Ignoramus : comoedia

발행: 1787년

분량: 461페이지

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and fixed the cori-riosi is is may be so calles, in thera ve-mmed PM venere, liroeeed in relate iis firmappearance in print, an to trace iis progress throum the severat subsequent


of the author . r. Granger, in his Bisgraphiarum re σει anclavo edit. Vol. II.


This notion is Bunde on a traditio that the principal

etaracter in his comeb vas, in me representation thereos

fore hin yames, performe by in Ruggis himselfi but

a refute it, it is enouo to se that a both times in Pama uae, o talare has personate Ignoramus . I may theres eae supposed that the print a nothin more than anides resemblance of a lamer of the time, in suta a gub, and with such - is, as ere prope in his character. It will readit be belleveri considering the circumstances of ita publication, that this fir impression of the comedat

was sar rom. c rect4 ut me errore therein deserve remaria a the are es a singula hi , an serve to prove haesis ove asserteri viE. that it was taendrom the moussis of the

actor so the consist in in instances, of worti similis in bun to those hic it must e supposta in have been ιγhen, as inam Men in the under uen note v. The mani Lerrore in this stin edition of the lanci the best reason stat cani assigne so the publicationis a secon aster se mort an intervallas eight montes at mosts briuch is the fact In his ver many of the error in the

Such sor instance, ac Merrino, for me arranatus, soranatatus aviata, for aviam; te tua. for re tua; ε numeravi, set immeralia η deprehensus sis, for deprehensus scis; . caupones, for ea


forme in eorrected and Arther itus improved by the inser

tion es arguments that insold the subject-mauer of each scene, and enabi the reade to trace, Wit the greatest etae, the con-din of the sol, and the succession es evenis, throughout ita ole drama. But the endemour os the editor of this secon edition. Whoeuer e tot be wer no suscient to correct allthe istam, is a very great number, hic occurre in the former an a thita edition a thereisre publis din the ear 658, hic prosesses, and ascit is bellave Wit greatorum, to e correcte in si hundred places :o fouri appeare in I 639, and another ourth, as it is


It is oris of remata, that this edition professes, in the litte-page, to contain a supplementis addition not hefore publimes the worosare thes Cum eorum supplemento, quae causidicorum municipalium reverentia, hactenus desiderabantur.' The fame passage is continuinalso in the litte-page to the editions of 16s and 1668 neither of them has an suci supplementis addition nor are the ein passagea inhic this contain more than the forme editions, ither se numerous, oris sue a hiia, as at alio an e the above descriptioni and wε ea thereiare es conclude that these ord inere intende to informst reade that these three editions and o indoed do the preceding ones, though no notice is taenis it in thei respective tities containins elicte additions made to this comedy, subsequent to the fir and prior is the second representation, a the est of the comedy, and consequently, that in ali three instances the are complete editions. v this edition two litte-pages ere originali printer one of ich ha tocit, as a morio, in aenigma proposed by Mufinus to Trico in the fixi scene of the secon act, ut o csate of the ear in hiς it

hut init the dat Iro . Donce had in m possession a copy with both tities, hic is the only one Deveriam that had both, o indeta thatha the ille inith the date for the hinder, in ali other instances, appears to have cancelled the uile illi the date, and is have retalae thaather.


lo innitum Ignoramus, a Comed , ascit masseverat Times Medi

Some persens have taen it into thei head that in frontispiee tostis edition though it has nomme torii, was designes at least, is not graisn by r. Hogares; ut this is scarces probable the difference tween his and the forme frontispieces consist only in introductis into the back-ground of this a large number of books than were in the fornae ones. The designiriginalty had nostin in t of that wit rhich distinguimes the designs of r. mgar L and the princi quention differsi, litile rom hos to the forme editions that it oes notdeserve thenam os a ne desim in Hozares ould neve have sub mitte tote se servile a copyist. This editionis 1 31 appears homo dedieation in Latin is lora Oxford, refixed to the large-paper copio, ut is no iners, is have been publime by one Rober Prior, o whomo know nothing, ut conceive him to have been ne of the mersis under-mastersit m --inser school, and the same persion ho, in x73o, compile an pub-li med a collectionis exercises in verse of the scholam nere, unde the

have es re able to obtain certain intelligene eithemto confirmis refute the conjeEture, that this person was also the editor of that editam Magnoramus hicli appeared in 1737. ' The author of this transsation, who is ni potnted out by the initia letters of his name R. α -as undo tedi Robert Codrannon ofwhom Mod in his Athenae Oxonienses, has ove an account in the sol- Io ing effectri Robert Codrington a bor os an ancient an gentrei famil in Ghureferseimes an on the sinis Iris, x6x9, ein thenseVenteenaears of age, and of some monilis standis in stat Muse, as


