장음표시 사용
missi, large fortune Ariantur, omine contra , as represinaedas a personis integrit an hono , an a med wit thequalities and pro nuties of a genueman in his justice amihumanit . have a proo in ad IV scene Ia, here heregredi his being obliged is abando Tricorio ine mere of '--φur, and retur Mith an intention to rescue him. Throughout the play he expresses great uneis se at the necessitfheris unde os practita a fraud by assuminx he character of his twimbrother Antoninias, in ordereto deceive Threaisus, bis isther; in hominowever, on est oster occasio , he ste chimself adutiful assectionale, an obedient son. . His passion sor ει- fabae is hon rabie an manly, and foundia ima due sense of he worth. When he conceives himself in tange os festingin his endem rario obtain her sor his is fio Toreia, hevem patheticatly lammis his o- missortune and his inabili in desive her fiom the inardous and precarious siluation in te cie is placia. In the dissiculties hic he enc mers, his principes attention is stili fixed Mon her; and M ver deessyan seelingi regredi stat the sincere affection hic he e tertainssor her stould at an time expos hesi in the least
degree, to uneas est or inconvenience .
In delineatin the character of Rofabel , esides a very singulis stare es natural good sense, vincienti improved and
cultivates, me author has endo ed her Wim the more valva-hle an amisit qualities of modest' simplici , and inno-
vince patience an resignation unde her missortunes ista, in addition to these, a very hio sense of Antonius' Worali. It is much to the commendation es our author's stili, that living, as e appeam is have done, almost the whese of his lis in a collego retirement, he was yet en led se in delineate and heloten his principia semale character, as to miserit surpast, a, it unquestionabi does, statis Fusia in Arrius
morea seellisa avtour in in V. sc. 7. That ignorance of the woild, o more speciali os the femes eharacter,
the subordmate paris of Posia, the wise of Cupes, alia, . inon cipe himself, an semetimes even Ignoramus, ac bille toste censure stom hic the above observation tenti is ex l-Pate in author But in ans e to this objection, it is in be remartad that it is the ossice of comed not oni accurate-lyrio represent ista character a are orth of afruction, re- ipest, or imitation; ut also missi eques truth, suci a merit dissita, contempt, or aversio an detestation V.
racter, is notis necessar eonsequence of earning might e prove byexa les of men .ho have been equali conspisuous for their leaming, f. these still and addres in the management of the affair of the worid, and sor thei gallanu and politenes towarci omen. e mea mo-everi in produce butine instance, and that is Eramus who in his Colhquias has exhibited some of the most ami te, as .ellis most accurate, ineations of the female character, that are an where is heiciunt, and who in his colloquy, entille Proes cir uastae, has ore a speetae offuch polite an elegant conversatio an courtihi ascis scataei to be
Ne mas in author of another comes of the sarcam hine,
he, a generali lane o one to the offer an an opynion, ichmoweve was erroneous, that an imperfect manuscript
to the assertion and in sin, it was writaeni another. The editor of the Biographia Dramatica, both in an a lasor his comed of Lesola, and esse in another B the authoros it foundin his account o an enu in ste Stationem hoori, hic it is triae gives the name in stat mannest, a Mincit is have been writte by Dr. Lachet, of whom hetella us, an Laeti is particular en ut poestiit he disco- vered: and concludes v shying that it Was an universi play; ut stat hester 1 Nas performe at Oxserior Cam-hrage is no certain'. The Getalogus librarum impresorum otiae Adlesanae, art. muri, ascribes it in Dr. νοέει
aeienses, edit. 169I, VOLI. col. 8a , mentioning unde theyear 61 abis sam person, in me et, says that a ut this time M 'rote a Lan comed' called Loiia, printed at
Londun, 16 in octavo Andrinalty Dr. Plume, in his life os
Dr. Hae et prefixae in Haetis Sermons Lond. 167s, oves, p. 3, the fosso in account of the productionis this come-on hic has Men ad aedis in author of the articlem et, Ita, in the Biographia Britannica, edit. 1757 μ One
