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inex enumeratin the principat ossicer longingrio abbis in generat, adia, I xxx that in very abbe there Was a lame mora, de illas me here savera, in re maderit inela hola busnes in trana seribes ori foreth use of the librarys and that besides thebigger bookτ of the Must, and the missais, an othre books sed in divine service. the were emplayed in transcribin the faethera, classes, histories, c. in further sva ibat in ali great sibi es there ere also peribus appotat-ed in tabe notice of the principes occurrences of the kingdom, and at thaen es every ear to digest ne into annals an observes, that astra the conquest acta os partiamen .ere sent to the abbiecto b reeordes; and then proceias in ove severat instances in hic recotas, to substantiate ex important claims, have been furnis drimm thei repositori .
Mori in comparison ortha many manuscripta. These, i car ullu collacte
paper, by the pace of more stan these tenaeus, and yet heiath store
Fultir, in his Chun Historγ, resenta. to in the precedis note, Boio VI p. 297, spe ing of the monta, and the civit advintages and
temporal conveniencies accruing to the state by the continuance of Mys, furine says, they si e the monta were tolerable tutor for the edua catioua. of youis, there Minya great penur of ther grammar sthoola in that age and Gery conventinassione or more themin, ho, generally gratis, imo the hildre thereabovis Gramma was fiere tauot,
an music, hic in ome sortiunc riwn dirige acto the generia use thereos, at the dissolutionis Ab s. in Tanner, in his preface tobissio ma vir's NMhia ma ea, et ore cited notises, in page xxxii. that the Mys .ere schoias of learning and education, for that ever conveni had one person or more appoinred for this p pose, and est themeigh- bour that destre it, mirat have thei children aught gramma and church-music Wit ut an expence to them; and that in the numeries also, young omen ere taurat to or an to read Englis, and seme- times Lasin also. Io that. Ud hec notini the lower rank of p-- ple, could not pay for thei leuia . uti most of the noblemen an gentiemen's auolers, inere educate in thras places . Gram mar and music ere, in ali probabili , no the ni liberat aris mot
an his aecession to the throne, says that he wa crowned on Eastemdayro4.3, 3n re ne almost menty-foux. years, and then proceias in the fosso.in morda Cui data est in uxorem ntia Godmim comitis puel la pulcherrima literis apprime erudita, moribus antem ει caetera vita
Few readere, it is imagined nee be remi ed, and stillsewer informeri that aster the destructionis the Roman empire, though me Latin linguage a received in most ing-dom o Europe, it et was received in a very corrupi state, and ad ascit was aestiuit time, it is et Enown that it stillsurine degenerates'; e mea mi heresere here is contend that the Latin writte by the monks was in generalpure classices Latin, but Hyduc a Was a that time current the position e intende to estistissicis, stat me monkswere messo ignorant a seme person would haveras imagine,
and that they, and the rest of the clero, mere the ni persens orat that time had anflearning at all. Guqe impartiali an correre of the retension of ny one to a character sordearning, it is previous necessa to know What opportunities he had os acquiring knowltage, and what portion a possessed by the generalit of his con- temporaries, sincera character Manis hin does notri much depend on stat portion fanoMedge hic any one is ap- tuali possessed os asin What portion e possesses bem 4nyother person: i me monis heresere ere barbamus and learned in comparison it the clerg o more modern
tris aut fratrum barbariem sapiens, sed mitis, modesta fidelis mo- nesta, & nulli unquam infestas unde de illa dicebatur illud elegiacum: Sicut spina rosam, genuit Go ruinus uictam.
