장음표시 사용
Calx hydrargyri alba, P. L. I 87. Mercurius praecipitatus albus, P. L. 1745.
Τhe titie of this sali is taken Dom the mode of preparation rather than chemicat composition, on account of the complexity of im combination, and the difference of opinionWhicli exists as to iis actuat state ; and also, because it appears to be sufficiently distinctive. Fourcroy considerS that thereare two different triple salts of muriatic acid, With mercury
and ammonia, depending upon the different proportions of the acid, which he distinguishes as solubie and insolubie
mercurio-ammoniacat muriates. Is ammonia bo added in eX ess to a solution of OXymuriate os mercury, a White insolubie precipitate is formed, consisting of oxyd of mercury.81, muriatic acid . I 6, ammonia .O3, and muriatic acidbeing added thereio, combines mitti the sali and dissolves it, converting the insolubie muriate into the solubie one. Asimilar compound is formed at once by adding the oXymuriate os mercury to a solution os muriate os ammonia. Five paris of the oxymuriate require 1O0 of water to their solution ; but this fame quantity Will be dissolved in three paris ofwater, is one os muriate os ammonia be previolasty dissolve ltherein, and this triple solubie compound was the Sal Alembroth, or sali of Wisdom, of the alchemisis. The addition os subcarbonate os potass deprives the solubie sali os a portionos iis muriatic acid, and thus converis it into the insolubleone, 'inhicli, in faci, Seems to form the white precipitate lmercvry here directed.
'dra Frus purifcatus, P. L. II87. Argentum Vivum purificatum, P. L. 1745.
I53Mercvry is osten adulteraled by metals of inferior price, uith whicli it mill amalgamate, and on this aCCOUnt a Preparation os it for pharmaceutical purposes has alWays been found necessary; and to effect this, iis comparative volatilily supplies a ready mode. Is, in addition hereto, iron in a divided state beemployed, Whicli has a stronger attraction to the added metalsthan mercury itself has, and at the fame time does not unitemith mercury, the heat may be continued so that the wholeos the lalter may be distilled over Without loss. The proportion of iron is here diminished to illi, whicli is practicallysuffcient: in the Pharmacopoeia os II 8 I equat Weights were directeA. An iron retori is also to be Used, as not beingliable to breah; and further, as mercury, When bolling, bubbles up strongly, it is necessary that it should be larga enough to contain three times the quantity of the actualcharge. The necla of the retort should be elongated by an adopter, and a receiver of iron or earthen Ware should beused to collect the mercUry.
Rectified Spirit, a fluidouncta Dissolve the oxymuriate os mercury in the vater, and add the spirit.
This solution is directed in order to facilitate the admini stration of divisions of the grain of this active medicine. Each fluid contains Ono fixteenth of a grain of the sest. Thespirit, though it assisis, is not absolutely necessary to the S lution of this quantity, but it preserves it aster artis, and pre- Venis the vegetation of mucor, to whicli ali saline solutionsare liable.
Aqua lithargyri acetati, P. L. t 78 I.
This liquor is usualty dense, and of a deep broWn colour; as such I had usualty seen it, and as such I there re describedit in the former edition ; it has however been stated that this depends upon the use of ordinary vinegar, or of the residue
aster iis distillation, instead of that whicli has been distilled, and that the colour ought to be a greenish yelloW, Whicli is Correct . It consists of a saturaled solution os subacetate oflead, and was restored in the Pharmacopoeia of 178I, in lasequence of the celebrity it had obtained under the nameos Goulard's Extract.
Aqua lithargyri acetati composita, P. L. II 8 I.
Tahe of Solution of Aeetate of Lead, a
When this mixture is made, even with distilled water sonae precipitation talaes place , and When, aS is more common, ordinary Water, containing any muriates or Sulphates, is Used, this is much more abundant fron1 doubie decomposition, and gives the liquor a milhy appearance When diffused throughit. To this it oWes iis common name of et ite mash.
Cerussa acetata, P. L. t 78I. Saccharum saturni, P. L. 3715, P. L. II 20.
This sali is manufactured upon a large scale, chlei ly for the Use of dyers, Dom whicli solarce much of that Whicli is used in medicine is improperly supplied. Care must be taken that the subcarbonate os lead be Dee froni any adulteration os carbonate of lime Ghitentet , whicli is no uncommon fraud that whicli is called sole lead is the purest. When it is prepared according to the process here directed, iis crystals are vilite, With a very slight tinge of brown, and these bulld up irregular masses of Shori spicular crystals, Sonae hat resem-
taste, joined with somewhat os an astringent one ; Dom this similarity, one of iis triviai nam es, fugar leari has been derived. It reddens vegetable blues: IOO paris of water at 212 dissolve . 29, and when cold, retain . 27. It is also solubie in alcohol, and is decomposed by most of the acidf, aikalies and eartiis. Dr. Bostock Nicholson's Iurnal, ii.) gives thesellowing relation belween a saturaled solution of this saltand the solution os subacetate os lead, be re described. Solution of this superacetate : oxyd I 6, 8, acid I, 5, Water 5,I. Solution os acetate os lead: oxyd 23, i, acid 5, Water II, 9. The following are stmed by Thomson as the constituent pariSof the two salis in a crystalliged state. Os the supera etate roxyd 58, acid 26, water I 6. of the acetate: oxyd I S, acidri, mater 5. An experiment of Scheele's, by whicli heconverted a Saturaled solution of the superacetate, Whicli Wasthen called fugar of Iead, into the acetate then called Gou- lard's eXtraci, by immersing a plate os metallic lead in theformer, farther illustrates the relative proportions of each. Aleaden vesset Was directed in P. L. II45 to he employed, and that the contents should be boiled illi the vinegar is suffcien ly SNeet, or is neutraliZed. Ι mention this for the purposeos referring to the employment of lead for the recovery os Sour Wines, and the injurious effecis Whicli are produced by the internal use of such compOundS.
Calamina praeparata, P. L. II87.
BURN the Calamine, and reduce it to poWder : then let it be brought into the state ofa Very sine poWder, in the fame manner that chalk is directed to he prepared.
Zincum calcinatum, P. L. I 87.
In this process the Zinc is insanaed, and the oxyd formed by iis inflammation is collected; heiace the precautions directedus to the siZe, depili, and temperature of the crucible, thelieat of whicli must be IOO', which is the potnt at which ginc ignites: and to the exposure os fregii furfaces of the metal byremoving the crust of oxyd whicli forms upon iis furface. The metal burns with a bright white flame, and throws UPan abundance of white flakes; the sublimation of whicti depends upon the Strong current of air produced, ΠOt UPonthe Volatilily of the oxyd; the preparation of whicli, for the Separation of any adherent unchanged metallic particles, is particularly directed. This oxyd consists of Zinc .8O, OTygen .2O. It is tasteless and insolubie in Water.