In a tramentitie Catalogus Proean Proeur Doctorum, Ne una eum Notis qui fidam biforicis, ex P. Tenioniano, aucto ex collis. - . Guil. Dillinoam S. T. P. inserte in in Baster' manuscripteollactimis, Vol. I. p. o, seqq. is the following enu respectingo comed of Loiria, sub anno 1623 ense Martio, rex Iacobui
Cantabrigiam venit a Nomo-Mereata, coram quo comoedia diicta Lyola aeria eth: eodem die rex revertitur.' A the bestom of the fame page is
some manuscript authortu; ut, as he has no mentioned ere it was to M the mund there domino tam sussicient evidencerio support his assertiore . But o return to ur auctor, in Rugis. In the ear
16 19 e find that he had arrived to e stird in orde and seniorit among the sellow of his college, o the originil foundation V and that in the ollowin year his sello hiphecam vacant, appearsa some paper there remaining To at cause this latae occurrenc is tot attributeri e have
notaeen able to learn but it is supposed to have been occasoned by his succeeding on the deat of some relation, tost greater pari, is no the whole, of that sortune es Whicua The eomed of Club Lanu has been mentione in a forme note ashmin been performe in the yearo 397-8, 1399. r. armercis ire possemonis a manuscript play, without a litte, hicli, rom iis tendeneyto expos the mam an corporation os Cambriage, has been supposed tot Gabaa ascit is hiat founde on the expectation o avisit roman gyames, and refers to evenis hic happene in his reim. it oes no stem probabie haesit cani the lubetam hic was perta semed in the eignis his predecessor queen Elimabeth. It is much tobe doubted hether R era or erit is at this time eκisting. Seolrs abies hctore referre to.
, his mae p ars o have been possessed the statutes of
the colles rendering sic a provision void wheneve the object escit has Venaled, ither is patrimon or a benefice, or an odies medita, in expen annuali me sum scienmaas durina his ita se alid this cippositio ma perhaps re
ceive adduiona confirmatibn, he we are told, as a the
sin that i 16eto, and in ali likelthood on quitiing his sello Np, he ecam a beneticis to the college, in money
a in Mare, in his a script collections besere eitia, Vol. V. p. 323, has inserte a copy of the statutes of Clare hall, whie M says, p. 36o, he trans My mime hic he had rom the Rev. r. Im-παν, sim ita fello. of tha colleges that in Ionius' eopy was tam homir. Dillistham, late master of the fame college; and that his Temeiam asture Mn the had non more periere there In these talinea is a chapter, mille ne ausis deferendi ollamum, in ita is this ela de referring to the fellows an stholus, o both arementioned in the forme part Si vero quisquam eorum, sive per patri moniam sve per Beneficium, aut 1iqua alia ratione, poterit expen dere ad mirmam decem marcarum per annum, durante vita sua nat alia tune post unm anni cunicarium a tempore suae promotionis, va -
abit s istas ejus, istius in locum suum, juxta statuta antea pra scripta, surrogetur collocetur.' in Ba re has inserted in VOLXIV. M. 48, noster copy of thes statutes, hich, in his latis place, me entille Regula aulae de Clare a 339. his V has noch ter De causis deserena ultimum; ut instein is the following, hic occursp.ras, an is entitis De promotis in diruualibus me temporadibus i Item ordinamus, quod cum aliquis socius dictae domus bona tempo-ε alia ad valorem annuum decem marcarum ad vitam suam, vel benefi- cium ecclesiasticum, quodcunque curatum pacifice de caetero fuerit asia
secutus, quod post lapsum anni integri a tempore pacificae auecutionis, hujusmodi bonorum, vel beneficu numerandi per quem si voluerit in diesta societate stipendia, ut socius percepturas, onera obiturus po- terit permanere a societate didis domus Womni commodo quod in ea, ex ea fuerat habiturus eo ipso penitus sit privatus. And, is conseque e Pone or ther of the bove passages, it mas, o a questionis to the legalit and regularit of r. P. ela election to themasterihi os Clara nati in i 6ao, obiected against the vote of one of the fellows that he had Men possesse of a benefice of above te mains yeari value, bove a ea hetare σωμα last, and was thereupon, ipso fiato, non socius by the statutes of the college. See r. Ba re's manuscript colle stions via II. p. ias, in D. Pasti' casse.