In I 6 8 another mel, transiation, faecies persin han

the sermer, Maeing mutilated in fundu inflances, an fraudulently bearing the appearance of an Original, a pub

electod demi-sello. o Magdalen college Oxford, and ook in regular

fro his traveis, setve in Norsia, here e married, and live sorseverat years in die qualit os a gentiemana ut at langis retiring to London, he dies ther of the piasue in 166s of the place of his interment Moo professes himself ignorant; ut gives a catalogue of his

worha, among hic he rectans the bove translation, an adds thathe was a 's accounte a puritan, and that in a tract, entilled The

ron inas in author, he has me. himself a ran partiamentere. See Modla Athenis Oxonienses, edit. 692 Vol. II col. 43. In the Biographia Dramatica, art. Codrington, Robert, it is sal that Codringtoninas horn in Glossie ostre, in x6ox. Ed ard Rari Uerin Was descended rom the famil of the Ra referssis of Ministre a family, as he himself in a dedication asseris, soancient, that when illiam the Conqueror came into Englarid, ne of his nobis mante into it Ramensirin Was seme time a member of the iddie Templas ut mitted the stud' of the la. for that fi try, and produced metve dramati compositions the last of hich was published in 1698. Se the Biographia ramatica, are Raven ros, maia, here M is also styla an areant plagiary. an ame, in his aereunt of En is Dramati Poris, edit. 169 I, p. 17, & seqq.gives an account of his plays, and nolint styles iam a politic plagia , but has detecte an poinred out man instances in supportis that aia sertion. finis translationis Ignoramus, unde in titie of g- E et Uer, Lambrim speah in the following te in amω- aer, a comedy acte at the Theatre Royal, and prinred, to Lond. 1678. his play was ritae originali in Latin by R. Rurales, semetime aster of aris in Clare hali in Cambri ae, and was ined seveπal times, wim extraordinar applause, before hini me the first, by the gentieme of that universiity. There M a version, donei a master of aris a Magdalen college in Oxford, printed ea thirty years ago, though transsate some ears e re an bellere r. Ramensere mane more se of that hamo the original; at lea iis the who understan no the Latia, and et would se a me ore this of our aut es ins Mawn in miniature Ma read it unde them a Mitis


ο the authors of these transtations an account is give hacte note nexi precedi , and it remain to speis of the --riis of thei respective translations and the raster, a the sommercis at this time litue known and ver difficult to e met th. It wil however e protota necessar in remare, stat a the la term in this comed cannot Maeniaria inta Ni thout lesing of thei effect nor e permitted is re main in the origines Latin is ut occasioning an aukWardmixture of the two linguages, and wit ut notisia stehinata, ut almo certamu es Min unintelligibi to thoissor hos assistanc suc a version is intended, his comedymust inevitabi suffera ever attemptrio transiate it at all. Not instandin however his dis vantage, and that insem se instances, he has, without iving the reader mynotice, ver disingenuous omitte passage of the origina ichae stem notrio have Merstood and in offers has

ε ille o Ignoramus.' eam besere remarhed, p. ii stat bothi d gloman Langiatae are mistinen in terming the author os Ignoramus R. Ruggles for that his nam Was George Rugo. me follo.ing passage, in in II. c. s. IGNO. Per deos, si unquam posthac, t te Him ire compiniones,'

he thus transsates,

i. Quam erueior Antonium me non amare nunc vel fingeret

Fingendum est, tamen, ut suspicione libera ad illum aufugiam Facilius, si ad I Oramum ducar. in hese ordar moin muct am Prementia stat Antonio doctiso Iove mel that he mines no so much as an inem os laverunt me, althoughi mere


os the auctor of the somne of these transsations that he bas preserve more of the satire, an eve of the wi and hu- mour of the original, stan coaed mellae ex Esed, and thath - should again underi e to transsare it, ould Magreat dissiculi in render me passages, particulari thois mentioned in the margin, Wit a greate degre es accura that he has stewn or intorio good Englis a the transsator has made iis es diste pur se .


Υhemerit of menstrast' transsation is by no mearis eques to that of Codrinon's; it does no pro sis in si titi page to M a transsation an in faxit is amatalagment of Ignoramus, it sim alterations and in hos part whicheones.on sit me origines Latin the writer is suspected in

Mye made more se of the forme versio than of the ori

gines Latin'. In the alterations Mich he has made, he has

notme solio Μ are the wotas in hic he has transsared the verses,

operas qui volet utibiles, usque exerceat opere. Corpus itemin animum corrumpit otium,'

Perissi foras .eli as me. a Raman Ut ho everi consesses in the prologue that it .as a C-Mid , and was originali a Latin plays and in the epilogue, he Vastat it passed the censure of hinc mes. That Ramenseros has made se of Codring - transsation isi rond c ubi for in in III se xa, the verses, Multa vini virtus animo, multusque recursat mentis honos haerent caponis pectore vultus, .lach are thus renderedan Codringuis' transsation, The generous virtve of the wine I find And the tooth s valour running in m minα

- ves stili dwellipo the capon's Meast 'And the follaining line, O mihi post nullos, perdui, memorande sodales l' ita Codringtominu translates,


Nautae. Farther, he has altere many of the scenes, and added offers that degenerate into. Arce particulari one atthe end in hichise introduces Posia illi aletes of hoe Water, threatening to scat an stat oppos Rofabella o herinterest. But notWissista in these an otne objectio sto hic it is liable, and of hic indelicac an inde-Cenc Me no the least ' severat editions of this latae version

Convivae memere tui fortasse perire, in hora non meruit tam Pretiosa morie

me ciun nauest perchance deservi to salu But thesesso precious esset nolint assci' mali, in Ramos Urs, renderia in the very fame . ds. In suppor of this assertiona mali no med nor do I mean is produce many instances, though many might e producta, ut shal eontent mystis .it observing that in his verso by Ramenserin theterm os coissest abuse occur so frequenti D more estpeciali in the speechea o Cupes and Polla, that the suis .it the character of Obloquu in Μαειν. cimitationis S aesar, of -- M says thau

, The laxwas publi&ed in duodecimo, in the year 736.