Ignoramus : comoedia

발행: 1787년

분량: 461페이지

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one impression. his circumstance, however, is no toria attributec to the excellence of the ne, ut to the scarcitro the oster, and the frequent demand sor a uarussation. It wil ad but litile to the celebrit of this ex lent co- medri hic was Wice pers med by the scholare es an universit' so the entena mentis a learned monarch, tori , inacit has since been represented besore audiences las numemus an splendid: neveriheleis it is orthy es note stati has a fundry times been inet justactore the commence-ment of their ciri a vacation, by the scholars of m ni ster, particulari in the eam 17Ia, 7 Ia, 73o 'vand 747. iste last o whic occasion a poem Mas addrendio the actor in The Genuem s agmine . Sine stat time the representation es it there has Men discontinues; ita is the more tot regreveri as, stom the manne in

u se the dates to the prologues an eptagues at he end of the edi.

ioris of a 3 and 737 that o et 3 et contain thos spinen in ara. and x x3, and that osci a thos isoken in 7ra 1713 - 173ο. For the pumose of iis Mins Sed by the hinc sthalam, an is obviare an objection hic might be made to the comedris account of iis leuth, it was considerabis hortenta, and the fifth aEt, .Heb

also a muta alteria, Was mugni into a narro.er compass. In in

forme par in variations consiste soles in omittin pallageas ut in the fimi in insertions of ne. passages have been made, and indeia thewhole of thia fifth aer differs se essentialty isom the original one, actoeniale it in seme degre to the appellationis a M. One mos pansage of the four firmacts .hic .ere omitte in the representation atmesisinster se es, are, in the editions of et 3 and x 3 , distinguis dhy inverte commasa an to both thos edition is subjia data M. fifthin, hie is thermenticled actus quiatur, ut Misita est ab adamaeis regis Me emaseriens s. his fifth in a not beta an par of

the comedras inritim is it author is in the present erutis omittod, as are esse, for the ver same eason, the prologues an epilogues ono asionis iis severat periis anees a me inster. The prologue and epilogue, spori in x7ra, appea to have been rium hy the well-known- Uinem Boume, ne or the ussim o under-master of the school

sor inenare inserita, missi lamede. variations in the quarto editioni his poems, erimed in 177a. Se it in Gemmelema s uagatane for Maria, et 48, p. 33ἔand in that for I--ο, 7 8, p. 36, the prologue and epilosue spineno that occasionare libe Aund.


Ixxxvii ita me eomedius os Tenaue have been usuali represented there, ver sincere admirer of this anmot but wae so the gratificationis seeing Im--πHis au peris Q. Although r. Rugris p atri stominis Will, to have spem his lis in a state of celium' and consequent te no lineal

destendant Theomes A the actor in Ianoramur a me insis, in i 13 and

, ter ar




inere sonis relatis is in E in by the male line, areat his time existing; aut the present linea representative os the fa lyris Thomas aegris, lare o Gobbam in ' the count' of Surm ut now of are in the eoum pD my, and of Fis iv in the count of Um, ' in is descended,

ascit is eo eived, homine of r. RuggFibrothers, and towhom in reade in myselfare indebie so the communicationi severat particular in the Bregoing account, Mativeto his ancestor.

a perusil of his comes ascit ampi meridi, it ould Minere almo superfluous is remais that his mentes endo mendi .ere very considerabis, stat his learning Was ver dee and extensive, and his knowlege of the worid, ascit is calleri correct. Wit the talent for converiation, it a natura that hestould attra fies the notice, an nex the friend&ip of many person who ere eminens distinguimed sor paris indiearning in more, es ali such as ad sufficient discernmenti be sensibi of his orth an it is muta to the hono is both the one and the other, that this friendiui subfisted -- interruptessi hemeen them ill it beram dissiaved by thedeat os in Ruggis. of the persens, me os, se names may be sonia in Mr Ruggω will se in many isto most of them, he has