About his time esse I conceive it was that, as have sesere boticed, he was appoinred tutor to Pisa irinys chil-drena and so the reason assignia in a sorme note Wherein an account is give of that familI, am ted in concitae stat these were the childrenis Tob Pallavicini om, a Wellas thei fame and mollier, he has mentioned in his ill anψinat, in his quiuin his sello hip he 'est Cambri 6 and retire to abraham to superimend thei education. However, he dis no long survive the Mittinginis fello hip sorthough the precise da of his deam, and the place of his interment, are equali unknown it is certai that he must have dies tween the 6t of September, I 62I, and thera o November, I 622, as On the forme of thos days his ill Mars date, an on the latae it was proved by the executor'. The comed of Ignoramus had neve made iis appe ancein print during the lis of iis author an homine directioninserted in his ill stat ali his papers and paper-books shouldbe burni, it seem clearlyrio have been his intentio that laneverri uid be priuaed. o far a the destrumonis his ommanuscript could effectuale his design, me a reaso Nyeonclude it Was sulfilled vertheseo, acori thereofgot rota,
road by means of hic his intentioni suppressiniit was hapsi deseat . t must e supposed that this copy Wasstolen that is in sari stat it Was ta n down in stortauuid
by one of the auditor at the performances a practice, as ix siems, tot uncomison a the time, as may be collecte stom
And me receiv'd as .elli oraesd MAEAE, Grac'd and se uented for the crudis ase Did throng the seris, thes aera, and the stam S much, that semesis stenographylare Thestot putrit in print, scarmine or true: An in stat lamen scit has limp'd se long, The auctor no 'o vindicate that wrong,
original copy. Thacit is notio, is evident frem the following ci 1- staticesci sat in the fir place, it is no in his tand--tingo and iuste secon place, it is far rom eing correct sides hich, theis med is inroughout Wrium a prose, an no notice is tam stat an offine passages, no even hos hor πω Bom the classics, re in verse. This, though supposta tot in con hich in Batir, in his manuscript collections, si v. p. 479, mentions hesbadire at cur hall, and with hic he had examine a list of the original actor in I oramus, is no manifesti imperfeEt, as .antiu me secon prologue, Geraramatis personae, the hole of the fir acri, par of the leventhan the whole of the twelsin semes of the so th in and the e firs semes of the fifth. γ
drama, and besore such an audience, must have assordes, and engage in arias se laborious as Mining the ulterance os ever single ord, and committis it is riting I an erisime scholari me universit' ho perhaps his Men presentat the eheusal thereos, and had become sensibis of the merito the composition, an preferre me deliint of readis te in his chamber as osten as e chiae, to the transient pleasuroos seeincit perso edin the stare. It was nochoweve liliaster the lapse of fitaen ear from me time os iis sest representation, an eight after me deceas Mahe auctor, stat this comed Aund it way to the prest, hic it did in consequence or an assignment of the copy-right thus recordia in the book of the stationem compa':
latia, mas inelinia is bello the old optes of the two lauer parra oeshalesseare' Heno VI. and of his Henr V. optes taen is semeauditor, mrote down during the representation his in time. Hierisit, the perhus fille u semel his omission is a secondo thies Maring, and when he had by this method formia semethingliri a play sen it to the primer. See Isinsen an Stremens' nati-θeare, edit. 1778 Vol. VI p. 64. The two passages bove, iisdgro Hoetmod are both adduce in suppor of this conjecture of Dr.
Ohnsens, the forme by Μr. Cossin and the latae by in Matine, an obnfimandaterem, subatis are, in loco supra citi