Vidi ego illam multotiens, oum patrem meum in regis curia morantem adhuc puer inviserem, saepius mihi de scholis venienti de literis ac versu me apponebat, eum occurrerem, libentissime de grammatica soliditate ad logicam levitatem, qua callebat, declinans, cum argumen torum subtili ligamine me conclusisset, semper tribus aut quatuor nummis per ancillulam numeratis ad regium penu transmisit, refec-
tum dimisit. Ingui hi Historia inter Seriptores pus edam, edit. 396 p. so9a. How fax it ha been eorrupte may be an ascertained by M- te in to the strie of the vulgate Latin Bibla, and of hic in mallherea mone, and but one, instanee Theri in Meos Psalm XL whlehin the transsation inseraed in Thelook of Common riser, is expresse in the sollisining otas Blessed is heritat considereth the and Meh, the Lord shail desivertim in the time os uoubleue in the vulgate translation stand imisi meatus vir qui intelligit super egenumac pauperem in die malae liberabit eum Dominus.'times
times, the were et the oes perans, ata an literaturea est , and thos who ha b industr acquire more insormation than, and surpasse in learning the generalit of their
Contemporaries, cannot uret wit justice e Meme ignorant or barbamus, and the raster, a though perhaps the woris of me of them might be writte in corrupi Latisti, there were et offers amota them - were both inmed them-sςlves, and encourager o learning in ther and whose writings, in the opinion of very good judges, re ver utile, is mything, inserior, even inesse, to the work of the authors
See the resace to anne s Notitia malisa, p. xl; Where thereader ill find a great deabo curious ihformation in proof of the learis ing of the mo S. Although many instances miotae adducia in suppor of the assertio in the texi in mali here content urselves illi mentioning onlytwo Iosephus Istanus, or in rive his name in Engli , Ioseph σχαι- rer, their of these, live in the .reigns Mirer II hing Rich da. hini hn, and king μπρο ΙΙΙ. he transived rom the Gree cinio Latio verse, Dares Phrnius De bHIo Trojano, and was author os a poem, De Bello Antiocheno, in Latin verse also, hichae did noclive to compleat. Bisho Tanner, in an article fortim in his Bibliotheca Britannico-Hiberniea, speis of him in the following term Iosephus Iscanus, omnium poetarum sui temporis, absit invidia dicto, facile primus, tantae elo
quentiae, maiestatis, eruditionis homo fuit, ut nunquam satis admirari possim, unde illi in tam barbara .rudi aetate facundia accreverit uia que adeo omnibus numeris tersa elegans, rotundas finis poem De Bello Antiocheno, Tanne oves the following accounti me Bello Antis- heno amplius nihil novi, nisi quod ex eo eluceat Iosephum fuisse na- tum Isse Domnisrum, quam urbem tam exquisite, tam dextere, a denique magnifice vel ad aethera tollit, ut facile credas usas ipsas, cum profluenti Helicone toto, vati ea concinenti praesentissimas ad-
fuisse ι and of his transsationis Dares Phrygius De bello Trojano the followin particular Haec cum scripsissem, prodiit Iosephi opus in
te retis De Belgo Trbano typis excusium Germanicis, sed tam corrupte, ut si pater ipse in prolem redivivus occulos converteret tam informem, cognosceret plane nunquam Itque fucus edito praefigeretur Iibro, Cornelii Nepotis, Romani nomine inscriptus est.' Alexander Necham, the ther example hom, mea here o produce, as an Augustae monk he was in author os severat works,
inhie bimo Tanner, in his Bibliotheca Britannico-Hibernica, art. δε- ehum, laxander, enumerates, and die in heaea et aet7 of this per
aediso ossiemis denominate sub in stat di no besore
exist nor give ames is recent inventions othemiis stan bysertamine. Wotas according to the genius of that language. But wit ali iis barbarities, letis no sorget inacit is at this time muta test obscure stan Normam rem or even Eneli mould have been considering the changes hic both Frenta
and that a recor in Latin evenis the reignis E ard ΗΙ. is at this time muc more intelligibis than the writings of Gatiere, hoIouristaed in stat ver reign. Butrio return rom his digression That the prosetars of the lawd uid acquieὰe in the censure es ignorance and illiteratenesi, o hic the comed of Ignoramus hia exposta and rendere them ii te, o silenti and patienti submit toste contemptista insulta hic it ad occasioned them, Wasno to e expected more es classy, a the sirst representa tionis that comed had caused a disturbance etween themand the member in the universit' an in proportionis in found themserue lese able to avola the ridicule, haecam ofgreater importa e to the laver that the s uid in semem oritherie vindicared stom it One method, hic theyor thei advocates chos se this purpose, a the publicationes severat poem mentioned in the noteli in ome of whicheramplassan a the en os that . h. I may be further observe i any additiones evidenre of the factris necessa that in ali probabilit alia
