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in nem Coninger the elder, here mentrones, Was, at the time en r. Rurale made his ili, an for many yearsi ore resor os the parissi os Lamentamcin Saemia. e had formerly been a sellain inst. Iohaes college, Camibri ea an astematas entering into hol or-clers was promotexto a prebend in the cathedral of NH. B a mandate hom queen Elisabeth he was electe master of Magdalen college. Cambri e which, at her equest, an is moid a forcible removes, heastematas resignes; ut seon ater this, he was presented by the eari in ford, the then patron to the rector of L enham in dies in t rear 162a, at the age of seventy--o, and is burie in the etarchahere .here a hand me monument for iam is stili remaining Finer fio m-- the a ove account is tinen says that a stat time Lamenbam eonta,edisine hundred communicanis and that, during the time stat AB. O inger continue resor, o disserence rose among or be-em an of his paristionem hic was notanta means amicis inlines.see Furur' Chures msoo, Book X. p. Ioa.
ristematas hecam master Maiare sarche was electe in the masterilii against his mill an it stems, addshe, that he nce had the tender of a bissioprie, Whic die refused. In the time of the usurpation he was ejecte Domiti mastermi os lare hall, an his ther refermenis; hut in 166 was restored, pomine resignatio of the then masterr Hedie& me time e re the ad of September, 166a; and was a the Mustela Cantabrigiensa cite by mlher, oves his character, a maneminent sordearning prudenoe judment, and pie a and bore his uia xerings, unde seme of whichie lay eightrenaears, Wit great chear- Uulnest. An fit,ill perchance, says miser, e thought no contemptible evidence of his great, in that re bissiops, seu privy-counsel-Iors, wo judges, and three doctor of physic in of which had Men his pupiis in the universi , came in one dant pay him a visit. Maiae si frivs Ofthe ciero, Pari II p. q.I. t in Missiam Lahe was, as appears rom Scotes abies a the areealled), inserted in r. Baher' manuscript collections Vol X. p. 136, a fellois of Clare hali in 161 and is there stiled A. .), and no doubteontinued se at the time a in Rugses mining this stl4 ut Iahois nothinifurther of him. Μr Thomas Par insen appears homine auctorit cite in therrecedingiore, to have been fellow of Clare hali esse in x6xy, and A. mi 16x4-is e played the partis Ignoramus, When stat comed was per med ore hing es. Seetherii os actors, e is inserted. In a6ache was elected one of the pro re of the university, ut ted hesore the expirationi his ossice, and was burie in the parissi churinos St. M aia, in Cambriste, ascis evident rom an extraca inserted in in Ba re' collections Vol XI. o page Regro Eccles Sti ardi it Buriatis in. these oras r. Nomas Par inson, M. A. Allow of Clare hall, and proctor, urita Feb. et, I 62r.' in Richolas Ferramwas esse one of the fello. o Clare hali; ut the atris Cambri emot susting his constitution, hich was ver tender, he in the trai of the princas EIHabeth, then lates marita to the elec-eor palatine, quiues gland an attended her hiones in herbourno o the palatinate, as farras Uerdams after hic he travelle throuisorem mandutast into Stain and returning into Englona was bycte interest os seme totas of sne irginia company an institution hichme have described in a forme note elected in x6a. a member of the ho eis commons, and was one of the three who conducted the accusation against the loes trealare Cransield whicli terminated in that nobis-man' immachment. In 6Es, the plague Vinii London, he remo talis mother, and the rest of her Mustiold, o Bo m in Cambria -
a diligent ita many person too notice of him, and prognosticates that
