Œuvres de J. Delille

발행: 1824년

분량: 434페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


Je v bis ceriu'it 'a petiit, et de mon doux somnicilL'evi cur se clatismati moment dii oveil. Je marcho is versies bois, qualid de leur votites sombres Une splendeur solidaine illumine lesimbres Dieu c'sitoit Diei tui-monae, apparot si me Felix Uu doux eis roi salsit monimur religieuX. A se pied prosternύ, e radore et 'incline; Ie me sens relevh pariette main divine sti'ami que tu cherchois me dii ii, o voici; Ce que tu vois ,haut me qui te charme ici, Tout coequi solis te Pied Croit fleurit et respire, Jea'en suis possesseu P cla terre est ton mi ire. Embellis cet enclos, cultive ce ardita; Dans Cesui Ches Vergers moissonnei Pleine main Leur prodigalito Passera ton enVi C.

Mais 'arbre duriavoir pros de 'arbre de vie Regarde, ili' est pas oin est planio dans ces teux; Adam, eu'interdis cedruit pernicieux

Pour unique tribui, ita reconnoisSance J'impos coite utile et juste obhissa iace; De t ri bellion a mort sero it te priv Tot lectiens, leui Mensantis, exilos et prosci iis, Votis trieZ, promenant vos rebuste infortune, Traitior dans es di seris une vi importune. 1 dit, et dans mos sens imprimo tine terreui Doncte eui oliventi me glacein Corvi'horreur, Quoique ma Volonto, que nullovvOir ne none,

Alias que te fornit puisse viter a Peliae.


And to the heavent Vision thias presum' l. u , by What name, for Thou ab ove ali these, Above manlii nil, or aught than manLindligher, Surpassest farina nam ing ho may ΙAdore thoe, Author of thi universe,


totis os liens, 5 Oi, ede doniae en partage:

Des diversos tribus 'innombrable phalange


So amply, and with hand so liberal, Thou hast providod ait things but illi me

Whichius he mutuat, in proportio due Given and receiv'd aut in disparily



. Tu te placisci tre eul est inter nes


So amply, and withland so liberal, Thou has providod ait things aut v illi me

Vast thou nothade me here thv substitute, Anythes inferior far beneati, me et 'Among neques What societyCan Sori; hat harmonu, o true delighil

Whicli must be mutuat, in proportion due Givei and receiv'd lut in disparily


u Tu te plains 'etre seul, dit 'sternet; ce monile Si riche, si peia pisi, et te terre foconde,


So weli converse, nor sith the ox the ape; Wors thenian man withleast, and east os all. η Whereto the Almight ans vel 'd not displeas'd is nice and subit happiness,d See, Thou to thuset propos est, in the Choice of th associatos, Adam ' and wiltriaste Nolleasure, though in pleasure SolitarΥ. What thini 'st thou thenis me and this in state 'Seem I to the sufficienti possess' los happiness, o not Whorum alone Froni ali ternitu formone 14nowSeconitio me or like equa much less. Howlaved thon,ith honi olold Converse, Save, illi the creaturos hich Lmade, and thiaso To me inferior, infinito descents


But in des; ree the cause of his destre B conversation Mith his liheu help, or solac his defecti. Nomoed that thou Shouldst propagate, uir ad Infinito; And through allium bors absolute, though ne

But Manium umber is to manifestHis single imperfection, and besset

Lilio os his lilio, his mage multiplied,

In unit defective; hich requites Collaterat ove, and dearest amitV. Thou in th se res although alone, Best,ith thvsol accompunied seel 'st notSociat communi ration pyet, o Pleis, i, Cansvrais thy creature to halleighth thou illo union or Communion, deificii