Iais term mere invented by the clemyri or Comel, in his Interpreteriari actis o the Case, inform us, that he any machia a cause offuit, and no fit formis action couldie found sor it the ancient custommas in reser it to the cierk of the hancer is inveni and sente a formfor the pur se By the clares of the chance , Comelinquestion lymeans the miners in chancery, - .ere a the est of the officer of
example mere produced, rom among the then prosectra esthe law of men o singula endowments an learning butthis ramo the oes expedient to whicli the had reco se; foris much do the appear o have been galled by it, stat thelapse ostiear two years, rom me last representation of the comedy, was notiussicient to eradicate me remembrance of the
supposed injury and one of their own bod' at that distance of time, thought proper in the course of his prosession to notice, se a proportionabie degre es asperit' both the comedrandine universu. his person was Roberi Callis, o Gra cinn, Aquire, aftematas essem a lam, but the Lent reade at Staples inn, Who in one of his retaings, in thea st year of hing ames' reigm iE A. D. I 6I7, statin a supposititio clais case, in orde to determine in hic es ta perib the right existed of presentation to a chum o a vacanc Whic MD mentisndmora reverent opinion Oftheirseuera It siems is have been written etween the firmand second representationis Irnoramus, acit ianoticed in the epilogue, and the reade inlli accordinoffind it inserted iacte notes omine epilame. his mas followed by one no. existinii thaisriti mustum, among the Harisian collection, No sayx, entiata ThaSOliners Gunterbustio the Cambri e Interiadian σIgnoramus. Rex this came out a poetical vindication of the lamers, unde the liue offa -- and temperate Reproosostbe Seholars VCambria forsa aeri La- res mit that barbaraus aradaros Tito Ignoramus. The ovi coprofictis, hicli Dever a. is in Hown possession, and the ob in offitas torefute in charge of ignorance, and want of learning is the wMuctiono instances, from among the profession of the law of men eminent sor earn g. rom the mentioni Si Francis Baco incit by the description of the hinc attorney, it must have been rittentet.een therathos March 161 - 1s and the in of Marchri 6iε forci appears that ontia forme of those days Ignoramus asinin performia, and that in the Jalter Si Francis Bacon quived the office or attorne general onaeingappo ted loreschancellor See the Chronica Series at the end of Dugdia a Origines Iuridiciales, sub anno 1616. To his lis mustine adde amem, entilled a fra me Poem, ascit mas presente in Latin uisertain
seims tota tappenel in. the argument therens introduces sin istaramus, a clea, presente to is by the univeret of α ri ' and describes iam p. 3, achein 'egregiae illit
ratu insormin us at theriam time, in more than oneptipe, that the character of Sis Imramtis, has destri din bove mas iniunded. in rerum es, and as a rese blance instat character in the comedy' nan. si far does theresesumam es the lamers of the time appear is have extendis
eo tis hinc benis, is known in consequem of it, both mirata ling's tanta, and divers other places, to have gall
e and lancta at scholus and univeridi men Vith much bi
tatis eorum, prefixe to this case, are these ord i' 3. Si Ignoramus, intended sis the univernu's catacoumehon, a generaliore coxcom
a resemblane of the actor hic the he ined on the inns of murtium mus in the eas itself, p. as, in author procoeda in these Wing te herewritales en these distinctions and will now.Proceed to the ille of the universit os Cambri e and of their inglorious clere, Sir Ignoramus, hic is theram piant of m case. N in os couri or enancer man Med -nder her orea stile theuniversi 's clein by the name of Sir Ignoramus for it is in be conceived, that he had commmce bacheloris ut in ignoranee, and the late stirmissi he made it Ignoramus of the inns os muri, einiboth of onebinod an hi red, may puto ali in persee remembrance of himayet both thes hinsmen in ignorance antedio thei favouring friendato hel the one of them into practice, and the ther of them to a benefice, hen many a learnia and a studious genuernan, antingaelpo Blanci, tot sit inithout both. Io much is this frowar age elive in iste condemnes the more, se ignorance preferredies eleamin an virtuous qualities, an dull-patia ob r-noles un-rthil aovance to places of profit and dignit' hen many a learned insessis in his study, destitute of either meret Limed only the timeo partiality that referre an ignorant sis besere a learne schoolman a fauit to common in the universi , and not without blam in the inns of courvand chanceo. Fulier, in his Churis φορο, BookVI. P. 3sa, rema's, that lac priest as homine additionis Sic foret is christam names mere me notaraduated in the university, Mincinorder butno in degrees, whilaeoth s, enthled miners, hia commenced
