Œuvres de J. Delille

발행: 1824년

분량: 434페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


Combion l'homine en cebour est honoro dans mollΗote de nos bosqueis, assis hiotre table, Tot qui buvois des cieux te nectar dcllectabie,


chao perfection, o ne fit si matter ali, Enduod ith various fornis, variola degreeso substanco, and in things that live of liis;

Proportion'd tomach Lind. froin the oot Springs lighter the green ta , froni theno the leaves More aery, ast the right consummate flo ver Spirit odourous hi eathes Io vers and their fruit. Man' uourishment, by Padual scale sublim'd, To vita spirit aspire, to animal, To intellectual sive both life and sense, Fane and undet standing ,honce the foui

Differing ut in degree, o Lind the sanae.


uadam, oponit 'archange, i est temps de Connoitre Et les anges, et 'homine, et e monile et Son mait1 C,

I fixo te partage, ii assime les angS: Plus iis soni pro de tui, plus leui essen Ce Si Purin Tous, vivant leui tenebant, leuritat, leui mature, De degrsis en degrύ devenus plus PartaitS,S'efforcent diapprocher dii Dieu qui es a fatis. De Sa solache terrestre ainst ab eune plante Sori, doploie aveo gracemne tisse olossante Sur lanigeri'silhvem branchage siger, Ses Duillages mouvant naissent potar 'Ombrager


150 PARADI SE OST B. V. v. 493. To pro per substance Time ma come, hen menWith anget ma participate, and findNO inconvenient diet, nor too light fare; And Dona these corpora nutriment perhaPSYour hodies may at ast turn albi spirit, Improv'd by tracti time, and wing'd asCend


u Quetjour pur tu ais luit et notre intelligetice Roponit Adam charmcl. Je suis 'sichello immense De ces tres diversisipandus en tout lieu, Et e monte aveo tot usqu'au trone de Dieii Mais potii quoties conseiis de 'aimer, de lui plaire ΘAh quot enfanis ingrat inoconnoitroient leui loret Quii'aimeroit uti Diei si bon, si sinsireUX, Qui de cinxit limon fit deucotres heureuX, Et dulion qui convienti noti elumblemature


152 PARADIS LOST, B. V. v. 5M. That thou continuest suci, oWe to thy8elf, That is to thymbedience therein stand. This was that caution given thee be advis'd. God ad theo perfeci, not immutable; And good he made thee, butet perseVere




Standard and ons Mons twixi an and rear Stream in the air, and for distinction serveos hierarchies, of orders, and degree ;Or in their littering tissu es bear imbia2'dΠol memorius, acts of ea and love Recorded eminent. Thus when in orbs