Handbook of Latin writing

발행: 1884년

분량: 111페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


51 EXERCISES. 33. Whon Dorcis amve ho ound that in allios ad transferre the command os in fleet to the Atheniana. There ero other reasona for his te besidos in disgustoccasione by the conductis Pausanias Even besore thebatue o Salamis the reponderating oneris Athena adraised the question hether ahe wa no entille to the command at ea, and the victor gaine there unde in auspice of hemistocles ad strengthene her claim to that distinction. ut in deliver of the Ionia colonies romtho Persian oke a the immediate cause of her attainingit Theoontans ero no oni attracte to thens byamnit os race, but fromiser nava superiorit regaris heras the ni mWer cap te of securing them in thei neWl acquire independen . Diagusted by the insolence of Ρ-- sanias the Ionians nosnerving in the combined Grecian neotadorasse themaelves in Aristides an Cimon, hos man-ners forme a trining contrast in hos of the Spartanloader, andieme them to assume the command Aristides Was the more incline to iste in his equest, a it Wasmade recisely at in time hen Rusanias a recalleo. The Spartan quadron hin, ompanie hi homo, a that When Dorcia arrive Wit ademstam heriound himself in nocondition to asser his retensiona. his Vent Wa no amere empi question a ut a mini os honor. It Was a realrevolutio terminate is a solemn league os,hic Athona Was to e the ein and though i ta ron to dato the Athenia empiro from this period, et it cannot e doubindinat this confederac formed tho strat stemio arda it. 34 Here, hoWever, I ea leat ali the admirer os Horaco fhould agro in controvertingos, and that, OO, omeWhatsharply sor excluding that mos elegant poet rom the number of thoae Whom, cali the chies of metry. ut is in aquostionis thalaind the pie ure derived by those Who madmeto sor am ement' sine ore the strat ining to e con-


syllabies, in delight of his Ois years and Whatever


EXERCISES 57 Apollo is his many ames, reminclinciam os verythingWhic he had done plo in to him, Whether in uildin his temples o in offering sacrifice, an pruing that his mod eos might be returae in his, and that the Achaeans might


58 EXERCIS ..horas othera clo it in their ames is right originalty atteast, derived rom them. As in partiamenta, counciis, audino like assemblies, although, be no personali ouraelves present, notWithstanding, our assent is is remo of theragenis there in ur ehais. An What, do by thera, noroason but that it should standruamur deo nocleas effectuallyto binclis than is oursolve had done it in person In many thinga assent is inven the that giverit no imagining theycloiso, hecause the manner of their assenuncia not apparent. Asrior example, hen an absolute monarch commandet his

subjecis that Whichiseemeth good in his oWn discretion, hathno his edici in force of la , hether My approve or

Main that hic hath been received long since, an iais ouatom nomest lished, me keemas a tam hicli, maynot transgreas; b et What consent Wa ove thereunt mught, o requiro at ouriand. On his mini, there ore, maret noto that since me naturali hausis tun an perfect Werrio command Wholo politic multitude of men, there ore, ulteri Wit ut our consent, e mul in suo sor M at noman a commandment living. An to e commandeo, do consent, When that a let Whereos, are partiath at a timetes e consented Without revining the samo by tho like

universa agreement.

39. Unde suo conditions the verrunning o Britainoould not ait tot a very different matter stom the rapi audeasy Verrunning of such countries a Gaul. Howsto tho Wor os Englis conquest Was may be foen stom the facta tit inomnearly thirinyears to in Kent alone, and ixtris complete the conqueat of Southern Britain, and that tho conquest of tho bul of the istand was only Wrouot out astera o centuries os bitter Warfare. ut it Was Just through in longi of thostrumle that o ali the German conquesta, thia prove themost thorough and complete. So far as in Englis sWord


munion it tho Roman eople. The principat advantage Whic it conferre relate to the means os holding and di posin os properW; ut in Latin Wa no deeme Wortis to mingle his Nood With in Roman and thoihild os a minedmarriage eoam a Latin an no a Roman citigen. Nordi the republic concede to thes dependent the complete right of sumage. 42. The vioW to hic Cicero inus early devote him- sol ho continuet to cheris through lise, Ven hil compello a times o side Wit a faction hic seare an ro-


EXERCISES. 61 mos Heasin feature of his character. Heinimo at elevatin that iddie claus almad spolien os as a pledge fine intovit of the constitution He laboro diligenti tososten in conflicting vieWs of the nobilit an commona, sine Romana an Italiana, in victor and the anquishe of the civit Wars M Was his politica murae amo linethat of his leader Pompeius, is an impatienc os the re- atrainta os la , suo a might naturali aris in the breast ofa militar commander no by the crimina desim to rise ove them, hic in chil os Strabo and the lieutonant of Sulla might e suppose to inherit Cicero' ambition Mardent and Maring, ut it Was in rely limite in acquiring tho hiraest honor of the me State. e suo ede in avtaining the consulsius, and a consulis performe a servi sor his munir a brilliant M any recorde in her annala. But his careeris patrioliam an laya service a cutishortis theraealous of his associatis and the seiushnes of his early pMmn. 43. eanWhile Crassus, set aside equialy by the leaclers of the varius sections of the nobili , tho ille the prostigate, and the impracticabie teli imself illis ease even in his conspicuous position. Cautious, industrious, an studi- si v arances, he was himself equali remouod m,m allines extremes, and Without any ope rupture, his influenoemit his pari seeme to sti m m unde him. The returnio Rome os Caesar, the mainspring of eve ining original and active, mathed ne clite into him a Wollisa into ompeius,

and was a ut o form an era in the fortunes of both. The Maria candidat for the consulfhip Was atready prepared toestablis an intimate connectio Wit each, an a the fame timerio reconcile them omne another. Crassus Aoon eganto liston illi satis action to the Vertures of so kilful a negotiator Aratule admi nauer serve to mooth verine Munda that his vani ' had received, and he Was Mily


62 EXERCIS . induce to Mindra his countenance diom trienda, aneWno hoWrio appreciate his importance, an to besto itisponthos Who had the prudeno in solicit it Thus di in thros competit a sor supreme poWer combine to forma leagueamon themsetve so thei mutua advancement. Theycovenante that no prooeedinga hout be allowe to talio place in the common eatis Without in consent of the three contracting parties. 44. Whon Pompeius Iooked accum his is careersrom the time of his retum rom Asia in tho momon ofunexampled glory, and With in prospectis exerting almostun unded inguen , he mul notetalla observe that he had salion Domino summit os dignit Whic he then occupied, and that Caesar, a Founge aspirant, Was threatening tomu, olim him at no distant dv. o might remarcho. disserentha been the ourse the had respectivel puraued Theone had aWanod in proud nactio the offer os resti honora audio era, in otheriad seige an secure them it his o nianda The one had studied to increas in confusionis public assalas is balancinifactio against faction in otherhad attache himself,ithout avering to the pari With Whicli ho a hereditarit connected. The ne ad homo that in necessities of the stato ould a last combino alimen in the common polic os elevatin him to tho dictato

reducin his opponent in insignificance, and throwin thocreationis a supremo uter into the handa of his oWn devoted adherenis. Pompeius seem to have no determine to alter his previous coum and imitate that os his more audactous competitor is bolde an more agardous teps, auctias he had notishmn stominimael in earlier times hen his position a stili to e Won. 45. ToWard the lose of the fifteenth contury pianachievo herina triumph ove in infidela o Granina, and