so ver severe a sitire o the prosession, hac me persons have been induce to thiis stat Mi Sel es motive is ri-
historicatly proves that therwere pavisse dure humano, and notjure divino was principally, is no sesely, a vie et revenge sorthis comedy an attach, in rerum socii, omine claro, of ic profession in Ruggis, ita auctor, appears to' e beem. These repties, o vindications omine par of the lawyers, o attacta omine aut ri the universit by way fretallation, were, it is to M observeri solet tho es ct of the two representations of the comed besore the hing mr as et it hia notmade iis appearance in prim But the endeavoux of the law-yers and their Hend to justi the prosem again iis censure, re in in se many testimontes in iis merit se had it en an ill-BundeLor ill-executed attemphir taxit fallia oniis representation, it ould have been des sed as a toothlest, though a. malevolent satire, and must have suis into oblivion. It wil be netales here in enumerate the severat Om- mendations hic have been uniis y estowed on itis est such authors as have since ita publication, taenoccasion to mention his most facetious drama som Ginof them it man o meri not be amisi is noliceri and
Se a letter of r. Chamberi es, dates therioth, Ma et sis, an extruct rem hic containing the a ve passage, hac en inserae in a
oscit, even in the author' time, hia, as e leam reached
Armer, et the commendatio ae .ed on Pedarum Merioundia in asreat meas eo the received opinion of the excellence M a an s. Pediantius de se. undae natio. scilicet haud solus dominabitur Igne M. Batusinis. Rosius alter emi sed eram quoque Rosius anthi, Chronographia. Antequater nos viri μι-tius annos, anomasia. Viri,in clambrae dixi plaudente theatro.
Consen- Jam mihi nam lusidis Ladhuc ludibria usis
Paransmasa Debeόxpressa typis pro scena scheda paratur et Apostrophe Prodeo lectorem pro spectatore ita με Comimratis M6 inest nostrae verborum copia finguae... q. Metaphora Quina histarido Dramaastus turbinni non Mimesis. Equet, at in punctis Armalmius anteit istum. 'bmparatio Lydia nostra quidem Rofabella est pulehrior ii me
meorum praeceptore suam novus lammmus amicam Rythmus. Suaviter affari 3 versu roboante procari,
Polysyndeton. Et falli, ae protrudi in retia discit.
Aureum. Lex Pe utinam decernit semica laurum. Idem expliems, lapplicam Paranomasia. Dum ludor, non hido graves, non, scholarchas, Synathmismus quales, quot quantos habet insula nostra sed,usquam Aporia. biuertiit, anos, nasuto grananiaticastros. Compositio. Blennos, floccaeos, plurasimimus, Duquisivenda . Ingeminatio. Si quis erit, si quis, non fallis regula Mecum Appositio. In numero genere,in casu ponetur eodem.'
Milton in one ophis elegie is Carl Dradate Elegiarum lib. Eleg. I. V. 7, ω seqq. has the soli pwing passage: Exeipit hinc fessum sinuosi pompa theatri,
Et vocat ad plausus garrula scena sucis seu eatus astiditur senior seu prodigus haeres, Sed procus, aut posita casside mam adest Sive decennali foecundus lite pat nus Detonat iaculis barbara verba soro3 Saepe vase gnato suecurrit servus amanti, Et nasum rigidi fallit ubique patris ; gaepe novos illi virgo mirata calores, Quid sitim nescit, dum quoque nescit, amat in Marson, in amore on the linea Sive decennali foecundus, M. t sertia in his editiovis Mute 's poems, s s that Milton probab Meana uis play Imoramus and thaei in the expresson decennali Aeeundus lite, thereis bothesina mandarum. . ina
mn,' and licis fures no iam evidenre es iis orth, tha this comed Morie has preserve fiom oblivion thera meos it author and that but sor sis memoria es his it indleaminia, ita chao remesne ignorant stat Iuchaman
It is tot remar everi stat these, an ali me offer commendations binoweston it, siem principali' fio whesin confine ro ' ira meritis a satire nevenheles it is, etsi ofhigh estimation in respe of thera te, mamrers alid hesentiment alia a se me characters of icti fatueri in aret O viL. Antonius, a Nun man, e Iovier of sub , and R. abella hertas, stat deserve particulis nosce. Betinen me stof the --ns and Ignoramus, the author has drais a very strong and Juclici s contrast Dreamus is represente a both crin and illiterate, totali Mid . urbanitri and in principi a rascat o Whielidast particula he