo ad donounce the penalty os cloath
46 EXERCIS . country, and me her, ad his lis been prolonged homilio scissa ambitionis Dionysius. 22. At last in Sabines made a voW that it tho fhould conque thei enemies, at the livin creatures bor in theirland in that year hould e devote to the oda a sacred. The di conquer, and the offere in sacrifice accorclinglyan the lambs and calves an pus of that year an suo animal a might not e sacrifice the redeem . ut stillinei land would notoiel ita fruits and when themthought What,a in cause of it, the considered that thoi vo hinno been ut performed sor at theire Wn hilare bomniinin that yearia Menaeptiac Domine gods, and had
pone that a buli mont betor them, and they thought that Μamersia sent imio e thei mide, and the folio in him. o lai himsolsHown to rost so thorarat time hen hohad como to the land of the picans, and the Sabines thought that thi Wa a sigito them, and the fel upo thoopicans hoχWel in scattere villages Without Walla o defend them, and the drove inem ut, and too possession osthei land Thon tho offere tho buli in sacrifico toΜamem, holad sent hi to e theirauide, an aluit Wasino device hic the bore in arier ages, and the themselves merem more calle Sabines, but the too amemnam a Were calle Samnites. 23. Pytisus resolvexto attack Curius bolore his colleagus Joine him, an he planne an attach upo his cam bynight. e sot out is torch-light With the nomer of his soldior and tho est o his lephanta, ut the way a longand the counu ovem Wi With, da, an interfecte mith deeriraVinea; so that his progress Wa aloW, and a last ho
noisOme east an monstrous serpenta, suo as allistorios
25. homine signa Was inven the Carthaginian aviaryand elephanta immediatetradu ced, and the Romana clashing thei pila against in iron rima of their ahiel , and chee in laudiy, vshemon to meet inem. The les Wing, passing by the right of the lino of lephanta, attache in Carthaginia mercenarie and mute them Xanthippus rode priorali them inre himself from his horae, and sought amongat them nam common soldier mantime his cavat laxa epithe Roman andatalia horae sto the steld, and then charged the legiona omine rear, While the elephanta, driving the velites bosore them into in intervalsis tho maniples brine into the Roman main batile, and Wit irresistibio Weight, and strengin, and fur tramplo unde mes, an beat doWn, an disperaediheiravest. Dan force their a forWarda throtio the elephanta lino the were received by the Carthaginia infant , Who, Min dies an in unbroken order, presently cutinem totiecos. Wo thousan me os in te of the Romanam escape aster the had drive the mercenaries to their camp, and found that at Was tost bellin them. Regulus himself, With sive hundred moro, ne also rom the rout but
29. Pad this also, an Pthin i very much to the piant, that uine, Whateve he a cloing or hereveris turneo himself in his in an in his thoughis, at v a med tohave attiane a knowledge of his subject an in have Writtenmos admirabi an mos Mantifultro iam Dever topic Whic is connecte Wit belles-leurea There re ho-Ver,som Who thin that the practice of eloquenm ought o Mkept distinc nom the stud os polite literatum, and e limite to the exercia os a man' natura genius aide by aliut experienoe. The natural eloquenomo Burhe, admirable ascit is, has been aide by a most caresul education andis a long and laborious coum o study. o doub heri hpaincto have his in thoroughi imbue Wit Greo and Latin literature, Manne he ound therein the prope and is may a say the legitimate ornamenta os oratory, and M- cauae classica learning almos insensibi produces the habitos spe in Englis in a classicia manner Demosthenes is sal to have frequently mad lato, an even to have beenone of his earem indein, a very grave authori , M. Cicero, maintain that this p ars fromine tylo an sublimit of his meches. As for uine ho consummate a scholarieris, is sumesenti plain m thoae speecte os his in hic est earne men illo once recognige a more studie and Iaborat style os oratory mile he a still
52 EXERCISES. Very Dung man, his genius, like a statue os Phidias, Was
ble reporta, hic must, Udare say, have prejudice my dearmen against me, homahali Pendeavor o vindicate a conduci Whichias butrio much deserve her censure But is in dea frien Wil suspendine Judgment illes have madolier aequainte With, real motives, Pssauer myself sho Willrather e induce in plinthan condemn me. At illo timeaWroto las m minxWas in a state os distractio notrio bo