ostrein equeathed seme tota of his flection), e meanno here in inseri an account, reserring the reader se suci, iam respecting them ascit illae necessaryme stould be ac- quainte .im, to the notes o stat par of the wili, hereaster inserteri in hic the are respectives named it illh-ever here incumbentimus to notice, that the were equali conspicuous for abilities learnire, an pisty, and ast se qualities afforde them me means o felecting their intimates, homoe . te universit' inose ni Who eravirtuousi inclinia, and w se natura and acquirefendowmenes mere considerabis and Deed stem stom, the necessivor ciring ortheristis a memini missi the illiterat orthe niearnia, the proflisat o the immorat, or even ithinose of suspicious charatisicit is no to e imagine that the either made, o could e disposed or induce to mata,

ehoice of any sint menci ut the mox orthyran deseruing ;


and since in Rugris v ars o have ad thei filem Ri A many years, an talisither his o ni stela deat put an eia tocit, it is ut reasoriablerio conclude that he also must have been of this ulter class. An indoed his gratitudoto the famibi Pagavicini, hic besides relinquisting thebesore-mentiones annuit' re testisted in his illis giviulegacies to the wis and chilhen os his benefactor, and D

onstitutin his benesinor himsiel sole Maecutor es bis id,

and his reliduar legaste, and that in se modest and unoster

talious a mannesi statione but the testator r. Ruggis, and the residuao legate Pallavicini, knem or coaedam , What the one esto the ther received the ery great an

section,it, ichine speis of his menti, seme of whom, particulari in Rev. r. Coppinge of Laveniam, a tr. Greenhad his schoesmaster appea to have been thus attachedis him sor early the whese of his life and lamy the internat evidence of nis comed isseis, ne principes object of ita is in represent the progress and etam es virtuous love, and in hich irrue is unis mi attende Wit correspondent an peculia maris of approbation, and vice is a constantly delineatia in iis true colours, and wit equa indications of horrenoeci, assueta is a conjecture, perta diuisae. λαμNe than positive proos, statae must have been a mores andi mugia good man. In stori, it appears to beaut justiceto declare of him, that M Was generous and liberal isto

ostentation, learne missi aut petant', and pisus Minout e

thusitan or superstition and of this last particular, is mydocti canam in be has give a sussicient testimon in his .ill, of whic an authenti copycis here insertia an b fides that common charit spmid a bare suppositioni summise, and sor hic intae there is no the least shado. orpretence of mulid, satin ari occasiondita thisine coaedae Oiliros suta 'lemn hypocris a is proses sentimenta Ninne cud not enterrain the dumision hic he has made offome paris of his fleet evidenti demonstrates that hest vere his gemuerae stelings, and that the had alis a ery μην-erfui influe ei over his actions.



. M Anno Domini I 62I, an in the ninetrent, ar of thereignis our severeigndord ymnes by the grace of God es England France, and Deiana hinn desender of the faim, M. and of SeMiam therave-a --iet es, George mule, of the universit os Gambri si in therio mand countres Cambri master of arra, eingis morandier in health and memornstanta beatve to God so the fame; et considering Withmyself the finiti and uncertaint of this natural liis, do mari, publist, and declare this, present last ill and testament, in manne an form solio ing that is o say, iin, I commend mysoruinis the tantii Almight God, miser, and of 'sus Chrs, his dear and well- love son m re-deeme and Messed savio , I hos meridi death, an passon, I hope in attain eternal lis and theatagdom of heaven; and my bod I commit umo the earth, . reo it was sest formia, to e burie in Chri an buris at the discretion amy executor, not dou ni t a me great da of the generat resurrection his corruptibi bod es mine stati se indbecome incorruptibis, in .hic soae ein reunitia, stallbe made partiseris immortalit an evertastin glor and