he would become rich. and amongst these as r. Buller the most celebrate physiciani his time, inhoris usuali style Dr Buller thougherroneousi for in Ba re asseris, in his manuscript collections Vol XXII. p. o that he neve was Doctor This person contracte se great a frie stit with r. Crane, that he not ni sive and die in in Cranae family, ut appoinred him his executor, andiequeat, tohim the greater partis his lisse fortune. r. Crane dita in the montis of mu x6so, an is buried in reat St. Mars church in Cambri siclos is his benefactor in Buller See Fulter' Morthies, Cambri Osire, 6o Fuller relates, stat at his deat heram by his mill nocles than three thousan mund is pious and charit te usis, an mentions a ticulari sommother of his benefactions addingahat, besides these anthis concealed charities, his hand was always ope so the relies of diis tressed myalists. in Thomas male, mentiones a ve, Leonee erio belbe fame .ith in Mati a Gomville and Caius college, ho performe the paris a Gla and Drous o the origines representationis Ignoramus. Se thalis of aestorso fore inserted. Hi nam occurs in rem tables, 61 .among the fellow of Gmitille an Caius colleges an hecis there describe a beingi. A. Se a copy of Stati s tables, in in BalewaΜSS. Vol. X. p. 136. v ne in Par er the of Clare hall, played the partis meus, oncte original performance of Ignoramus. Whether his asine or noti
have no been en led is discover but thin it acleast possibis, and notimprobatae, haesit mira be the fame person. It is by o means certain, r. Ruggis intended by the abo designation in Nomas Lale os London ' It could haesimbe Sse Thomas Lahe who was secretis of state, temp. De Ι. for though homas Mine time os lare tali, an performe the par o viso on the original representationis Ignoramus see the list oraehorchesere inserted an consequently eould notaut be wel known to in Rurale, et haha been nighte o the oth of Μο, 6o see Stomae Chreniele, edit. 16is, p. 8a and the stilinthim in vi id have been theresere properi notinitinanding which, hesis, in the limos actore in Ignoramus,
we have mentione in a forme note p. XV.
Os Iota Brius, horis med in the texi no account has Men. -here nund ali statis have thereformis sanis that in the st tutes of Clare hali is a chapter entille De servitoribus, mi ris ae veribus holaribus νυ discipulis, in nichahe soldoining claus o - Et ordinamus, quod in dicta domo moraturi semper sint scho lares, five discipuli, quatuor idoneii honesti, quos assumi volumus de pauperibus, ut poterint inveniri, maxime de parochiis ecclesiarum quarum dicti magisterin socii sunt rectores Mouod illi ad secundam mensam dictae domus secundum ordinem magistri congrue susten- stenturii dictorum singulorum scholarium sive discipulorum communia pro fingulis septimanis sit octo denariorum.' Se a copyis Clara hallsatures inserte in in Ba er' collections Vol. V. p. 3 r. In anΟ- nex cu of them in the fame colliction, Vol. XIV. p. 57, the bove- mentione in te is entilled Deser visoribus, Mnsris ac pauperiti se ineribus an in his laiter copy the above elaus is oven in the fol- ω-ing mord Item ordinamus, quod in dicta domo, in alioua domo elusilam, seorsum moraturi semper sint decem pueri dociles, idonei, bonem, quos assumi volumus de pauperioribus, qui poterint in- - no xime de parochiis ecclesiarum quarum dicti magister cib- sint rectores, quod illi ad secundam mensam dictae domus, se
cundum ordinationem magistri eiusdem congrue sustententur. Et dic- rurum singulorum puerorum communa pro singulis septimanis sin- gulas septem denis os sterlingorum nolumus quod excedat Bothainpies have esse, in another par of the hapter respectivel abou citia, s aerio .ing injunctio respecting thesei r scholars, with the varia- fimini os vel in one copy, and aut in the other: Nec etiam mittan tu frequenter in villam per magistrum aut socios dictae domus, ue o hoc occasionem habeant a scholis suis citius evagandi, de absen- in an bot coples Iliainis contain, in anoster par of the fame . rato respeElisely the sollowing ord Nullus vero sociorum pro prium, nisi sumptibus propriis, habeat servitorem. These passages it achem iboughi nece sex thus in state, in orde to ascertain the meanis of the ordo some time, poor scholar, ,hicli are usta, thes 3 and Dom these auctorities it is ut reasoh Ie to conclude, stat
doctore, curiae premmiumdantuamus magistro, custode, Moeommissario legitime constituto, tertio die mensis Novemlin. anno Domin millesimo sexcentesimo vicesimo secundo, unimento Tui Palatarino, executolis in hujusmodo testamenis nominati, cui commissa fuit administratio bonorum, jurium, creditorum dicti defuncti, de benei fideliter administrata. M. ad sanista Dei evangelia jurati