-een them. Item I ove and equeat unis the hapes of Clare hal twent maris, o bu a silver basen to e sed there at the communion sor the collectio of the mor . Item I further give and equeat unis Gare ali in Camori e sereseid ne hundrediovias, o e pat wiminino year nexi aster my decease, to the intent that it ma alwaysmmai in par of thei stoch, mi emploedior theraeuerma nos provisio at the est an sor me benefit of the old edem and the studenta incit, and that at thei audit orae uni oncm year, I Will that the one hundred mund beataavarought in an fide by the nam os Greet Ruses me hi re munda, sor a perpetua stoch to e sed soria elaxas asore aia, and this to Mimum in entire very

Imr, and then in lita sest in sed again is me benefit of

thei gratitude to iam a thei most gracinus and Muntiful protector and henefactor, and thei chari nolim as a Chrisian the in extreme antandiecerat , .ho .as even in antis sustenanee formis very houmo , and - , .hi the the mes ad Mea ora theis tabis, as himself


sia soris executor and his helas, and theis deputies, at convenient umex, to come an se Whether m sud boota be

orae mantia, hic stat sir tappen. Item Ugive indhequeassi one hundred mund wward the bringing up of thei deis tandren in Virginis in Ghrsia religion, hic mywili is stalla disposta es by the Prima company accord ingly , destring almioty God is stir u the charitabis Mansor

a The Virginia eompany was a number os person alticiateos togethen, and incorporared, so the purpos of pe liniri ginis, and planting colon there, in conseque eis ira dis very by Si more Ra is in

as84. Stom, in his Chronicis, p. rois edit. 63x, oves an account offome of the transactions of this companys and Dom adiis of in Arear,

Magarine sori θ, 76r, e learn, p. 367 that bove inent remo the reiam, amore, in Was the loes Mutiam on .ere euagedrinthia


this unde hinx that i Edrivm Mys was the principat manager of thei concrens, and thei treasurers and that thei meetings, whicli eremeehly .ere held at London, in the hous of r. Ferra, , a richisas India merehant, ho leti his paxisur an hal so that purposse. In I, 366 of this latae inoin the object whic this compan haesi vieinare minutes state in the following ord id in Frerar having been intimat wit thos brave me an gallant fallor Sir καίων Ramisi , Si 'hn Ham ins an Si Francis Dra e was a great love and encourage of plantations himself being one of the ostearly adventurer in that of Virginia and the Summer-Isaias a design, it must be achnowledged in greatest and the most hono ablein iis hind that ever inas se generali embracia and undere en by our Engli nobility, gent , clerin, and the cit of London. It was a project for the common Mod for the employmentisinseriled p ple, for states in Dunge brothera, and ror a suppi of thos commodities hic ine inere obliged to fetch Domither ountries at intolerable rates ; ut above est for the converso of the rude an miserable mage to the Chrisian faith. any of the bissiops and digni-fied elein enoged in this flair, it an extraordinar geat for the propagatio of the gospes, in Wipe of that aspersion, howeve un-austi thrown pon the church or singland by the church o Rome, that, convert no Gelievers abroad; herea indeed ur clergy, orare butis handfui os me in comparison of theirs have noughto do at home, .hile heir are solus to pervert the fouis committetis ur chargei ut though the Iesuus have had reat trading on ibat vast continentis,exico, et Virginia a sese enough from any suta

charit te attemptis thos merchant for here there arei mines

of gold or silver, there e seldoin hea that he have compassed thesea an lan to mari thei proselytes. Old r. Ferrar, as e laterme above, a the facter of r. Nicholas errari ne of thoatiland .hom in Rurale has noticed in his id, and of hom an ae-ount is theresore give in a subsequent ore. The Dunger r. Ferrarvinis, a meli as his ather, ne of the adventurem in his project; and himself execute in is the ossice of secretar to the company thoughthe emoluments of that employment ere received by another See the Tife os in Ferraris ore cited, p. 366 Andri is more than harae, fram these circumstances that in Ruggiae mendilii for r. Ferrari ot occasion theaequest here inserted. All that we know of this person is give in a forme nota, p. xi,